Chapter 51

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Selena POV

My eyes were torn from the broken girl on the couch to my best friend, who appeared just as bad. Taylor's hair was messy, her eyes half open, dark bags under the usually striking blue eyes, and puffiness clearly indicating she was crying. Charlie's eyes welled with tears again, as did Taylor's. "Charlie I-I didn't mean to hurt you. I just, I was worried that you were just exhausted, and didn't really mean it. I've been wanting to say those 3 words for months now" the blond stopped and let out a quiet sob "And I don't know why when you were ready, I couldn't say them. I'm so sorry baby. I understand if you don't forgive me, I shouldn't have done that." I could see the guilt screaming in Tay's mind. Charlie took in a shaky breath, "I-Tay I don't know if I can forgive you right away. I need you to prove to me that you aren't gonna leave me, not like everyone else." I reached over and put my hand on Charlie's knee. "Okay. I um, would you want to do something? Anything I promise. Whatever you want. It can be just us or you can invite someone else? It's all about you. Anything for you to forgive me." My head turned back in forth between the couple. I knew how hard it was for Taylor to believe that people truly love her, and could see how genuine her apology was. Charlie clearly knew as well, but I also knew she had trouble trusting people. "Yeah, I'd like to just have a night in." Charlie's voice was hoarse and shaky. "You two need time to yourselves. I'm gonna head home but Taylor, earn Charlie's trust back because boy does she love you and Charlie, Taylor loves you too even if she can't say it. It's not that she doesn't love you, she's scared." I told each girl, grabbing Taylor's wrist and making her sit next to Charlie. However, when I grabbed Charlie's arm to move her closer she winced. Turning my head slightly to try and see Taylor I watched her eyes widen so I didn't say a word, given it was more Taylor's place than mine to talk to her. Seeing myself out I crossed my fingers inside the pocket of my faux leather jacket, praying that they'd make up given how much they each need each other.

Charlie POV

Looking at my girlfriend, tired and fearful she began to speak. "When Selena said that I'm scared, she's right. Ever since my first boyfriend, even my first best friend, they always say that they love me, that they won't leave, and they do. I love you so so much Charlie, I'd do anything for you. When you said it, I started to wonder if that meant you were gonna leave just like everyone else who's said those words. But, darling I love you to the moon and to Saturn. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I know you have trouble trusting people, I know how hard that was for you to say, god I'm so sorry I did that. I heard you sobbing. I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me, I love you forever and always Char. I love you, and I'll say it everyday if it'll fix this. Hell, I'll say it every chance I get, just because I can, if you'll let me. Will you let me?"

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