Chapter 60

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Taylor POV

"You, you tried to kill yourself?" I asked the girl straddling my lap. She looked down ashamed "Yeah. I'm sorry Taytay, I tried not to but...." I felt a tear hit my clothed thigh. "Darling I'm not mad. Shocked maybe. Mad? Never. Princess, I love you so much. Have you told your therapist about your brother?" I asked, kind of trying to switch topics. Charlie had tucked her head into my neck again, avoiding my face as I felt tears hit my lap and shirt. "No I can't, I don't even want to say the word. She'd look at me different." Charlie explained as I gently rubbed circles on her back. "No she wouldn't darling. How about this, at your next session I can come in with you okay? I'll stay however long you want me to stay." "Please." My girlfriend said as Selena got back, bag in hand. "Alright! Chocolate bar for you two, Advil for Charlie, and trail mix for me." When Sel brought out the Advil I felt Charlie tense. "Um, Selena? I uh, shit I don't think I can take a pill right now. If you hand me that..." she trailed. Although my best friend seemed confused I just took the Advil from her and got 2 out for Charlie. Selena seemed confused when she saw how Charlie stared at the bottle in her hand "what's wrong?" My girlfriend looked up at me as she took her pills. "Charlie, she tried to commit suicide by overdose on Advil. So when she saw the bottle..." Selena finished my statement "she started thinking about it again. I'm really sorry Charlie, I don't know if this does anything but I had no idea, I wish I'd noticed. You know that you can come to me too right? You have more than just Taylor." "I know but i just have a hard time reaching out to people in general. I have a handful of people that I consider my 'safe person' but anyone else I just have a hard time. I'm trying really hard to trust you though. Give me time. I'm getting there." Selena had begun to drive now "Can I ask who your other safe people are? I just want to know that you have a support system." "Taylor, and one of the dancers from Tay's tour." This made my head turn to look back at her. "Which one?" "Sydney." "Oh okay. She does seem more protective over you." I replied and Charlie nodded "she saw my cuts a few days before you did. She was gonna tell you, I'm not sure how I convinced her not to. But you found out anyway. Can I ask you something babe?" My girlfriend whispered and I picked her cheek, nodding. "What would you have done if Sydney told you and not me?" That made me think. "I don't know. I mean, i think I would've panicked to be honest. I'm glad that I found out directly. I didn't know you very well before. I'm not sure what I would've done had Sydney told me. Do you wanna invite her over sometime?"

Hi! This is really bad I know but I'm going through a lot right now and this is the best I can do for the time being. You guys make my day but my theater director is being really hurtful to me and so I've just been kind of down in the dumps. This is more of a rant than I meant for it to be I'm sorry. Suggestions? Opinions?


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