Chapter 53

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Charlie POV

Giggling happily I carried the paper in my hands as I made my way into the tattoo shop. Despite my nerves I kept my head up, excitement taking over. "Hi! What can I do for you?" The tattoo artist questioned. "Hi, I've got an appointment, under Charlotte?" I spoke and she nodded, leading me to one of the chairs. "So what are you wanting to get done?" Trying to keep my nerves in check I held out the paper "uh, do you do tattoos around scars?" My voice shook a little. "Yes we do. It looks here like your wanting these....stars? Around scars?" I laughed "yeah my girlfriend drew those. She isn't the best at drawing stars but I love them. So, could you tattoo them around these scars?" I asked as I rolled up my sleeves. Although the artists eyes widened slightly she nodded. "I can, are you wanting a matching tattoo on both arms or slightly differing?" "Slightly differing." The artist nodded and made the stencil, placing it and beginning the tattoo. I was wincing heavily but tried not to focus on the pain. "Your Taylor Swift's girlfriend aren't you?" She finally asked "Yeah I am. She's the love of my life. I'm surprising her with this tattoo. How'd you know?" The artist laughed "her attempt at drawing stars is quite distinct." This made me chuckle too, successfully distracting me from the pain. The tattoo was finished quickly and I successfully dodged paps, getting home and seeing Taylor asleep, cuddling with Benjamin, a hoodie of mine pulled over her frame. Gently I shook her, the blond's head shooting up "Am I late?" She mumbled sleepily. "Darling it's Charlie, wake up for me Tay." I cooed and she slowly opened her eyes. "G'mornin baby." She chuckled, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. "I've got a surprise for you." I said, rolling up my sleeves to reveal my new tattoos. Gently Taylor traced the scars. This was the first and only time I'd let her see the scars when there weren't new cuts to be bandaged. When she began to trace the stars I'd asked her to draw that morning I smiled "you drew stars around my scars." I whispered, embracing my love in a passionate kiss. Despite our fight weeks ago, we both knew that this was it. Andrea was the person to separate us, coming out from the kitchen causing me to jump and fall to the ground. "Jesus fuck Andrea!" I shouted, laughing. "Sorry Hun. I made vanilla cookies, do you want some? Oh! What's that!" Taylor's Mom asked me, gesturing towards the tattoo. "Stars, do you like dem?" Taylor answered for me, making all of us laugh. "That's adorable Charlie, truly. Like I said when you first got together, you are made for each other." She said over cookies. We continued to talk until Taylor looked at me "I'm going back on tour soon." And I felt my heart start to race. My scars? Shit shit shit.

Hi! Here's this! Planning on making Taylor's chai cookies even though I've never had chai and I'm super picky because well it's Taylor. Have you guys seen the pictures of her and Travis? I love them. Suggestions? Opinions?


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