Back in the 1960s: The Strugg...

By jeffelyncosme

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Author: Ning Xiaobai Classification: Rebirth Status: Ongoing Source: ... More



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By jeffelyncosme

Chapter 1241 Leisure time 6

After Lu Jiang finished sweeping the floor, he brought another egg custard that had been steamed before to feed Dun Dun.

Seeing the food, Dun Dun burst into tears, and Fu Bao became happy.

Xiong Xiong crawled up and down on the kang, crawled to Feng Qingxue's side, stared at the egg custard in her bowl, opened his mouth wide, and the saliva dripped out, dripping on his bib, and he laughed. Flattering face.

Feng Qingxue was angry and smiling, and scooped a spoonful to feed him. The little guy was very happy and sat in front of his mother and didn't leave.

Compared with Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong, who can already walk, Zhuang Zhuang can only sit. After all, when the two brothers could sit, his arms and legs were soft, he couldn't crawl, and he couldn't lift his head. Now he's sitting in his mother's arms. In fact, he has made everyone feel very happy.

His appearance is completely different from his two brothers who were born with one child. His eyebrows are picturesque, and his facial features are as delicate as porcelain dolls.

Like the wind and the snow, the mother and son are exactly the same, more like Fubao.

Although Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong are very similar to Lu Jiang, only 50% are similar, and the other 50% do not know who they are like.

Strong and frail, his appetite is also very small, but more than half of the half bowl of egg custard entered Xiong Xiong's mouth.

Bear was full and patted his stomach.

"Are you full?" Feng Qingxue asked?

Xiong Xiong Hao nodded, showing his front teeth, sat down on his butt, lay back, then turned over, fell asleep, turned over again after a while, and fell asleep with his butt out on his stomach.

"Besides eating is sleeping! Just like Xiaozhu, just call Xiaozhu? What is it called a bear?" Feng Qingxue glanced at her fourth son and turned it back. They were both bad and domineering. I don't know how she and Lu Jiang were born. Such a son must educate him well after returning home, lest he really become a bad boy, and they, as parents, are really to blame.

Lu Jiang carried Dun Dun, who was dozing off, onto the kang, and the two brothers slept side by side, and then he held his daughter in his arms.

"It's still our lucky treasures, helping parents to take care of their younger brothers." Lu Jiang boasted.

Fu Bao smiled, "I'm a good boy, Xiong Xiong is a bad boy, is it okay not to give Xiong Xiong the eggs? He broke the bowl."

"Yes, when Xiong Xiong grows up, punish him to earn money to buy us bowls." Lu Jiang said.

After playing with Zhuangzhuang for a while, he finally coaxed him to sleep, Feng Qingxue covered him with the quilt, shook his sore arm, and sighed: "I still haven't fully recovered, now I have held Zhuangzhuang for a long time, and my arm It's just too sour."

Lu Jiang said distressedly: "You just looked outside and recovered, but you have no foundation. You have to take good care of it, and then take good care of it."

"I want to accompany you for the rest of my life, and I will definitely take care of it and try to get back to health as soon as possible."

Feng Qingxue raised her head and clenched her fists.

When Fubao saw this, he followed the study, and said with arrogance, "Dad, I will accompany you for the rest of my life, and be your little padded jacket!"

Bai Xue said in front of Feng Qingxue that her daughter was a caring little padded jacket, and was heard by Fubao. Since then, she has regarded herself as a small padded jacket, sometimes her father's padded jacket, sometimes her mother's padded jacket, and sometimes Little brother's jacket.

Lu Jiang pulled her finger, "As you said, Fu Bao, what should I do if I regret it?"

"Hanging on the hook, it can't be changed for a hundred years!" Fu Bao shook the hands that the father and son hooked together, the dimples were sweet.

The leisurely and happy time did not last long. Just after New Year's Day, the peace was broken by a report letter, which not only broke the peace of the troops, but also broke the peace of the family compound.

In an instant, a huge wave was set off.

Chapter 1242 Paddy field leaves the team 1

"What did you say?" Feng Qingxue hugged her little son and looked at Lu Jiang, she couldn't believe the news she heard.

Lu Jiang said word by word: "Li Shuitian and Cao Hongzhu were reported, saying that they were sabotaging the revolution and destroying the country's image. Now the above instructions have completely expelled Li Shuitian from the army."

