Larry One-Shots and Sick/hurt...

By itsgonnabemay5

783K 13.4K 5.2K

This is my book of fluffy Larry One-shots and sick/hurt fics. (Okay, mostly just sick and hurt fics). ;) More

Harry-Sick-(For Contest)
Opening for Requests!
Upcoming Fanfic and Trailer!
Love Sick (Harry)
Harry Sick at the Studio
Hurt-Louis (Snowday)
Just a few things
Louis-Sick at the Concert
Harry Wakes up Sick
Thank you!!
Harry Falls off the Stage (hurt)- Part 1
Harry Falls off Stage-Part 2
Louis Fakes Being Sick
Harry's Sick, Louis Doesn't Believe Him
Harry Tries to Hide Injury
My New Book!
It's up!
Most Requested Live
Louis's sick, Harry doesn't believe him
They are Both Sick
Thank You!
Lilo Kiss- jealous Harry
Football Injury-Louis
Strep Throat-Louis
Lactose Intolerant-Louis
13 Facts about Me
Harry Catches Louis's Sickness
Accident on Stage -Harry Hurt
Louis Falls off Stage
Louis Faking-Harry Finds Out
Pyramid Collapse-Louis
It's Gonna Be May!
Harry's Sick but Louis's never home
Niall's Sick, Louis Faking?
Broken Arms-Louis
Niall's Prank
Sobbing Harry, Louis comforts
Abused Louis
Chest Infection- Louis
Rollercoaster Sick- Louis
ATV Crash--Harry
Food Poisoning- Harry
Request Guidelines
ATV Crash- Harry part 2
Harry-Flu- No one believes him
Gang Kidnapping-Louis hurt
Camping- Both get sick
ATV Crash-Louis
My New Book is Coming!
Go Read it!
Knee Surgery-Louis
Secretly Sick-Louis
Louis Sick After a Fight with Harry
Stranded and Beaten-(Louis)
They Breakup, Louis found unconscious
Harry Gets Shot
Louis Drowns, Harry does CPR
Back Pain-Harry
Boys push Sick Louis too far
Harry's Attacked by Fangirls
Haunted House
New Book!
First Chapter is up!
Louis's Sick While Harry's Away
Harry Needs CPR
Louis Has a Seizure
Management yells at Larry
Management Yells at Larry Part 2
You Choose
You-Choose Fic (Louis Falls From a Tree)
Harry Faking
Please Read!!
Larry Gets Mugged
Management Yells at Larry Part 3
Louis's Sick on Christmas
New Sick-Fic Book
Harry-River Accident
My Sequel!
New Short Story (Larry)
Both Sick, Louis gets Laryngitis
Harry's Sick, then Fakes it
Louis-Struck by Lightning
New Larry book (Bullying)
It's up
Vitamin 'D' Deficiency-Louis
Sick and Injured-Louis
New Book (Stolen Moments)
Locked in and Hungry-Harry
Corn Maze- Harry Hurt
Halloween Party-Louis's Sick
Horse riding Accident-Harry
Carpool Karaoke- Louis's Sick
Christmas Crisis-Louis (and Niall) injured
Scouting/First Aid-Louis
You Choose #2
You Choose #2: Soccer Accident-Louis
Torn ACL-Louis
Christmas Lights Injury-Louis
Harry Hurts Louis
Skiing Crash-Louis
Louis's Abused by Management
Hurt Ribs/Asthma Attack-Harry
Stage Diving Fail-Harry
Kidnapped and Beaten-Larry
Pool Accident-Louis
Haunted House Injury-Harry
Hit by a Car-Louis
Building Collapse-All Boys Injured
School Shooting-Louis
Harry Wakes up Injured and Confused
Y/N- Shopping Injured, Harry Helps You
Pain-sharing AU (Larry)
Lifeguard Harry and Drowning Louis
Louis Slips on Ice
Harry Gets Mugged at Knifepoint
Slipping in the Rain

Food Poisoning-Louis

6.4K 131 44
By itsgonnabemay5

This is a request from thefurryturtle14 . Hope it's what you wanted and hope everyone enjoys it!

