Chapter 58

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Sorry, you know we needed more sad

Charlie POV

Shit. No no no no. I didn't just do that. Looking down at hip and inner thighs I indeed saw bleeding gashes. My hands began to shake as I felt panic wash over me. "Charlie beautiful, give me the knife." Taylor? Why is she home? I looked up to see Taylor and Selena standing there. Didn't Selena go home? I dropped the now bloody knife into the sink and sat on the floor, head in my knees. Sobs tumbled out of my mouth, teardrops hitting the ground. My legs hurt so fucking bad but I didn't want to stand, knowing I'd have to face the women next to me. Blood drops pooled under my legs and next to me until Taylor kneeled down and pulled my head up "Darling, I'm gonna send Selena to get a first aid kit, okay?" I nodded, tears flowing freely. Taylor gestured for Selena to get the kit and she returned in a few seconds with the box in hand. When Taylor took the box she gently began to clean the cuts on my hips which made me hiss in pain and cry out "Tay stop it hurts!" I cried out and Selena kneeled on my other side. "Charlie look at me, don't look over there. Your okay I promise." She gently reminded me and I complied, turning my head. I kept sobbing, and Selena rubbed my arm, trying to comfort me without being invasive. "Charlie baby, im gonna use steri strips on these because they are really deep okay? Then I'm just gonna bandage them and we'll move on to the other spots, kay?" I nodded and felt her begin to press the strips on and then bandage them. Looking over to her now she offered her hand to help me stand. "Can I pick you up and put you on the counter?" "okay." I managed in a break between sobs. Taylor carefully moved me to the counter and squatted down, prepping to clean the rest of the wounds. "Fuck. Charlie baby, I think you need a doctor." "No no no Taylor please! They'll try and send me to a psych ward! I can't!" I was panicking again. Selena jumped in at that. "Taylor, what we're gonna do is hold pressure for 15 minutes and Charlie if that doesn't stop the bleeding you will need a hospital. We will make sure that they don't send you to a psych ward okay? Your just gonna get stitched up. That's all that would happen." Selena explained carefully and I nodded, helping Taylor hold a wash cloth on the wounds. When they didn't stop my girlfriend convinced me to go to the ER. When we got in the doctor was a man I'd hoped to never see again. "Charlotte?" My brother questioned and I just nodded. "Can I please have a different doctor?" My voice was shaky as I feared what he'd do to me, although the logical part of my brain knew he wouldn't jeopardize his reputation. "On it. Dr. Whitney?" He called and a young girl came over just as he left. I dreaded having to explain where the marks came from but even more dreaded explaining who my brother was and why I feared him so much.

Hi! I honestly don't know if I've ever said much about her family but if so, sorry for confusion. I'm 25 days into recovery from my eating disorder today. Suggestions? Opinions? What do you think will happen next?


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