Chapter 120

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  "Then you come!" The man said, "Anyone who is not convinced is welcome to come. Anyway, as long as you can eat a liter, the drink fee will be free. You don't need to pay for it, I'm afraid What!"

  Those who were hesitant when they heard the price said so, anyway, as long as they drink a liter of wine, they will be free of the price of the wine, what are they afraid of, and what does the price of the wine have to do with them?

  An old alcoholic said: "Okay, I'll go when the time comes. I usually can drink three liters of wine, but I'm afraid of eating your one liter." Someone who knew this

  alcoholic said: "I know him, he is my neighbor, he is A big wine bag, if no one cares about it, you can drink it from morning to midnight. Ouch, when I meet him this time, Kui's Restaurant will pay for it." The

  clerk shook his face arrogantly, "You don't have to worry about whether you pay or not. Anyway ,

  you just come and eat, and our master has all the money!"

  After speaking, the man sat back on the mule cart and urged the mule to move forward slowly. After walking about a hundred steps, another man stood up and continued to shout the same words.

  On the second floor of a restaurant, two gentlemen in brocade clothes sitting by the window happen to have a panoramic view of this scene.

  Both of them were officials of the Yongqi Dynasty. Sitting by the window on the right is the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple——Zhu Lei, the fourth rank, in charge of offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple. Facing the window on the left is the chancellor of Dali Temple——Qi Qing, from the sixth grade, in charge of the review of judicial cases reported to the imperial capital from various places and continents.

  The two are drinking buddies and met because of wine. At a royal banquet, they were not convinced by each other. They fought until they were drunk, and became friends when they woke up.

  Zhu Lei withdrew his gaze from watching the excitement, and said with a smile: "The owner behind this Kui's restaurant has some propaganda methods."

  Qi Qing said: "It's just that the brain is not very good. As far as I know, we imperial city people can't drink enough. Not much, the amount of one liter is not even close to the entry level of an alcoholic."

  Qi Qing asked again: "Will you go that day?"

  Zhu Lei drank the wine in his glass in one sip, "Go, why not, anyway, I have to go and see what kind of wine can make Kwai The family has blown it like this, and the asking price of two taels of silver per liter is really daring. I won the drink, and I don't want his good nectar, but this wine is fine, and I have fun drinking it." Qi Qing said: "

  Okay , then I'll go too, and we'll have a good comparison."

  "Okay, it's a deal. The loser will have to drink the wine for a month."

  "No problem."

  Such sweeping seems It's hard for Zhou Youqian to know about the publicity.

  Shiro ate the ice cream, and said heartlessly: "This Kui Fulang is quite capable. It's only been a few days, and after this wine, I have researched other wines for him. This wine is delicious enough. The Kui family only sells one hundred and eighty yuan a liter, but the fine wine costs two taels of silver a liter. It's even better when you think about it." Seeing

  his cousin's stupid look, Zhou Youqian wished he could slap him in the face. in ice cream. Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, you stupid idiot!

  Shiro didn't know that his elder brother was scolding him to death in his heart, so he still ate and drank leisurely, "Big brother, are you going to the Kui's restaurant on August 3rd? I really want to see if his wine is really as intoxicating as advertised, and it can be downed in one liter. You know, I still have one liter of alcohol." "Hehe...

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