Chapter 52

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Charlie POV

Even if my mind was trying to convince me Taylor would leave, I knew she wasn't lying. "You love me?" I questioned and she nodded "promise? Promise me you aren't lying. Because I'm gonna be honest, my mind is saying you are." I sighed and scooped up Dibbles. "I promise. I went out last night and I got you something, I felt so bad." I couldn't help my eyes lighting up when Tay said that. "Can I see it? Please!" Taylor giggled "of course love, I'll go grab it. Wait here." Taylor came back a few minutes later carrying a gift basket with a throw blanket, slippers, my favorite candy, a sprite, and my all time favorite movie Miss Congeniality all with a little bow tied on the top and a Polaroid of Taylor and I. "Thank you baby. Can we watch it together?" I asked, holding up the DVD. "Of course Angel. Why don't you get comfy and I'll go make some popcorn?" Taylor stood and went to the kitchen. A mischievous idea popped into my head, "what if I hid and scared her?" I giggled to myself and slipped behind the TV table. 5 minutes later I heard Taylor come in "Charlie where" I cut her off jumping out from behind the table. A screech could be heard as I lunged at her, tackling her to the couch and tickling her sides. "CHAR BABY" she screamed laughing "STOP" I shook my head "Not unless you say I'm the best girlfriend ever!" Taylor continued to squirm and laugh, face becoming flushed "CHARLIE IS THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER" I stopped and kissed her face, "Thank you! Now let's watch that movie." Taylor chuckled. We cuddled up and hit play, rewatching the movie I'd made her watch a few more times than once. Sure I could recite practically all the scenes but that never ruined the joy of it. I felt my sleeve come up due to a cat pulling on it which made me tense. I didn't bother hiding it because I knew that Taylor would find out eventually. "Babygirl, let's pause the movie and get you cleaned up, yeah?" I simply nodded and sat waiting for her to get the first aid kit. When she began to clean your cuts she looked up at you. "I know your still probably a bit hurt. But can I ask why you did it?" Taylor questioned as she carefully wrapped the bandage. "I don't know. I think it was wondering if we were done, over. You've introduced true happiness to me Tay. When we fought I was so scared that I'd lose you and without you, I lose happiness in general. And um, well the words......" I trailed off, tearful eyes meeting the striking blue ones I could get lost in. The blond knew I meant "fat" and "alone" that I'd cut into my arm, even if I didn't say it. "Your neither of those things love." "I know, but...." I trailed as the striking blond tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Taylor kissed my cheek "I'll be here always to argue with that demon that tells you those things. Leave my girlfriend alone!" Tay growled in a funny voice, pointing at my head.

Hi! Running low on ideas atm and I'm sick. Tryin my best to keep getting parts out but no guarantees. Suggestions? Opinions?


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