Chapter 33

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Taylor POV

Looking at my girlfriends wrists I felt my heart shatter. That's when I made the decision. If she's okay with it, we're going public. Immediately I called Tree, stepping out of the bedroom. "Tree? Hey, do you think we could meet somewhere private?" I heard the woman agree faintly over the phone, clearly she stepped away briefly. "What about the conference room at the studio?" She proposed. After we set a time and said our goodbyes I headed back into the room to wake my girl and tell her where I was going. "Baby girl? Wake up sweetheart c'mon, just for a second." I cooed gently rubbing my finger on her cheek to wake her. Once her eyes fluttered open I told her where I was off to, hoping she comprehended it despite her sleepy state I picked her lips and headed off. Once I made it into the conference room I found Tree already there "So Taylor, what was so urgent?" She questioned and I sat down, nervously fidgeting. Finally I blurted it out "IwannagopublicwithCharlie" she nodded her head and smiled "I knew you'd want to eventually. As per usual we have to think about the possible outcomes. Does Charlie want this as well or is this meeting a pre measure so you can just do it right then and there when she agrees?" I nodded "the second option. And I think I know the outcomes. I'll do anything for my girl, you know I will." Tree nodded, her smile only growing. After discussing all the outcomes I headed home, getting ready to ask Charlie. When I walked in I found my girl on the couch in one of my hoodies, cuddled against a blanket of mine. Squatting down I woke her "miss me Angel?" I asked and she blushed but nodded. After she sat up I sat on the now empty cushion, letting her cuddle into me. "Baby? I want to know something. Do you want to go public?" She looked up at me in shock "I mean yeah, I'd love to. But is that something we can do?" I nodded, my face breaking into an uncontrollable smile "Let's do it baby." I pulled out my phone and began to type

Taylorswift13: Hello all, I have a huge announcement. As some fans have already speculated, I'm not straight. I've recently realized that I am bisexual. Although this information may come as a shock to some, you guys are like my best friends so I feel you should know. I have also begun dating a girl who I care for more than words can express. @Charliethedancer and I have been together for a while now and decided to tell you all. Please respect our privacy and treat Charlie well. She is my girlfriend and I will not tolerate hate just because you don't like that we are both females. For those who are willing to stay by me, you mean everything to me.

With lots of love,

And happily posted the message. Within minutes it already had over a hundred comments. Some shocked, some hate, and some congratulations. Charlie and I spent the rest of the day cuddling happily knowing we didn't have to hide this anymore.

Hi! Here's another chapter! Suggestions PLEASE!! Opinions?


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