Feng Qingxue frowned, "When did Li Shuitian destroy the revolution? Did it destroy the country's image?"

Because of Cao Hongzhu's troubles, Li Shuitian acted very low-key, and always kept a closet with his wife. Although he was a little lonely, it didn't affect his work, and he was at peace with everyone. Gradually, no one paid attention to them. Naturally, no one mentioned what Cao Hongzhu had done, and the soldiers and family members of the army did not know about it.

"Do you remember what Cao Hongzhu said when he reported us to Chen Ju?"

After listening to Lu Jiang's words, Feng Qingxue thought about it carefully, and hesitantly said, "She said something like Yi Zi's cannibalism?"

She accused Chen Ju of the most touching thing about her son's death. Hateful people must be pitiful, and because Cao Hongzhu never did such a thing again, Li Shuitian secretly helped Lu Jiang to make up for his wife's debt. She feng Qingxue did not intend to take revenge on Cao Hongzhu.

Lu Jiang said solemnly, "Yes, that's what caused them trouble!"

"What? That's what she said back then?" Feng Qingxue thought it was incredible, "How many years have passed? Although I can't remember the exact year, it's been several years, right? Who turned out this matter as a report? reason?"

Lu Jiang sighed: "She said that people starved to death, and she mentioned that Yi Zi cannibalism, in the eyes of some people, it is destroying the country's image."

It's not that this kind of thing hasn't happened, but he didn't expect it to happen to him.

Feng Qingxue shuddered, and the arms holding her younger son tightened immediately.

Zhuangzhuang felt a little uncomfortable, twisted his body, and spit out two words from his small mouth: "Mom!"

The voice is not high, but the words are eloquent, and a pair of parents are surprised to hear the intersection.

"Can Zhuang Zhuang speak? Can Zhuang Zhuang call his mother?" Although it is normal for a one-year-old child not to speak, after all, Xi Bao learned to speak relatively late, but Zhuang Zhuang's speech made them feel completely different. .

Because of this, Lu Jiang put the matter of Li Shuitian and his wife behind him and reached out to hug him.

"Zhuangzhuang, you can speak? Call me dad, come, call me dad." They carefully raised their youngest son to one year old. To be honest, only they knew the hardships involved.

Three hundred and sixty days a year, Zhuangzhuang suffers from pain for nearly one-half of the time.

Zhuangzhuang was lying on his father's shoulder, drooling, smiling but not speaking.

Sitting on the Nankang, Dundun played with the rattle and the little tin frog, while the bear lying on the big kang watched the little tin frog jumping attentively. Seeing that it stopped jumping, he immediately pointed at it to Fubao. Yelling loudly, with a fierce attitude.

Fubao was unhappy, "You have to call your sister, I won't get it for you if you don't call me."

"Sister!" The two words quack and crisp were spit out, and the little bear was also very winking, a clever ghost.

"That's right!" Fu Bao twisted the clockwork, and the little frog on the kang jumped up and down immediately, Xiong Xiong danced with joy, even lying on the kang did not affect his arms and legs.

The cheerful atmosphere at home still could not relieve the worry of the wind and the light snow, so he returned to the topic and asked, "Why did you fire Li Shuitian?"

Lu Jiang looked up at the roof, but before he could speak, Li Shuitian's voice came from outside.

Chapter 1243 Li Shuitian leaves the team 2

Lu Jiang gave his young son to his wife, went out and opened the door, and saw Li Shuitian with a scarred face and a haggard look.

"Comrade Shuitian, come in, it's cold outside."

It's just the twelfth lunar month, can it be cold? But no matter how cold it is, it is colder than people's hearts.

Li Shuitian and Lu Jiang entered the gate, but they didn't enter the house. "I'm cold all over, so I won't enter the house."

Zhuangzhuang is weak and sickly. Everyone pays attention to it. If you bring cold air into the house in winter, you will not be close to Zhuangzhuang.

"You should go into the room to warm up if you have cold air." Lu Jiang pulled him directly into the main room. The stove was burning in the bedroom, and even the living room was filled with warmth, instantly dispelling the cold air in Li Shuitian's heart.

Seeing the concern on Lu Jiang's face, Li Shuitian's eyes were sour.

