Chapter 71

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Charlie POV

Sighing I slid out of Karlie's bed and put my clothes back on, gathering my belongings and leaving the model's house. I felt used, gross. Karlie wasn't the only girl I'd slept with in the past month. As I made my way to my apartment, 3 blocks away, I noticed paparazzi swarming a bench. Figuring it was an actor or something I ran over "Hey! Fuck off!" I shouted and shoved all of them away before seeing who it was. I almost didn't recognize the woman, fragile and empty seeming. Before she could look at me I ran in the other direction, going home as fast as I could. She'd be better without me. I had also taken time off from the tour because I couldn't bare to see my now ex girlfriend. When I collapsed on my bed my phone began to vibrate and I picked up the call, Selena. Sure, she's technically Taylor's best friend but we'd grown close over the 8 months Taylor and I had been together. "Hey Charlie, how are you doing?" She asked through the phone and I sighed. "I'm fine Lena don't worry about me. I uh, I hate to ask this but is she okay?" My voice shook. "She" was a reoccurring conversation topic, meaning Taylor. "As okay as a girl who lost the love of her life can be. I'm gonna say what I said yesterday Charlie, you really hurt her, please for the both of you, get back together. You love her and she loves you." Selena tried convincing "No I can't do that. She's-she needs me gone." No, Selena had no idea that Taylor wasn't eating. The only person that I had told was Andrea and it wasn't my place to tell anyone else. "Your fucking Karlie." Selena spoke after a few moments of silence, venom laced in her voice. "It's-I uh well...." I stuttered out and heard Selena clicking her tongue. "You bastard. I fucking told you what Karlie did to Taylor! Why are you fucking her?" Selena shouted down the phone making me jump and almost lose the phone. "I'm sorry Sel, I didn't mean for it to happen. She was at this bar and I was drunk and I thought she was Taylor and so we fucked and I don't know, it's a reoccurring thing now. We don't even talk Selena I promise. I don't like her. I just need to fill the hole." I mumbled the last sentence. "I don't give a fuck! You need to get your shit together and realize that Taylor fucking loves you! And you bloody love her! She is not better without you and I need you to grow the hell up and quit saying that! I don't know what you found out before you walked out on her but you broke her! Yet, somehow my best friend is still willing to forgive you. She still wears the promise ring...." I swallowed tears. Selena's never yelled before. Sobs fell out of my mouth repeatedly so I hung up and sobbed into my knees. The cuts on my arm burned from pressure but I deserve the pain. Why even bother with recovery anyway.

Hi! Here's this. Love love love Selena so this isn't accusing her of behaving this way irl, it's for the book. Suggestions? Opinions?


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