Chapter 27

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Taylor POV

Once all my friends had settled down I got their attention. "Okay, I have something I want to tell you all. However, I need you to keep it to yourselves as it's quite personal. Selena you can do whatever since you already know." Sel nodded and left the room. "So I've had a lot of boyfriends over the years. I never really settled down with them and I figured out why recently. I like girls. Right now I don't know if I'm genuinely attracted to men but I am to women. And I have a girlfriend. Do you guys want to meet her?" I questioned and they all nodded. "Charlie baby!" I called and the girl came in the room a few minutes later, wearing a hoodie of mine. "Hey baby love, this is Sabrina" I introduced, the blond nodding and waving "Gracie" she smiled and gave a small wave "and of course Abigail." I finally introduced my best friend since childhood. "Hi everyone, I'm Charlie." She spoke quietly, barely audible. Abigail seemed to pick up on her nervousness, scooting over on the couch to give Charlie more space next to me. Charlie slowly made her way over and rested her head on my chest, playing with my rings. "So, how did you two meet?" Gracie questioned. "I'm one of her dancers on the tour. You two are amazing openers by the way." My girl commented, still shy. "What? How did we not meet?" Gracie was perplexed "I keep to myself usually. Until we started dating." Charlie started to become a little more comfortable with Gracie. "So you dance? For how long?" Abigail asked and Charlie closed up a little. Rubbing my hand up and down her back I grabbed her hand and squeezed it 3 times. After showing her Abigail was safe Charlie answered her question. "I couldn't live without dance, I've been doing it my whole life." "What's your favorite style?" "I really do enjoy the variation of backup but my favorite of all time has to be lyrical." My heart swelled watching Charlie become more comfortable. Selena rejoined the group, occasionally asking Charlie questions. When Selena was talking to Charlie I caught myself staring at my girl admiring her. Hearing a stifled laugh I looked at Abigail. She mouthed "You are so hopelessly in love." To which I reached over and punched her shoulder. "Hey hey now what's going on over there!" Sabrina jokingly scolded. Charlie whipped her head around and seemed concerned. She leaned back into me and I leaned down to whisper in her ear "Abigail was just teasing me about how I'm head over heels for you baby girl. Nothing to worry about" after having sensed her fear. Charlie was pretty much entirely turned into me now which I didn't mind. Abigail seemed to have also sensed her worries and mouthed to me "All good?" To which I nodded. We kept a casual stream of conversation before starting the movies.

Ngl I don't wanna write the movie marathon so I'm not gonna. So we're skipping over that bc I fucking can🤪. Suggestions? Opinions?


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