"Comrade Army Commander, I'm leaving tomorrow. Thank you for your dealings with all comrades, not letting me and Hong Zhu be imprisoned."

Feng Qingxue walked out of the bedroom with Zhuang Zhuang in her arms, frowning and whispering: "What's going on? Just now, the child's father and I have just started, and you came before I had time to ask about the process. Comrade Li Shuitian, the two of you. The mouth has almost faded out of everyone's sight in the past two years, how did you get into such a big trouble without warning?"

Li Shuitian smiled bitterly and said, "We are also confused, sister-in-law. The only thing that Hongzhu did wrong in her life was that she falsely accused Comrade Army Commander and sister-in-law without any real evidence. Fortunately, no major incident happened, otherwise I would never be able to forgive myself for the rest of my life. Afterwards, she changed it. After the incident of Jin Hong and Lu Zhaodi, she didn't make a fuss with the above instructions, and she lost her sharpness. I'm very pleased, really, very glad that she didn't continue to act recklessly. We have nothing to ask for, and we will live our lives honestly and peacefully in this life. How can we expect such a surprise for us at the beginning of the new year!"

"Is there no sign at all? Who reported you, don't you know?" Feng Qingxue's brows furrowed even tighter, "There is no such thing as no reason in the world, there must be some kind of entanglement of interests, if not, then who Will you turn over what you said a few years ago and use it as a reason to accuse you?

Li Shuitian looked calm, "It is said that it was reported anonymously, and I don't know who it was. After investigation, Hongzhu did say that, so it is not wrong to punish us. As for who is in the way, there is no one else except Jin Hong."

Speaking of Jin Hong, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue looked at each other, could it be him?

Except for the news of Lu Zhaodi's pregnancy again, they rarely heard bad rumors about Jin Hong. After a fight with Lu Zhaodi about posting a newspaper, Jin Hong, like Li Shuitian, rarely came forward.

Feng Qingxue turned her head to look at Lu Jiang, "Ajiang, can't you investigate and decide this matter? You are the commander of the army!"

"What about the commander, have you forgotten about Comrade Ye Zhengjun?" Lu Jiang sighed in a low voice, it is difficult for him to collide with the public, "Also, the matter of Li Shuitian and Cao Hongzhu did not go through our troops, they were directly sent by the headquarters. Take Comrade Li Shuitian and Comrade Cao Hongzhu away, who would rather kill a thousand by mistake than spare a bad element who sabotages the revolution."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "Take it away?"

Isn't Li Shuitian standing in front of him gracefully?

"You weren't home a few days ago, are you dealing with this matter?" Feng Qingxue quickly reacted, that is to say, it has been happening for several days, but the army and the family compound have just received the news.

Chapter 1244 Li Shuitian leaves the team 3

Feng Qingxue was not in the army and stayed in the family compound every day to take care of the children. The news was much later than usual.

If Lu Jiang hadn't told her, she wouldn't even know that such a big thing happened.

After listening to Feng Qingxue's words, Li Shuitian nodded without waiting for Lu Jiang to answer her, and said, "Yes, sister-in-law, our husband and wife were arrested and tortured for a long time. , Joint Guarantee, let us write a review and brought us back, but the order of expulsion is something they can't change."

It happened too fast and too violently, and the couple were taken away by surprise, and the crime was still so ridiculous.

Cao Hongzhu's truth-telling back then turned out to be the life-threatening blade of the couple!

Feng Qingxue took a closer look and found that Li Shuitian's standing posture was not normal, there were indeed bruises on his face, and the corners of his mouth were broken.

"Damn!" She didn't dare to say it, she could only say it in her heart.

At this moment, there is more fear in her heart, because you don't know when the words you said have caused yourself a fatal disaster, and you can't even tell the truth. Is it possible to keep your mouth shut to keep your peace for a while?

She thought that the most intense two years had passed, and a large number of educated youths went to the mountains to go to the countryside, and the situation had eased. It turned out to be a dream!

"At night, Qingxue and I will go to your house and ask Qingxue to take a look at your injuries and give you some medicine." Lu Jiang let out a long sigh, "Faced with this situation, we can't do anything, because some things are simply unreliable. There is no reason to say it! All we can do is to send you back home safely. You can rest quietly at home, do whatever you need to do, take good care of your body, and don't forget the training you have received in the military camp. I believe that one day you will definitely be back in the army!"

