Chapter 2

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Taylor POV

Making eye contact with my mom she gave me a small nod so I went over to Charlie "hey, I need to talk to you. Privately." I told her and she nodded, following me to a conference room. "Look, you have an eating disorder. I know it, you know it. Please, let me help you Charlie" I practically begged, keeping my hand wrapped around hers to make sure she didn't try and run. "I don't have an eating disorder, I'm just on a diet okay?" She spoke, exasperated. "And do tell, what is it that your eating?" I responded. That's when I knew she was cracking. She took in a shaky breath "Vegetables. Water." She whispered, avoiding my eyes which made me realize it was a lie and she was breaking. "Let it out Charlie. It's okay. I'm not gonna judge you." I spoke gently and that's when tears streamed down her face. She began letting out sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She kept repeating. Carefully I embraced her, shushing her gently "shhh it's okay it's okay. Let's sit down okay?" I felt her nod so I backed over to a chair and sat down, Charlie still crying into me. "Calm down love your okay." I whispered in her ear as her sobs died down. Once she'd finally calmed down enough she sat up and wiped her tears, standing up and sitting in her own chair "Oh my god I did not just do that..." she mumbled and I chuckled "Don't worry about it." To which she gave a small smile "Thank you, for um that. Your not gonna tell people or like kick me off the tour are you?" She asked scared to which I immediately shook my head "No no no definitely not. Do you think you can tell me when this started though?" She shrugged "probably when I started to do backup dancing. It really was originally just a diet." "Always is." I mumbled. "I cut out soda, then sugar, then snacks, and so on. I don't know what to do anymore Taylor. I don't want other people figuring out why I'm stumbling. The other dancers, your parents, I just can't." She started panicking again so I put my hand on her shoulder "Breathe Charlie. Your okay. My mom does already know, but she's not gonna judge you or tell people either. She went through this with me yknow?" To which she gave a tiny defeated nod. "How do I get out of this Taylor? I dug a hole and I can't get out of it." She asked me and I felt my heart shatter into a thousand pieces at that statement. It was like seeing me. Like looking in a mirror. "That's what I'm here for. Whenever your ready, let's get rehearsals done, and then we're going back to my hotel room to talk." I laid out the plan for her. She took in a breath, wiping her smeared makeup off and catching sight of my tear stained hoodie. "Don't worry, I'm taking it off." She smiled "Thank you for this Taylor."

Hi! SOOOO busy with school and I should be asleep right now. I'm not, but I really should be. Opinions??


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