Chapter 162

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  Kui Xiaohua doesn't want to, she really likes those clam oils, not only the paste inside, but also the box outside. She planned everything, and then the clam oil ran out, and she wanted to keep the outer box for things she liked.

  Miss Li saw Kui Xiaohua's reluctance, so she begged bitterly: "Flower, my favorite flower, you can give me one evenly, just pick the box you don't like the most and give me one.

  " Xiaohua murmured, "I like them all."

  Even though he said so, he still gave one to Miss Li. As for these clam oil boxes, she really likes them all, and she can't tell which one she doesn't like, so she only picks out the one without pearls on the shell of the box.

  Just like this, Miss Li was still so happy, she hugged Xiaohua and said a lot of good things.

  Kui Xiaohua was filled with emotion for a moment, thinking that when her brother-in-law first started his business, she still remembered how to win over Miss Li's personal maid, Luwan, and said a lot of good things. As a result, now, it is Miss Li, Lu Wan's master, who pleases her personally.

  With Kui Xiaohua's current status, Miss Li doesn't think there's anything wrong with doing this. Although Kui Xiaohua is just a little lady, now that the Kui family's family business, Kui Xiaohua is famous in the entire Dishui City, and no one in those centuries-old families dare to underestimate her. When she went to Fu Yin's house to give a New Year's gift, it was inconvenient for Mr. Fu Yin to receive her a little lady, so Mrs. Fu Yin received her personally.

  So it was very natural for Miss Li and Kui Xiaohua to act like a baby and beg for mercy, and they didn't feel that there was any lowering of their status at all. On the contrary, her family was very happy that she made friends with Kui Xiaohua.

  This is the first year that Kui's family lived without Kui Wu at home, but it's a pity that no one in the family missed him, and everyone only talked about Qing He. The Kui family didn't want Kui Wu, and Kui Wu didn't miss the Kui family at all.

  He only thought about his husband in his heart, counted the saint's rewards, and after putting things away, it was evening and it was time to eat again.

  Dinner was relatively simple. After eating the leftovers at noon, I made three or two dishes for evening food. After all, Aoi's family will have a New Year's Eve dinner later.

  After the meal, Mrs. He Si and He Man asked to wash the dishes, and he didn't argue with the two of them for the spoon in Qing He's hands.

  The kitchen of Kui's house was not cold in the first place, but it was even warmer today because of Chinese New Year. There was always boiling hot water on the stove. The fireplace in the living room where they eat is also lit, so there is always hot water, so there is no need to save this hot water, or keep it for drinking.

  He Man couldn't help sighing, "Aniang, Kui's house is so nice, you can use hot water wherever you want. If

  we have our own home in the future, we can use hot water wherever we want, so that we can wash rice and vegetables or wash vegetables in winter. The clothes won't freeze your hands."

  "Miss He." Liu Shu waved to He Man, who glanced at her mother, saw that her mother didn't look at her, and ran out secretly.

  "Here." Liu Shu opened his hand, and there was a white kerchief lying quietly in his hand, which contained sugar and various snacks, etc., "Eat it."

  This sugar is not a good thing in Kui's house, and each Snacks such as biscuits, pastries and broad beans are placed in the hall to eat casually. But the He family was embarrassed to eat. There were snack plates in Liu Shu's house every day, so he secretly wrapped them and delivered them to He Man.

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