The boys were in Africa for the day, spending some time with the little kids. The children were so excited to see them. They were showered with so much attention. Harry had one of the little boys on his lap, bouncing him on his knee. The boy was laughing and giggling and holding on really right, trying to stay on.

Louis looked on at Harry and smiled. He loved how much Harry loved children. He hoped that they could adopt kids one day. It was something they both hoped for in their future. Harry caught Louis staring and gave him a shy grin.

The day was hot and humid, their t-shirts soaked under their arms from the heat. Louis couldn't wait to get back to the UK so he could take a shower. Harry stopped bouncing the boy to wipe the sweat from his forehead with his forearm. They were sitting under the shade under a pavilion, but the heat was still sweltering, nonetheless.

They were there on a charity event. The boys' shirts that they wore on the trip were going to be auctioned off, and the Youtube video that would be later posted of the visit would accrue much needed revenue that would be donated to this poverty-stricken area.

It was almost time to be heading back onto their private plane to return to London. As Louis was watching Harry, he felt a little hand enclose around his. A little girl, about three years old, met his eyes. ''Hi, love," he said to her sweetly. He crouched down to get on her level. ''How are you little one?"

She squealed and giggled coyly. She was a shy one, he knew. But she seemed to take to Louis best out of all of the boys. Her mother was there, just a few feet away. She glanced up at Louis before getting up to go into her home. She returned after a minute with what looked like a plate of sausage. ''This. For you," she said to Louis, offering him the piece of meat.

Louis glanced at the meat and said, ''No, that's okay." It looked pretty unappetizing and he didn't know how sanitary food could possibly be here. Management had told them not to eat anything while they were out here, too.

''No, please. My daughter. You so nice, please eat!" she demanded, placing the plate in his face. She was so pleased with how her daughter took to Louis and how well he took to her, that she wanted to show him her appreciation.

Louis knew this woman only meant well. He also knew that it was very offensive to not take what was offered. Begrudgingly, Louis lifted the sausage off the plate and took a small bite. It actually wasn't bad. She watched his face in anticipation, looking for signs of approval. Louis smiled. "Good. It's good, thank you."

She placed her hand to her chest, obviously proud. ''No, thank you'' she said before scurrying off, a huge grin displaying on her face. Louis was glad he was the reason for her current state of happiness.

''Come on, boys! Time to go!" Paul called after them. The boys said their goodbyes while the children waved them off, shouting their names and some jumping up and down from the excitement of it all.

The boys boarded the plane, grateful for the air conditioning hitting them in the face upon embarking. It was going to be a long plane ride. The boys got comfortable, taking off their shoes and put in their ear buds. Niall stared out the window, enjoying the view from high in the air.

When they had only about an hour left before arrival, Louis noticed that his stomach felt sick. He began having awful cramps and felt like he was running a fever. He moaned and held his hand on his stomach.

Harry, who had taken out his earbuds minutes prior, had heard his distress and asked what was wrong.

''I don't know. Stomach just hurts," Louis replied, putting his head down on Harry's shoulder.

''Well, it can't be your appendix. We've already been through that one," Harry chuckled, making light of the situation.

Liam noticed them talking as he glanced up from his book. ''What's so funny, lads?" he asked, taking out his earphones, searching their faces for an explanation for their laughter.

Louis laughed at Harry's joke, but was cut off shortly because of the pain. He began to apply more pressure to his aching belly.

''Does it hurt that bad, Lou?" Harry asked, concern rising into his voice. ''You haven't eaten anything in a while. Maybe that's it."

''No, nothing. But I think I have a fever, too,'' Louis said. Harry then raised a hand to feel his forehead. Just then, Louis jumped back, startling the curly-haired boy. ''Oh gosh," Louis said as he remembered something. ''Please don't be that!"

''Louis, what are you talking about? You're not making sense," Harry asked, even more concerned now. ''What's wrong, babe?"

''Well, this lady offered me some meat today,'' he said sheepishly.