Li Shuitian first looked at Lu Jiang gratefully, and when he heard the back, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of excitement, "Is it okay? Really? I have spent most of my life in the army, and I am reluctant to leave! I... Do you really have a chance to come back?"

"Yes!" Lu Jiang said firmly.

"Okay, Comrade Army Commander, I'll be waiting at home, waiting for the call of the troops at any time!" Li Shuitian saluted him with a standard military salute, holding back the tears in his eyes, "Hongzhu has a stubborn temper, she contradicted others at that time. , the injury is a little serious, and the military doctor is not allowed to treat us. Thank you, my sister-in-law, for not remembering the villain's fault, and willing to treat her. If I thank you, I won't say it, it's meaningless to say too much. However, as long as the army commander Comrade's order, I Li Shuitian will go through fire and water, and will not quit!"

It's not a bit serious, it's very serious, and it's so serious that it's a bit horrific.

Feng Qingxue didn't let Lu Jiang go with her, and went to his house alone with Li Shuitian. As a result, Guo Xiuying and Wang Sanbao also came quietly. The three looked at each other and sighed softly.

While treating Cao Hongzhu's wound, Guo Xiuying whispered, "You came out, who is watching the child?"

"Ajiang, I'll let Ajiang watch at home, I'm not at ease when others watch me." Feng Qingxue replied softly, seeing Cao Hongzhu twitching in pain when she saw the wound, "Be patient, your injury is too serious. I've been injured for 100 days, I will take good care of it when I get home, and if there is any difficulty, I will send a letter to the troops."

Cao Hongzhu gritted her teeth, her forehead sweating from the pain, and big tears of remorse rolled down when she heard Feng Qingxue's words.

Chapter 1245 Li Shuitian leaves the team 4

She wanted to say sorry, but she was speechless in pain because her tongue was badly hurt.

Wang Sanbao opened her mouth, Feng Qingxue only saw blood , and she didn't know whether it was bitten by herself or made by an outsider.

Guo Xiuying let out a long sigh, and after the three of them wrapped up Cao Hongzhu, she turned her head and said to Li Shuitian: "You pack up your luggage tonight, and tomorrow morning, before everyone wakes up, I'll see you off,. old man Zhao told me to tell you, so as not to be seen bandaged and cause trouble. At that time, we will all be involved one by one!"

Li Shuitian said gratefully, "Thank you sister-in-law, thank you two sisters-in-law, thank you Big Sister Sanbao!"

At this time, it was clear that the popularity was good or bad. With everyone's help, the couple left quietly. When some people in the family compound and the army responded, Li Shuitian and Cao Hongzhu had already left for a long time.

At this time, Jin Hong took over Li Shuitian's position logically, from deputy to full-time.

After several setbacks, Lu Jiang finally investigated who the report letter came from.

"Who is it?" Feng Qingxue didn't want to go out because of the wind and rain outside. He was worried that he would kill himself and his family with a single word. "It's almost half a month? I finally found it."

Lu Jiang nodded slightly, "Jiang Wei has made a great contribution, this kid knows people from the headquarters."

"Jiang Wei?" Feng Qingxue hadn't thought of Jiang Xiaoyue's nephew for a long time, "I remember that he won the third-class merit last year, and he has already done it, right?

After saying this, she asked: "Come on, who is it? We also have to be on guard."

"It's almost as we guessed, it's the person you think." Lu Jiang sighed deeply, with a sullen look in his eyes. This is really an era when honest people are conscientious and villains are arrogant and domineering.

"Jin Hong? Or Lu Zhaodi?" Feng Qingxue asked immediately.

Lu Jiang replied, "Jin Hong."

Feng Qingxue was taken aback for a moment, "Why don't you give up? Using his conspiracy and tricks in the army seems to be just an illusion. Isn't it an anonymous report letter? How can you still find it?"

Lu Jiang said vaguely: "After a little thought, Jiang Wei got the original report letter from someone he knew."

Even if it is an anonymous report letter, the handwriting cannot be changed.

Jin Hong is also smart. He wrote a chicken-claw script with his left hand. Unfortunately, the paper and pen and ink betrayed him. The book was stolen, and what was written on it, even if it was separated by paper, would leave some traces on the next page. Jiang Wei concluded that it was Jin Hong who did it.

