Chapter 5

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Charlie POV

As I cleaned my wounds I sobbed, my mind unable to not think about Taylor. Once the bandage was taped on I stood, not sure where my legs were taking me but allowing it. The moment I stopped I realized I was at Taylor's room. Checking the time I made sure it wasn't too late and knocked, only expecting Taylor. "Hey Charlie, what's wrong? What happened?" She asked sympathetic at my tearful face. Why had I come here? That's when I saw someone else, her Mom. Fuck. "I uh-never mind. I'm gonna go." I mumbled, preparing to leave, only to hiss at a hand on my side from the doorframe. "No hun don't worry about it, I'll go. You need Taylor right now." Andrea told me, leaving before I could object. Taylor guided me in her room. "No one else is here love. You can tell me what's wrong." She gently spoke. "Shit. I was trying, I really was. But I just couldn't not. I cleaned them but I feel like I should tell you." The words jumbled together but shockingly, she knew. "Okay. I appreciate you telling me. So, a few things to chat about. 1, how do you want to deal with my mom hearing you wince and figuring it out?" Shit. Andrea. Right, she pressed right on a deep one. "You can tell her I guess. Tell her to keep it to herself." My eyes scanned the bare walls, looking for something; anything to focus on rather than the blond. "Alright. 2nd, can I ask why your so distrustful? I mean you know my mom, yet seemed terrified of her finding out anything." That's when I knew I'd have to tell her. Growing up I lost a lot of people. "Well, when I was a kid let's just say home wasn't the best. People left me a lot" I told her and she nodded thoughtful. "But last thing being, let's get to know each other? I know we've been touring for a while now but you tended to spend time alone a lot. I want to know more about you, good and bad." Taylor flashed a smile. Deciding to start with the basics I began "Well uh, I've been doing dance my whole life, my parents didn't have the money after I turned about 8 so I volunteered at the studio to pay for it. What about you? When did you start music?" I asked and she shrugged "I don't remember a time without music." She chuckled. Should I come out? Can I really trust Taylor? "So, what's your favorite song?" She asked and I blushed "....Endgame" I mumbled and she giggled. "So your a fan then" "Maybeeeeee. What about you? What's your favorite song?" Taylor thought for a moment "I'd have to say anything Girl in Red or Lana Del Ray." Gay? No way. "I have a question for you. How would you react to someone being LGBTQ?" She shrugged "Accept them for who they are. Doesn't matter who you love. Are you gay?"

Hi! Shitty day again so another chapter. Suggestions? Opinions?


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