Harry narrowed his eyes. ''You didn't eat it, did you?" Harry knew that Louis had a problem with telling people no sometimes. He hoped this wasn't one of those times.

Ashamed, Louis closed his eyes and nodded. ''I couldn't say no. She wanted to show her gratitude to me because her little daughter kinda had a crush on me or something. I don't know.'' He shook his head.

Harry looked down and sighed. ''Louis, we were told not to eat anything on the trip."

''Yeah, mate. Boss's orders,'' Liam said matter-of-factly.

''I know, but it was only one small bite,'' Louis said, wincing at the pain in his stomach.

''Oh, Louis,'' Harry said, placing his own hand over Louis's who held it over his tummy. ''Let me rub it for you."

Louis removed his hand so Harry could rub out some of the pain. He closed his eyes in response, leaning into Harry's side, allowing the warmth and pressure of his hand to sooth him.

Louis and Harry took a nap the rest of the way. Louis awoke to sudden nausea. ''Harry," he whined.

Harry's eyes opened immediately at the sound of his name. ''Lou?" he asked, sleepily.

''I feel nauseous," Louis replied.

The plane began to touch down, jarring them around. Louis leaned into Harry for stability. ''I'm gonna be sick.'' And just like he said, he turned away from the other boys and threw up.

Niall, who's head had been resting on the plane window, suddenly awoke from all the commotion. He looked around, trying to see what the problem was. Harry was bending down from his seat, rubbing Louis's back, who was kneeling on the floor. Liam was sitting in his seat, leaning away from the two of them with his hand over his nose and mouth, obviously disgusted at something. Niall looked at the floor, and looked away just as quickly. He locked eyes with Liam and asked, ''Louis sick?"

Liam nodded. ''Yeah, he's not doing too good."

Once the plane came to a complete stop, Harry got out first and then helped Louis down. The other boys followed closely behind. Harry had to stop several times to allow Louis to vomit once more. ''Are you okay, Boo?" Harry asked after a couple minutes had gone by without him puking.

''Yeah, for right now anyway," Louis said weakly. They got into their bus and Harry helped him to his bunk. ''Wait, I gotta use the bathroom."

''You still feeling nauseous?" Harry asked, concerned.

''No, but I gotta go," Louis said, walking over to the bathroom door. Harry waited for him on Louis's bed. After six minutes went by, he decided to check on the boy. "Louis? Are you okay? You've been in there a while now."

''I'm almost done," he replied, and Harry heard the toilet flush. After a minute he opened the door and was greeted by a worried Harry. ''I've got some diarrhea," he whispered.

Harry just nodded and pulled out a thermometer. He checked his temperature and it was 102. ''You've got a fever, babe," he said. ''Let's go put you to bed, hm?"

''Will you lay with me, Haz?" Louis pleaded with those gorgeous soft blue eyes.

'''Course, love," Harry said, leading Louis to his bed with his hand on the small of his back. They undressed to their boxers and spooned each other under the covers, with Louis on the edge in case he needed to get to the bathroom quickly.

Soon into the night, Louis got up again to throw up. Harry knew he was gone when he didn't feel his body heat against him anymore. When Louis didn't return after a few minutes, Harry went to check on him. He knocked on the door and peered in. Louis was laying on his side on the floor, waiting for the nausea to pass. Louis looked up at him and looked away.

''It's okay, just go back to bed," Louis told the younger boy. ''I'll probably be here all night."

''Lou, I can't just leave you here. What can I do for you?" Harry asked, squatting down so he could run his fingers though Louis's hair.

Louis shrugged. ''Hold me?"

Harry smiled and gently picked the tiny boy up from the floor. ''Are you all done in here for now?"

''For now," Louis replied.

Harry went to Louis's bunk and sat on the bed, leaning up against the wall, with Louis secure in his arms. They closed their eyes, Louis enjoying the feel of Harry's hand rubbing his stomach.

An hour later, Louis got up to use the bathroom again, followed by more vomiting.

''Louis, I think you should drink some water. Let me get you some or you'll become dehydrated," Harry said, about to leave the room.

