Chapter 61

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Flashback with Sydney bc she looks comforting

Sydney POV

Laughing with Charlie we watched the bloopers from the tour, though I froze when I saw her shirt come up. Gasping slightly I paused the video, which made her turn to look at me in confusion. When she saw where my eyes were she quickly pulled the hoodie down and began to fidget. "Your cutting yourself? Why?" I questioned and she teared up, shaking her head a bit. "No it's nothing, ignore it." I watched her breathing pick up a bit. "Char, pick up your shirt." I ordered, cringing at how stern I sounded. She did what I asked, revealing the ends of agitated cuts all mostly hidden under her pants. "And roll your waistband down." "No. Syd you don't want to see them. I promise, you don't. Forget you saw them. It's better that way." "No Charlie please. I'm not upset, I just want to help. I won't be mad at you or grossed out if that's what your worried about. I don't wanna threaten this but if you refuse I will go tell Taylor right now." I narrowed my eyes a bit to show I was serious and she gulped, finally doing what I'd asked. She had tears falling down her face when she revealed the full extent of her injuries, cuts lining her waist. "Can I?" I asked as my finger got closer to her waist. Charlie sniffled and gave me a small nod so I ran my finger over the scars and new injuries. "I don't really know how to do this. Are they uh, clean I guess?" My voice wavered a bit, laced with confusion and worry. The dancer next to me shook her head. Then she looked out the window and started to talk "I feel bad I'm confusing you so I'm gonna explain best I can. I cut myself because I'm struggling, badly with my mental health. They aren't clean because I don't think I deserve to not get an infection. Please Sydney, don't tell Taylor. Don't tell anyone." She begged and I nodded a bit, sighing. As wrong as it probably was to keep this a secret I couldnt bare betraying Charlie "Promise me you'll try to stop? Promise me." I noticed as the dancer didn't meet my eyes when she agreed. "Charlie, hun, you don't have to do it alone. I really do want you to consider telling Taylor or someone else. If you decide not to at least let me help you." I spoke as the dancer sobbed into her hands next to me. "I'm so fucking embarrassed! This is so stupid!" She cried out. What am I gonna do?

Hi! I'm not a fan of doing flashbacks but here's one. Idk why but to me Sydney and most of Taylor's dancers look comforting if that makes sense. Suggestions? Opinions?


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