When Feng Qingxue heard this, she whispered, "What are you going to do? Just let Jin Hong occupy the position belonging to Li Shuitian? Although Jin Hong has no problems with his work, his character is not good."

Relying on conspiracy and tricks to gain the upper hand, he fell into the lower ranks at the beginning.

"Let him be happy for a while first, and sometimes it's time to clean him up!" Lu Jiang said sharply, "Didn't you say it before? Dogs can't change what they eat. His life style is not right, but it's not a day or two. If he can grasp Cao Hongzhu's past words to achieve his goals, we can't fight back with fire? We don't move him for the time being because Li Shuitian has just had an accident. If he has another problem, it will easily shake the military's heart and cause everyone's panic. This is the result of everyone's joint discussion. ."

Chapter 1246 Old Clam Raw Pearl 1

After listening to Lu Jiang's words, although Feng Qingxue felt that Jin Hong was temporarily cheaper, she couldn't help but scolded: "I hope Lu Zhaodi is still a daughter, let her curse us strong and let her husband do this. Such a despicable and shameless thing! Doesn't Jin Hong want a son wholeheartedly? Let him be his father-in-law all his life!"

Everyone didn't tell her about Lu Zhaodi's fight with Feng Qingyun at first, for fear that she would get angry.

At that time, the strong and strong were dying, and she fell ill later. If she got angry again, it would be difficult to clean up. So no one mentioned it to the couple. It was not until Bai Xue gave birth to her daughter that she went to visit not long ago.

She was so angry that she almost rushed over to find Lu Zhaodi to settle the account. Everyone said that Lu Zhaodi was pregnant again and she didn't go.

Lu Jiang smiled, "Father-in-law's life? This word is new."

Jin Hong was promoted, and Lu Zhaodi was the happiest. She walked around the courtyard with her stomach erect. After she realized that she was pregnant, her husband was promoted. It must be the good luck brought by the child, which means that it must be a son.

Seeing Tian Ling coming out of the service agency with a basket, Lu Zhaodi deliberately walked up to her with her stomach stretched out.

Every time she saw Tian Ling, she would think of the past of two sisters Jin Zhaodi and Jin Pandi who were fostered in Tian Ling's house. At that time, everyone mentioned Tian Ling with a thumbs up, and when they said they were mocking.

Since then, Lu Zhaodi has hated Tian Ling, not to mention the one time that pushed Bai Xue.

Tian Ling said lightly, "Comrade Lu Zhaodi, you are blocking my way."

"Oh, really, I didn't see it." Lu Zhaodi's belly bulge was not obvious, but she still stood firm.

How could Tian Ling not see Lu Zhaodi's thoughts, she concealed the slight bitterness in her heart, and smiled rudely: "Your eyes are not good, you have to go to the doctor to see if you have some eye disease, don't come here. Middle-aged people can't see right from black and white."

"What did you say?" Lu Zhaodi was furious.

"I said a good dog won't stand in the way!" Tian Ling said, and walked away, so angry that Lu Zhaodi jumped on the spot.

Although Zhuoran's level is not as good as that of Jin Hong, Tian Ling is not afraid of Lu Zhaodi. She has offended so many people without knowing it. Is it true that the Lu Jiang couple and the Su Junlin couple are easy to bully? It's just that now I'm taking care of the children, and I can't do anything.

When Feng Qingxue heard Tian Ling mentioning her encounter with Lu Zhaodi, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

"Sister Tian, ​​you fried the meat and stewed it with the dried beans I soaked in the morning. If you don't mention her, it will be annoying to mention her, and let's wait until she has a baby!" child, can't do it during her pregnancy.

This is the principle of being a human being. If she is unscrupulous, won't she be reduced to the likes of Jin Honglu Zhaodi?

Tian Ling knew Feng Qingxue's character, and responded to the piece of pork belly she just bought. She didn't feel anything when washing the vegetables and cutting the meat. The cooking smelled a strong odor of oil smoke, and she felt sick.

After finally enduring the feeling of vomiting, Tian Ling turned around and vomited.

