Chapter 65

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Taylor POV

Although Charlie believed I was oblivious, Sydney and my mom told me as soon as they realized she was starving herself again. Holding onto Charlie's waist as she was now next to me, pretty much hiding from view of everyone else. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I didn't wanna worry you. It's just a diet this time I promise!" She sobbed out quietly. "Darling, you and I both know that's not true. Tell me, would you have eaten dinner had this not happened?" I asked her gently and she shook her head, ashamed. The girl continued to cry into me for a while until I gently sat her up. "Charlie baby, please take a few bites, just 5 bites okay? That's all you gotta do." "5? No please no! Taytay please that's too much!" The girl began to panic and plea. "Charlie? 5 is a really small number, how many minutes do we have for that change your always complaining about being too short?" Sydney spoke up and I could tell it helped. "5. Okay, I uh, I'll try." Charlie sighed and began to fidget with the food. Me and the other three tried to keep up a flow of conversation and Charlie joined in sometimes, usually not though. My girlfriend squeezes my hand which made me look down at her, immediately letting her into my arms when she took her 5th bite. I felt small sobs against my shirt but didn't say anything due to Charlie having expressed how little she liked being vulnerable. "Charlie dear, are you alright?" My mom asked from across the table. A quiet sniffle was audible before Charlie sat up fully. "I'm alright. I uh, fuck it. This sucks and to be quite honest I am mad at you right now Andrea." My girlfriend spoke quick and matter a fact. "Okay dear. You can be mad at me all you want as long as your safe and healthy." My mom assured and I sent her a smile. "I'm sorry Char. I did convince Andrea to tell Taylor. When you showed up to rehearsal so shaky, I had a feeling and then when I saw you change chewing gum pieces I knew." Sydney spoke up, clearly feeling guilty "No no none of that. Even if Sydney hadn't come to me I would've called Taylor tonight." My mama chimed in and i stifled a chuckle, that's how she is, won't let anyone be mad at each other. I felt my girlfriend tense up again. "I really didn't mean to. After that virus I just lapsed into not eating since I couldn't keep jackshit down for so long. And then when I realized how good the hunger felt and the fact that I would lose weight and be pretty, I started doing it purposefully.""Darling your so beautiful." I whispered to my girlfriend and she shook her head "No I'm not Taylor, have you seen yourself? You see how I get when we're doing stuff, I'm not as beautiful as you and you know it." She replied, whispering the  piece she didn't want my mom hearing. I felt my cheeks redden at the mention of sex in front of my mom. But I quickly got back on topic. "Angel you are quite literally, an Angel sent from Heaven. Your so beautiful, stunning even. And very very sexy." I smirked when I said the last sentence, knowing full well my Mama and Sydney heard it.

Hi! I'm getting back into updates. Would you guys be interested in an attempt at more suggestive chapters every once and a while? No direct sex but you know what I mean. Suggestions? Opinions?


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