Chapter 3

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Charlie POV

Making my way to my mark for The Man I felt a wave of dizziness come on, making me knock into Taylor. No one else seemed to notice but we locked eyes. I mouthed a quick "Sorry!" To which she shrugged "Break" she mouthed back. I followed what she said, given she's my boss and stepped to the side to sit and sip water. When I'd finally regained full stability I noticed Andrea watching me. Discreetly she managed to get me outside the room. "Are you alright? I saw you and Taylor's exchange." She asked and I nodded, hand on the wall from fear of losing vision again. "Yeah I'm okay. I got dizzy but I'm alright." She flashed a small reassuring smile "Alright. Rehearsals wrap in a couple minutes so why don't you go ahead and grab your stuff, head wherever your going next." She suggested. I opted to listen to Andrea, slipping inside and grabbing my things, turning around to find Taylor sipping her water. She discretely slipped a hotel key into my pocket and mumbled a quick "head on to room 130" and went back to wrap rehearsals. I made the walk to her room, unlocking the door and heading inside, feeling very awkward. I was only standing in the entry for a matter of seconds before the door opened again and revealed the blond I was waiting on. "Sit down wherever." She told me, resting a hand on my shoulder. I sat in a small chair, Taylor taking the seat opposite. "So, do you think you can tell me what you'd be willing to eat?" "I can't eat anything Tay." I grumbled back, upset she was trying to fatten me more than I already was. "Yogurt or an apple." She offered the options. Shaking my head again she forced the apple into my shaking hands. "Taylor, don't make me do this..." I began to plead, the beating of my heart speeding up. "1 bite Charlie. Just take one bite love." My boss tried to reassure. Uncertainly I took a tiny bite, instantly wanting to gag. After swallowing it I tossed the apple and began to dry heave, feeling the pounds of fat coming back to my body. As I did so over the carpeted hotel room I felt a warm hand on my back "Shhh Charlie your okay. It's alright. Your gonna make yourself sick, breathe." She cooed into my ear, now level with my hunched over frame. Gasping for air I finally stood back up, leaning on the wall. "Why? Why did you make me do that?" I asked her sadly. Shouldn't she know better than anyone why I can't eat? We were one in the same....right? She said she was like me once. So why doesn't she get it? "Why don't you get it?" I cried softly and she sighed. "Charlie, I understand more than you think. Your still in the tunnel and I came out the other side." She responded sympathetic. We remained in silence before she brought up a dreaded topic "Charlie....are you hurting yourself?"

Hey! Here's chapter 3! Suggestions? Opinions?


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