"Sister Tian, ​​what's the matter with you?" Feng Qingxue just coaxed a few children to sleep, reached out to check her pulse, raised her brows, and her eyes showed a hint of joy, "Sister Tian, ​​you are pregnant, it's been more than two months!"

Tian Ling, who was vomiting in front of the spittoon, was stunned.

"What? Qingxue, what did you say?" Tian Ling's face was full of disbelief. Did she hear some great news?

Chapter 1247 Old Clam Raw Pearl 2

Feng Qingxue handed a jug of water to her mouth and gave her a gargle, and repeated what she said just now, "You really are, Sister Tian, ​​have you not been here for the past two months?"

Tian Ling murmured: "I thought I was getting old, after all, I'm forty-one this year."

Before taking the menstruation pills, she came once a month or two, from a surprise at the beginning to a disappointment at the end. The number of times was more, and she became accustomed to it over the years.

Grabbing Feng Qingxue's hand, Tian Ling stared into her eyes, "Qingxue, tell me again, I'm afraid I got it wrong."

"Sister Tian, ​​you are pregnant for more than two months. I said it right, and you heard it right. Congratulations, you and Comrade Zhuoran will be able to have a baby this year." After saying this, Feng Qingxue felt a little Something was wrong. After thinking about it, I realized that the current solar calendar is January and the lunar calendar is the twelfth month. The older generation likes to talk about the lunar calendar when giving birth, so he added: "I am talking about this year of the solar calendar, if it is calculated according to the lunar calendar. , probably in July or August next year."

Tian Ling suddenly covered her face with her hands and started crying.

The surprise came so suddenly and so suddenly, she didn't even know how to express her joy.

Feng Qingxue understood her mood, and when she had enough crying, she handed over a handkerchief, "Okay, eldest sister, this is a happy thing, why are you crying? I know you are crying with joy, but you have to take care of yourself."

Tian Ling immediately stopped crying, took the handkerchief and wiped her face carelessly.

"Thank you, thank you Qingxue, if it wasn't for your help, I would definitely not be where I am today." She touched her stomach carefully, "Whether he is a boy or a girl, it is a big surprise for me and Lao Zhuo. , darling. I'm so old, Qingxue, what should I pay attention to?"

Feng Qingxue thought about it for a while, and smiled: "Although you are not young, your body is strong and there is nothing to pay special attention to. You just need to add more nutrition and don't tire yourself out."

After hearing this, Tian Ling hurriedly said: "I'm only two months pregnant, I can still work, let me do it."

When she was eight or nine months pregnant, she was still working in the fields in her hometown. What kind of work was washing clothes and cooking? Not tired at all.

Now that she has a child, she needs money even more. She needs to supplement herself with nutrition and buy milk powder for her child. If she has no milk, she must prepare the money for milk powder.

Feng Qingxue was stunned for a moment, but she immediately reacted and said with a smile, "Sister Tian, ​​if you say you quit suddenly, I'll be in trouble. I don't know where to find someone as good as you to help with the housework. You can rest assured. I don't mean to dismiss you. We will go home in March or April, and your belly will be bigger by then. You can also expect to have a baby after we leave. What do you think? Of course, if you feel that you can't do it, you need to To take care of the child in the womb, we will find someone else."

"I can do it, I can do it!" Tian Ling said impatiently, "I will work for you for a few more months to save some milk powder money for the child, and if there is any discomfort in me, you can also check it for me, I am grateful to you both. It's too late!"

Tian Ling didn't want to quit, and Feng Qingxue didn't want to fire her, so everyone was happy.

However, Feng Qingxue distributed some of her red dates, longan and other nutritional products to her, saying that it was a reward for her serious work attitude and kindness. In fact, she was worried about Tian Ling's anemia and made preparations early.

Chapter 1248 Old Clam Raw Pearl 3

Not long after the New Year, Tian Ling was three months pregnant.

At this time, the news gradually spread, which shocked everyone even more than Bai Xue's pregnancy.

Bai Xue is young, and it makes sense to have a child. After all, an eighty-year-old man can still have a child by marrying a young daughter-in-law. Tian Ling is forty-one, and she has not been pregnant for many years since she lost her child. Everyone thought she could not gave birth.

Back then, Bai Xue remembered Tian Ling's kindness very clearly and was very happy for her when she learned that she was pregnant.

