Chapter 42

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Taylor POV

I could read the panic on Charlie's face. When her breathing rate began to pick up I signaled for the interviewer to cut the mics. "I think we need to step out for a minute." I explained and he nodded understandingly as we left. Once the door was shut I calmed Charlie down before asking her what she wanted to do. "I don't know. On one hand, people will figure it out. They already have, he's just asking as a formality.Why not just agree and get it over with? But on the other hand, maybe they haven't. Maybe they won't. It can still be rumors." I nodded. "Um, okay I, can I like sit with you?" She stuttered and I immediately took her hand and nodded "My love, of course you can. Have you decided?" She nodded "I'm gonna say it." I pressed a kiss to her cheek before we went back in. Charlie and I pulled our chairs together. "Okay, so Charlie?" The interviewer prompted and I grabbed my girlfriends hand. "I'm sorry if it takes me a minute to get this out. The scars on my body that can be seen in that damn video, wait can I cuss?" She asked and the interviewer laughed and nodded "fuck yeah! Anyway, those scars. As I've already seen, some people pointed out how perfect they were. That's because they are self harm scars." The girl hid her face in my neck, where I could feel a few tears fall. Rubbing her back gently I gave a thumbs up to the interviewer. "Wow, thank you so much for sharing that Charlie. Taylor, how've you been?" He changed the subject and flashed a reassuring smile. "I've been alright. Some issues here and there but who doesn't have a bad day sometimes? The tour has been amazing obviously." "It's clear how much fun you have performing. When did you fall in love with being on stage?" "Honestly? I can't think of a time where I didn't absolutely love performing. As some people already know, I was a theater kid growing up. I think that speaks for itself. The feeling of being on stage, it's this indescribable euphoria." "I think I know what you mean. You say music has always been your passion, do you ever get tired of the fame?" "Sure, I get tired a lot but I'm not sure it's possible for me to get tired of doing this. Since I was little this, fame, has been my dream." Charlie was able to compose herself. "And Charlie, when did you know for sure than dance was gonna be more than a fun childhood thing?" I knew how much my girl would light up talking about dance. Internally thanking the interviewer I watched her answer. "That's a hard one. Honestly, I think when I was about 10. Someone pointed out how unnatural it was that I was willing to work for dance classes. Right then, that's when I realized that dance wasn't a hobby anymore. Dance became my career path right then. I started making connections and doing absolutely everything I could that day." "So, I may or may not have looked on your socials. You post a lot of routines you choreographed, where did you develop such an amazing talent?" Charlie's smile seemed to grow exponentially. "Gosh, thank you for the compliment. Honestly, I can't give myself the credit though. I had a mentor in dance. She's asked me never to share her name publicly but she was about 6 years older than me. I'm not sure when she learned to choreograph but when I was 10 and she was 16, I happened to see her choreographing a solo while I was cleaning. That's when I approached her about teaching me the basics of choreography. We worked together for years until I signed to Ariana's tour in 2012." "Do you ever see her?" The interviewer asked and that's when Danielle knocked on the door, perfect timing.

I know your probably wondering who the fuck Danielle is. She's not a celebrity, she's an OC like Charlie. Suggestions? Opinions? Also update on my friend, they still aren't doing well mentally. Please keep them in your thoughts.


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