Chapter 10

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I have a crazy ex girlfriend so here's another chapter bc what the fuck is happening in my life🤪✌🏼

Taylor POV

"Mom, I don't know what to do. How do I ask the costume people without telling them?" I practically pleaded to my mom. "Honey I don't know. You may just have to convince Charlie to let you tell them. You could always say the dancers are gonna be cold in these next locations?"  She suggested and I nodded, fixing my hair before leaving to go talk to costumes. When I walked in I was greeted by a little girl "Hi! I'm Eliana! Do you wanna see my drawing I made of you?" She asked excitedly to which I nodded, trying to match it. Although she couldn't reach my hand very well due to my being in heels and her only being 5 at oldest and quite short she grasped my finger and led me to a small table on which sat a drawing of a stick figure with a hat and glasses I quickly recognized as the outfit I wear for 22. The little red head was practically bouncing on her toes. "Oh my gosh! I love it! Yknow what? I think I know exactly where this goes! Right there!" I spoke enthusiastically as I set the picture as my lock screen. The little girl was beaming now, wrapping her tiny arms around me before running away, excitedly shouting about how "Taywor" liked her drawing. Within a few minutes a woman I recognized to be the main costume designer emerged with the girl I now knew as Eliana on her hip. "Oh hi! It's not everyday you come see us. What's up Ms. Swift?" She asked and I chuckled "I already told you Paula to call me Taylor, my mom is Ms. Swift. Anyway, I came to talk to you about getting the back up dancers either long sleeves to go with their costumes or one specific dancer an undershirt? She gets cold easy and I'm worried about these up coming locations given the beautiful but light costumes they wear." I told her and she nodded, sending Eliana off somewhere. "Yes we can do that. I'm not sure how feasible an undershirt would be but I think we can figure that out given the Vigilante Shit outfits aren't super good long sleeve. Who is the dancer?" She asked "Charlie." "Alright. Yeah we can do that. I'll figure it out but we might want to hold her off tonight if I can't get it done since it's gonna be quite cold." That's when an idea popped into my head "If you can't get it done, I think I might have an alternative. We could use the extra jackets of mine that I have and give one to every other dancer and just make sure Charlie is in that group." "Good idea! Alright well I'll let you know how it goes and thank you for being so kind to my little girl. She absolutely adores you and her dad brought her to visit me today. This has absolutely made her week you have no idea!" Paula smiled appreciatively "It's not a problem, she's adorable truly. If you ever need someone to watch her for a little bit let me know, I'd be more than happy to." I told Paula and watched her smile grow as I walked out and went to see if Charlie was awake.

Hi! Super bored but not tired so here's this shit. Suggestions? Opinions?


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