"Didn't Lu Zhaodi scold you? Sister Tian, ​​try to have a son to mad at her!" Bai Xue came to Feng Qingxue's house with her four-month-old daughter, and looked at Tian Ling's busy figure, "Let's curse that Lu Zhaodi together! have another daughter."

Although Feng Qingxue also cursed Lu Zhaodi viciously, she still said: "It's a man or a woman, it's doomed from the moment of birth."

The implication is that men will not become women or women will become men because of the curse. They are talking about this now, just to make themselves happy, except to show the narrow-mindedness of the girls, it has no practical significance.

Bai Xue pouted, "Just like Lu Zhaodi, I see, she was born without a son! If she gave birth to a son, she wouldn't have sex! Let her push me! Come on, I went to tear her mouth early! But I won't let her go, wait and see, it's going to be a long time."

Feng Qingxue and her are quite the same enemy, who asked Lu Zhaodi to curse Zhuangzhuang?

The two of them were crusading against Lu Zhaodi every word and every word, when Mother Yang came suddenly.

After Mother Yang came in, she took Tian Ling to talk for a while, and she was so envious that she said to Feng Qingxue: "I said let Feng Ying take care of it, and she and Fang Ning took the cultural team out to perform. Now, I heard that they are on an island now."

"Isolated island? How did you get there? Wasn't it still in the Southeast Military Region on New Year's Day?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Mother Yang sighed: "On New Year's Day, it was in the Southeast Military Region. Yesterday, I heard from Shang Kun that he received a telegram from Feng Ying. They set off to some small island in the sea, and a few soldiers were stationed there. Twenty or thirty of them would perform to The dozen or so soldiers appreciate it."

When Feng Qingxue heard this, she was very worried about Feng Qingyun, not knowing that there would be no danger.

"Don't worry, what are you worried about, they are all soldiers and have strict discipline." Yang's mother was worried before, but now she is not worried, "Although there are few soldiers stationed on the island, they can't be excluded. They enjoyed the performance they deserved. There are more than a dozen soldiers on the island, which is not bad. In the past, Fengying and the others performed with the group, and fifty people performed for three soldiers! I only worry about one thing now, she is a year and a half Zaidi is so separated from Shang Kun, just because of her temperament, I don't think she insisted on taking the medicine you prescribed to her. How can this be good? When will I be able to hug my grandson?"

Yang Fengying's situation is more serious, and Feng Qingxue can't determine whether there is also a problem with her ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes by looking, hearing, and asking. Listening to Yang's mother, she can only say that Yang Fengying is serious and responsible, and is a good comrade.

Hearing what they said, Tian Ling hurriedly excused herself to wash diapers and slipped out.

It seems that her pregnancy really shocked and envied many people, so she can keep a low profile in the future and not touch other people's scars.

Looking at Tian Ling's back, Mother Yang whispered, "I wish Feng Ying wasn't so serious and responsible."

Don't dare to speak out, for fear of being heard by others that she is dissatisfied with the work arranged by the state for Yang Fengying and others. Cao Hongzhu's lessons are still there!

Feng Qingxue knew Mother Yang's concerns, smiled at her, and didn't answer.

Bai Xue just looked down at her daughter, and didn't know if she heard it or not.

Chapter 1249 Old Clam Raw Pearl 4

Bai Xue's daughter's nickname is Yaya and her real name is Su Minmin. It is said that Su Junlin thought about a good name for a lot of genius. She was originally named Su Xiuxiu but was rejected by Bai Xue. Not flat or straight, neither round nor square, the only advantage is that the skin is fair and clean, and the food is white and fat, very cute.

Mother Yang sat at the Lu family and left. Although she didn't have to take care of Feng Qingxue, she had to take care of her wife.

Bai Xue complained to Feng Qingxue: "Who do you think Yaya looks like? No matter how I look at her, I don't think she looks like me, but don't look like Lao Su and his family. I see one of his family members, and none of them grow up. It's so handsome, it's a bunch of trivial things every day! Before I came here, Lao Su's sister-in-law was making a lot of trouble, and it was only after the revolution in the past few years that it stopped."

She also intervened at the time, and now she doesn't know who wins or loses, but she hadn't heard of Su Junshu's divorce, which shows that Liu Hongxiu is still very capable and didn't let those rooms go.

