Chapter 68

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Charlie POV

I sighed, wiping my mouth and standing up from in front of the toilet. The smell was rancid and it took everything in me not to throw up again just from that alone. I washed my hands and brushed my teeth, dabbing water under my eyes to hide the puffiness and then hoped in the shower which had been running so long the water was cold. I washed my hair quickly and got out, slipping pajamas back on and joining Taylor on the couch for movie night. She didn't know that I'd started throwing up my food. I couldn't eat the food and couldn't bare to hurt Taylor like I was. Even if she thought I didn't know I heard her up late crying every night. Crying on the phone to her mom, bathroom door shut to try and prevent me from knowing. "Hey baby! You okay? You seem off." My girlfriend questioned, wrapping her arm around me and tucking my legs under our shared blanket. "I'm great Tay, excited to spend the evening with you." I told the girl, pecking her lips with a fake smile on mine. My stomach felt unbelievably empty and I wanted so badly to tell Taylor what was going on, that I needed help. When Taylor and I's fingers intertwined I suddenly noticed how bony her arm had gotten. Brushing it off I decided to offer to get us drinks, to which she declined. "Oh I don't really want anything." She'd claimed and again I allowed it, not wanting to think she was in the same boat as me. The movie began to play on the TV and I noticed where Taylor's eyes kept settling, her stomach. Yes, we were watching the Reputation stadium tour. What can I say? I wanna admire my girl. Giggling when my favorite Rep song started I turned the volume up and dragged Taylor into the middle of the room to dance and sing. "Taylor baby c'mon, sing! I wanna hear you" I begged and pleaded, eventually getting my girl to cave. I paused the movie and wrapped my arms around her neck, slowly swaying with her as she and I sang New Year's Day together. When we finished and moved the furniture back, I curled up against her, listening to the steady beat of her heart. Although I kept glancing into the kitchen I opted not to fill my fat self, the voice in my head being much stronger. The right voice. We cuddled for a while until she noticed the small cuts on my fingers from where I'd been sticking them down my throat. "Darling, please tell me that's not what I think it is." I grasped her hand tighter and made eye contact, her electric blue eyes now a sad grey as tears welled in them. "It's not baby, it's really not what you think it is Taylor. I had to separate a marshmallow war, you know how it is." I lied and looked down at my hand, noticing how bad of a job I'd done to hide the marks or avoid them at all. That's the one downside about this. That and I have to leave. Before I hurt her anymore

Hi! What's going on with Taylor(in the fanfic)? Has she really been crying about Charlie? Or maybe something else is wrong....


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