Chapter 76

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Andrea POV

I sighed when I heard the door open and loud crying flood in. That's when I realized it wasn't just one but 2. As I made my way to the entryway I saw Charlie crying and repeatedly slapping Taylor's hand away when she'd try to comfort her, making my daughter cry too. Knowing I needed to separate the couple but shouldn't let either be alone, I made a quick decision to take Taylor's phone and call Selena, so Taylor would be on FaceTime while I talked to Charlie and vice versa. "Taylor, Charlie, go in the living room. Teffy dear, give me your phone okay?" I questioned as I held my hand out. Taylor silently withdrew her phone from her back pocket and handed it to me, tears still streaming down her face. The pair made their way in the living room and knowing I couldn't let them be for long I quickly called Selena Gomez, knowing both girls trusted her. She picked up on the second ring and the moment she saw my face, her smile dropped and turned into one of worry. "Selena? Hey, something happened between Taylor and Charlie and I can't figure out what. I know they shouldn't be alone so would you be able to stay on FaceTime with each of them while I talk to the other?" Taylor's best friend nodded and I walked into the living room, seeing the once lovey couple on opposite ends of the couch. Every time Taylor would try and approach Charlie, the girl would cry harder and my eldest would return to her original spot. "Teffy? Go upstairs and talk to Selena for a bit." I handed the phone to my daughter and she went upstairs. Once I heard a door shut I looked at Charlie. "Dear can you tell me what happened?" "This, this man he came up to me and he he said that Taylor was cheating on me! That I was no good, that she spends every night complaining about me. I love her!" The fragile girl sobbed and I knew how alarmed I looked right now. Taylor? Cheat? She wouldn't. "I was I was gonna propose soon...." I heard the girl whisper out and my heart shattered for her. "Dear, can I hug you?" I asked and she nodded frantically as she collapsed a sobbing mess in my arms. Once Taylor's girlfriend had calmed down some I asked her a question "did Taylor seem to know this man?" "No she she didn't and he was all up on me and and" Charlie took a deep breath to calm down. "One thing at a time dear, no need to get worked up. What happened next?" "I started crying and Taylor started apologizing and then she, she slapped me!" Charlie sobbed and my heart dropped. "She slapped you?" I questioned and Charlie nodded. Looking at the girl now I saw a faint handprint on her cheek. "Oh dear I'm so sorry. Taylor! Come down here!" I shouted and my daughter came downstairs, still on with Selena. "Charlie, take Taylor's phone and go upstairs and talk to Selena for a bit. Taylor dear, we need to talk."

Hi! Cliff hanger again! Sorry lol. Suggestions? Opinions? I'm exhausted.


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