Chapter 63

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Taylor POV

As I stirred the soup I heard my baby cry out from the bedroom. Rushing upstairs I saw her laying on the bed sweating, heating pad on her stomach and a trash bag clutched in her right hand, now considerably full. "Darling, did you vomit?" I questioned carefully, trying not to startle the girl. "Sorry Tay" she sobbed and I followed her line of sight to see a puddle of vomit on the bedding. "No baby it's okay, do you think you can bathe? I'll handle the bedding don't worry." I cooed as I took the trash bag from her hand and tied it shut, adding it to the other smaller bags in the corner. Ever since we got home from the restaurant at 10 PM last night she'd been in horrible pain. "Yeah. Im sorry I'll buy you more, I didn't mean to, I tried to make it to the bag." My girlfriend cried and I rushed over to her, picking the weak girl up and carrying her to the bathroom. "No no baby, it's perfectly fine. Do you know how much shit this bedding has seen? Some literal shit from the cats included in that. I'll wash them and it'll be perfectly okay." Charlie sniffled and nodded. "Now, bath or shower?" I questioned her and she pointed to the shower, relying on me to help her get situated on the shower bench. "You gonna be okay? I'll be back in 20 to check on you I promise but your phones just on the counter, text me if you need me." Charlie mustered a weak smile as she turned on the water and I left the room, stripping the bed and throwing it into the washing machine, putting on my spare set (rich people shit idk) in the meantime. I walked back into the bathroom to see Charlie hunched over in the shower, vomiting again. I ran downstairs to see the soup I'd abandoned cold, though that was none of my worries as I grabbed a Powerade and ran upstairs to Charlie. When I got back up she'd gotten out, putting on pajamas that already seemed to be drenched in fever sweats. "Hi my love, drink some of this for me okay?" I whispered, seeing her eyes start to droop. Although I did have to hold the drink for her she managed 3 sips before asking if I could carry her to bed. "I'm really weak Taytay. I'm sorry, I know it's a lot to ask." Though I shushed her and lifted the frail body into my arms, tucking my girlfriend into the bed and watching as she fell asleep, a thermometer in her mouth which I wasn't sure she was even aware of. 102.5 it read and I sighed. Making some calls I took the week off, rescheduling a few concerts so my darling could focus on getting better. Charlie's face was scrunched up in pain while she slept which made my heart ache, knowing at this rate whatever this was, wouldn't be going away anytime soon.

Hi! I'm so sorry for my inconsistent updates, life is shit tbh. Suggestions? Opinions?


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