Chapter 62

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Charlie POV

Fidgeting with my rings I tried not to look at Sydney, feeling super insecure in short sleeves. Taylor gently grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on my knuckles trying to comfort me. Eventually Sydney put the pieces together and spoke up "I'm not judging you for your scars. You don't have to be anxious Charlie. I've seen the fact that you wear the undershirt during shows, I knew they were there, I didn't judge you before did I?" Slowly I moved my head up to look at her "No. Fuck I'm sorry this is just weird." I mumbled the last bit and they both looked at me confused as we ate our food "Why is it weird love?" Taylor asked me. "Because I-well like I told Sydney I'd stop and I didn't. I wasn't going to. But then you came along and found out and I did and it's just weird okay?" I sighed out, now frustrated with my lack of understanding my own discomfort. Shooting Sydney an apologetic look she shook her head. "I'm here. I'm not judging and I'm not upset." She reassured, clearly knowing where I was spiraling. To distract myself I took a sip of the ice water on my coaster, suddenly realizing how hard it was to eat tonight. It wasn't that I wanted to starve myself again, I just had no desire to eat. Taylor seemed to pick up on it, rubbing my knee comfortingly. Eventually conversation went to 1989. "I mean this in the most respectful way possible, you were fucking brutal in 2014 my lord." Sydney spoke up and Taylor chuckled "That's what everyone has been saying. Though if it wasn't a vault track I would've thrown in a fuck or 20." Playfully i slapped her arm "you totally would've." I chuckled before an intense wave of sickness crashed over me. Looking at Taylor I gave her the signal that I wanted to go home and she trusted me, explaining it to Sydney before getting the check and heading home. On the way home I burst into tears from the pain in my stomach. "Tay it hurts!" I cried out as I stuck my head out the door to throw up. Taylor gently rubbed my back as I sobbed into her shoulder, the pain indescribable. Not only was I incredibly embarrassed because of the cameras I saw filming me throw up, I was also feeling horrid. "Oh love, do you need anything?" Taylor asked me and I managed a shrug "I don't know. That was so embarrassing." I mumbled. "Why do you say that my love?" My beautiful girlfriend prompts. "When the driver pulled over and I stuck my head out the door, people were filming me Tay!" I began to cry again. Gently Taylor shushed me "Princess it's perfectly normal to throw up sometimes. Your gonna be okay, it'll be okay. We're almost home, I promise." She cooed in my ear as I sobbed, most definitely soaking her shirt. This is gonna be a rough night

Hi! I'm sick right now as well as a teacher I have is being well tbh, a bitch and mistreating me a lot as well as abusing her power. So I'm dealing with some shit. Suggestions? Opinions?


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