Chapter 19

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I feel so sick rn so if this doesn't make sense I'm sorry

Also, let's pretend Charlie wrote Timebomb by Charley

Taylor POV

When we got home Charlie immediately made a nest of blankets and pillows on the couch. "What movie do you want to watch baby?" I questioned as I microwaved some popcorn. "Well I was wondering if we could watch Girl, Interrupted?" "Hun, are you sure you can handle that? It's not an easy movie." I asked worried. She was already so fragile... "Yes Tay I'm sure." "Okay, if your sure. C'mon, help me carry the popcorn and drinks" I grabbed the popcorn bowl, leaving the wine to Charlie. About halfway through the movie Daisy's scene came on. I watched Charlie for a reaction, immediately shutting off the movie when I saw her pick at the scabbing on her wrists. "Sweetheart, come back to me, c'mon" I spoke rubbing up and down her arm in an effort to bring her out of whatever trance this is. Eventually she stopped but instead began to cry. "Why do you like me? I'm such a burden!" She sobbed into my neck. "Baby it's okay, your not a burden. You are stunning and talented and one of the most pure sweet people I've ever met." I cooed trying to calm her down. Sure the movie had triggered me a bit too but Charlie was my first priority. Eventually when Charlie had calmed down I guess she noticed. "Tay? Baby, are you okay? Shit did Girl, Interrupted trigger you too?" I nodded a little bit. "Why didn't you say anything? If you knew it would trigger you I wouldn't have put it on babe." She asked me. I shrugged, feeling ashamed that after all these years I still can't watch some stuff. "Tay, your important too. What can I do to help?" "I don't know." I mumbled. "Well uh, I know you heard me singing the other day and when you were at the studio I used your guitar and wrote something. Do you want to hear it?" "Yes yes yes!" I practically squealed. Charlie laughed and grabbed my hand and guided me to the bedroom where she sat down next to me with the guitar and began to sing

It's 4AM
You're sleeping on me
I miss your blue eyes
I know this will be
A sad core memory
A few months we'll say goodbye
Why does time race with you like jet planes
What do I to make it stop
And isn't it bittersweet that 7 days
Is just the right amount of time it takes to fall in love?
Cause every minute we're dancing
Every moment that's passing
Every second that's gone is
One second less 'til our ticking time bomb
And every time that you kiss me
Means you're closer to leaving
Every second that's gone is
One second less 'til our ticking time bomb
I hear it go like
Sirens, explosions
My world is broken
But I think you're worth the pain
She looked at me and said "fuck I love your hands
Your hair, the way you speak
I get fucking weak in the knees, I hate that we
Had the right amount of time it takes to fall in love"

Charlie sang, a smile on her face. When she put the guitar down I kissed her passionately. "Your so beautiful and talented my god."

Hi, I did change a few lyrics in the song but left most the same. Do you guys want more Taylor mental health stuff or keep it focused on Charlie? Suggestions? Opinions?


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