Chapter 59

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Added TW: sexual assault on a child

Charlie POV

"He assaulted me. When I was about 8. It was after a dance recital, he came back to help me change which wasn't abnormal considering how busy our parents were, he was the only one who'd come to them. He told me, he said we'd um-he said he wanted to play the fire truck game." I explained in the car as Selena drove and Taylor sat with me in the back. "The fire truck game?" Taylor asked, confused. "The rapist puts their hand on your leg, slowly moving up and says to say red light when your uncomfortable. When you do they say fire trucks don't stop at red lights and keep going." Selena explained from the front and I just nodded sadly. "He did it more after that, he got progressively worse, more invasive. If I tried to get him to stop he'd hit me." I explained carefully, looking down at the floorboard. "I'm so sorry Angel. How is he a doctor?" Taylor asked me and I sighed "I never reported it. My mom and Dad were working 24/7, he was all I had. A rapist or not, even my 8 year old self knew if I reported it my parents would side with him and nothing would come of it or it would come out that he was basically caring for me and I'd be taken away from my parents and where would I go then? I so regret not reporting it. But statue of limitations ran out plus I have no proof, just CPTSD from it." I explained carefully, fidgeting with the edge of my bandage. "Is that, is that why you cut? Or one of the reasons?" Selena asked, voice breaking. "I guess. That was one of the reasons um, today. Why I cut the inside of my thighs. I felt his hands on me, god it felt so gross. I had to get them off, I needed him off me!" I began to cry again and Tay wrapped her arm around me, letting me bury my face as I sobbed. "Charlie baby, your okay. I need you to take a breath, he can't hurt you. He'll never lay a finger on you again, I promise." Sitting up a little I looked at my girlfriend, sniffling "Mom said that and he still did it." I got out shakily "If he even tries to hurt a hair on your beautiful head I will personally ruin him, I promise darling. Now I need you to breathe, take a breath for me baby girl." Taylor prompted and I did what she asked, body still shaking from anxiety. "My legs hurt. Can we maybe stop by a store and get some Advil?" Selena gave a thumbs up from the front before cursing under her breath "I'll do it since there's Paps. Anyone want anything else?" She asked and we added on a few snacks before she shut the car door and went inside. "Charlie? Didn't I just get more Advil a couple days ago?" Fuck. "Um I uh, yeah you did. Uh, shit. Fuck it, I tried to kill myself after the paparazzi incident. By taking a shit ton of Advil. I felt so bad not even an hour later I ended up throwing them back up."

Hi! Things are just getting sadder and sadder. I went and saw the eras movie tonight and goddamn am I WIPED but it was SO GOOD. Suggestions? Opinions?


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