Chapter 94

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 When the fat woman didn't say that, Qinghe still had no idea. After all, Xiao Tong did die after eating his family's milk powder. With so many eyes watching, he couldn't fake it, and he couldn't

  deny it. But Qinghe is sure that her own milk powder must be fine, and the child is the fat woman's child, no matter what the fat woman is, she should not harm her son with her own hands. So Qinghe thought a lot for a while, so that he didn't argue immediately.

  When he was thinking about it just now, he wondered if some other businessman was jealous of his business, and took advantage of the chaos to throw poison into the milk powder bowl that the children ate. Women and children are ordinary people, who would be vigilant, even if they touched the bowl, they would not think about it. So much so that he drank poisonous milk powder and died.

  If so, Qing He and Kui Wu would not be able to speak clearly even if they had ten mouths. No one saw anyone throwing poison, and that person just entered the sea as a loach, and he would never be found. But people died on the stall of his family, and it is hard to escape the blame.

  But now that the fat woman said this, Qinghe realized something was wrong.

  Qing He could see clearly the fat woman's attitude towards the little boy, but she dared not say her heart was sharp. Now the fat woman was lying blatantly, without guilt and with confidence, and it was this that made him realize that something was wrong. This is not the attitude of a mother who loves her children.

  If the woman is the kind of mother who loves her children too much as he imagined, then no matter how absurd and incomprehensible the behavior is, it is still love. Since it is love, seeing the sudden death of the child she loves, the mother will panic, and may suddenly regret what she has done. What's more, it is possible for those who are extremely extreme to come and fight Qing He.

  But none of them can talk and act in an orderly manner like a woman, and even try to impress people with the deep feeling of licking the calf that everyone has, and use people's public opinion to bias her.

  These things are too methodical, definitely not something a mother who has just lost her beloved son can do. Therefore, this is a conspiracy that has been carefully designed and may have been rehearsed countless times.

  Only then did Qing He realize that he was limited just now. But it is impossible for anyone to react all of a sudden, especially if it is a mother harming the child. At this time of panic, it is extremely valuable to be able to find flaws through the various subtle performances of the meticulous designer, and it is enough to stay calm in the face of danger.

  Qing He turned her head to look at Kui Wu, and sure enough, he also reacted.

  The two only had time to exchange a look, and the servants rushed over.

  It was Hu Dazhi who took the lead. Hu Dazhi was a frequent visitor to the Kui's stall, but at this time he acted as if he didn't know Kui Wu and Qing He.

  He said: "Who is the head of the Kui Family Xiaosi? Someone reported the case. The Kui Family Xiao Si ate someone to death. I will take a group of people back to the yamen for questioning under the order of my lord." Kui Wu just stepped forward at this time

  . , came forward and said: "I am the owner of Kui's Xiaosi, please take me to the Yamen to answer."

  Hu Dazhi said: "There are still victims, let's go together."

  But the fat woman grabbed Qinghe, Crying: "He is also the owner of Kui's Xiaosi, why don't you arrest him, are you going to let him run out to give gifts and ask someone to find a relationship, so as to kill my son for nothing. People collude between government and business to protect each other."

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