Chapter 66

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Eeeee I'm trying my hand at a different kind of writing, please skip if this makes you uncomfortable, it's just cute couple stuff


Charlie POV

I giggled tiredly as Taylor carried me to the bath. Our sweaty skin stuck together and she smelled like flowers and sweat, a strange combination that oddly made me love her more. "How do you feel baby?" She questioned as she climbed into the large tub behind me and began helping me wash, my body still being a bit weak from the euphoria of moments prior. "Tired and not sure I'll be able to walk tomorrow." She laughed "I'm glad I made you feel that good darling. You know how much I love showing you how perfect you are." My cheeks darkened a bit as I washed my hair and Taylor washed hers. "Sorry for the marks Tay. They're literally all over your neck." I said quietly, a little worried about how my girlfriend would react given I did go a bit overboard. "Don't worry baby, I like people knowing I'm yours." She responded, kissing my neck again. I couldn't deny the sheer bliss that washed over me as I quietly moaned her name. I couldn't deny the wonder if we were going to continue our fun right then and there as Taylor's fingers ghosted over my bare body, never once touching the spots she knew I wanted. As the blond sucked on my sweet spot I moaned again. Suddenly she stopped all touch and drained the tub. "Taylorrrr" I whined at the lack of touch, now undeniably needy. "Another day sweetheart. You and I both know you couldn't take another one tonight." She smirked which made me blush at how well she knew my body. Taylor quickly put on pajamas and picked me out of the tub, helping me get dressed and going to change the messy sheets in the bedroom. When she returned Taylor quickly scooped me into her arms again which made me squeal. My warm body was pressed against hers as we walked into the bedroom and she helped me dress before disappearing, only to return with the cookies we'd abandoned for a different kind of eating (I'm cringing) and 2 glasses of water. "Here angel, don't let them harden, we already left them down there for a while." Taylor spoke, joining me under the covers of our bed and handing me cookies. "Thank you baby. C'mere I want cuddles!" I demanded jokingly with a pout present on my face making her laugh "okay sweet girl. Eat your cookie first and drink some water, your probably dehydrated." She said sternly and I did as asked, cuddling into my girlfriend afterwards as she finished up her cookie and turned on a show for us to watch. Once Taylor had put her plate and cup on the nightstand she turned over, allowing me to be the little spoon as we cuddled. Despite it being almost 4 AM we talked for a while, our bodies in total bliss from the hours we'd spent together.

Hi! Ew I hate this sm. Also my friend reads this apparently😭. So uh, hi I guess? Anyway, do you guys like this shit? Suggestions? Opinions?


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