''I'll just throw it up," Louis said, kneeling on the bathroom floor. Harry gave him a glass of water anyway, in which Louis took miniscule sips of.

He continued throwing up the rest of night and having to use the bathroom. Harry stayed up with him the whole night, only getting a couple hours of sleep. Louis was no better in the morning.

''Louis, I think we need to take you to the doctor," Harry suggested, stroking the boy's arm lightly with his fingertips.

''Okay," he said, leaning into Harry's embrace.

Harry knew he must really be sick because he didn't protest going to the doctor. Harry let the rest of the boys know where they were going and they let management drive them over to the hospital.

''Louis Tomlinson," an ER nurse called, looking down at her clipboard. The boys got up from their seat and followed her back. They were taken to a small room divided by curtains and Louis was asked to sit on the edge of the bed. Once she took down his vitals and asked what the problem was, she told them the doctor would be right with them shortly.

Luckily, Louis was able to keep from vomiting during the wait. Once the doctor showed up, he checked Louis out and went over his symptoms. ''And did you eat anything while you were there in Africa?" he asked after Harry mentioned that they had just come from there yesterday.

''Yeah," Louis said, ashamed. ''I ate some meat this lady gave me, but just a bite, though."

''Well," the doctor began, ''Any amount of food that is contaminated can harm you, no matter how much you ingested. This sounds like a bad case of food poisoning. I'm going to set you up with an IV to get you rehydrated as well as feed you antibiotics intravenously, and you'll need to stay here overnight so we can check on you."

Louis groaned. He didn't want to have to stay here all night. He didn't like hospitals, nor did he like the smell of them.

''A nurse will be with you shortly,'' he said, before promptly walking off, leaving the two of them alone once more.

''Harry,'' Louis pouted, looking at him for sympathy.

Harry rubbed his thigh soothingly. ''It's okay, babe. I'll stay the whole night with you,'' he said, kissing his forehead.

Minutes later, a nurse walked in with a hospital gown. ''Here you go. Put this on and I'll be back in a minute."

Louis changed into the clothes slowly, his energy completely zapped. Harry helped him get the gown on, folding up his clothes as he took them off. The nurse entered the room again and told Louis to get on the bed. Louis did as he was told with Harry's strong arms around his torso, helping him up.

She placed an IV into his hand, Louis looking at Harry and wincing at the pain. Harry rubbed his back and told him he was going to be fine.

''You should feel a lot better in the morning," she said. And then she glanced at Harry. "You're welcome to stay the night if you'd like. There's a chair right there for you." And then she left the room.

Little did she know that Harry would be sharing the bed with Louis. Louis moved over and patted the space next to him, and Harry snuggled in. The medicine must've been doing something for the nausea because he quickly felt better after the IV.

Nurses were in and out throughout the night. Harry could tell they were surprised that he was laying in bed with Louis because of their taken-aback expressions. A bucket was placed near the bed in case Louis felt sick, but he only used it twice that night, which was a huge improvement.

The bed was pretty uncomfortable because it was only meant for once person, and along with the nurses coming in so often, Harry didn't get that much sleep. But when he was awake, he enjoyed seeing his baby asleep and resting peacefully. Louis began to stir and move in closer to Harry.

''You doing okay, babe?" Harry whispered, tracing his finger along his cheeks. It was still the middle of the night, so he was worried something was wrong.

''Mmm, yeah," he said with his eyes closed. He turned his body to face Harry, putting his arm around Harry's waist. ''Much better."

Harry kissed him on the top of the head and closed his eyes. He was still warm, but he knew he would be getting better soon.

The next day, Louis only threw up once and the doctor allowed him to return home. He still felt sick and feverish, but Harry took care of him and held him on the couch while he recovered. While they were watching TV, Louis in Harry's arms, he noticed that Harry was being awfully quiet. He looked up to find that Harry was sleeping, his head resting on the back of the sofa.

Louis smiled. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful, so perfect. He couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

How'd you like it!?  Comment below and vote!  Love ya!

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