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "You used to say that it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. What do you care about now?"

"Boys, it doesn't matter. I have a good family background and I have some skills. I'm not afraid of not being able to marry a good-looking daughter-in-law in the future. Girls are different. I finally gave birth to such a daughter. The less worried you are about marrying a good family!" Bai Xue said plausibly, "Don't look at the fact that people say they pay attention to one's background and good thinking, that's all bullshit. How many men actually do it? Most of the men come first Eyes see looks, nothing else."

Feng Qingxue listened, "Is this your experience?"

Bai Xue coughed twice, but said nothing.

"Let me tell you, Bai Xue, don't continue to pass on to your daughter the ideas that your parents instilled in you when you were young. You have suffered so much, why mislead the next generation?" Feng Qingxue said, "Your daughter Unlike you, she is the old daughter of Master Su, and she does not need to fight to marry a good family, and it is more important to be a serious person than anything else."

Bai Xue's heart moved, and she lowered her head silently, just in time to see Fu Bao's big round eyes.

Her eyes are very beautiful, like two black jades lit in white mercury, and like two little stars in the sky.

It turned out that when Fubao had walked up to her, he stood on tiptoe to look at Yaya in the swaddle, and when Bai Xue was not paying attention, he secretly stretched out his little finger and tapped Yaya's cheek, "Sister!"

She quickly withdrew her hand and stern face.

"What's the matter? Don't you like your sister?" Bai Xue deliberately sent her daughter to her.

Fu Bao looked confused, "Will she steal my hairpin when she grows up? Take my necklace? Take my Xiangxiang?"

Bai Xue couldn't help laughing, "So when your mother was pregnant with triplets, that's why you shouted about your brother instead of your sister every day? Don't worry, little sister Yaya won't rob you!"

Only then did Fu Bao reveal a sweet smile, looking extraordinarily delicate and beautiful.

"Qingxue, you really know how to give birth!" Bai Xue couldn't help but be envious, "Hey Bao, but the most beautiful boy in our compound, Fu Bao is the most beautiful little girl, she will be a big girl like you when she grows up. Beauty, the triplets also have their own advantages, all of them are smart and handsome, and they are like dragons and phoenixes."

Even Feng Qingyun is only slightly inferior to Feng Qingxue. Now she is young and she deliberately looks ugly. In a few years, I don't know what she will look like. fell on her.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiong Xiong woke up from a nap, the first thing was to cry, and then woke up his brother and brother.

The three cries came one after another, and even Yaya also cried, Bai Xue was in a hurry, and she was no longer in the mood to say that the triplets were cute.

Chapter 1250 Reminder 1

One child is easy to take, but three children are not easy to take, especially children who can walk.

After the new year, the weather is getting warmer. Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong always wanted to run outside. After turning around, they were nowhere to be seen in the house. When they looked again, they walked into the yard with their short legs. Sometimes Hand in hand, they continued to move out, not forgetting to look around to see if they were found by the adults. Fortunately, the door was always closed, so they couldn't get out.

In this case, Feng Qingxue can't justify without taking them out. Take them out, but they can't take care of them.

Fu Bao was young and strong enough to hold, Tian Ling was pregnant again, and she was pregnant at an older age, so she was always cautious. If something happened, Feng Qingxue couldn't afford it. Who didn't know that Lu Zhaodi was a lunatic? She was pregnant with her fourth child, just in time for Jin Hong's promotion. She wandered around the compound all day, almost knocking down Bai Xue before, how could she not deal with Tian Ling?

Lu Zhaodi is unreasonable and cannot be inferred from common sense.

The number of military family members in the family compound is increasing year by year. Who can guarantee that everyone is gentle and amiable and will not cause trouble?

Just when Feng Qingxue was worried that she couldn't take her children out to play, Guan Cheng, Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu arrived.

Father Lu just thought that Feng Qingxue could not take care of four children by himself. Among them, the strong and strong ones were particularly worrying, so he asked their brothers to help take care of them, and then go home when the weather is warmer.

"Xibao is coming too. If we don't bring him, he will cry." Lu Tianzhi said.

Hearing the eldest son cry, Feng Qingxue felt very distressed, "Did he cry a lot? Was he feeling better when you came?"

Guan Cheng hurriedly said: "Grandpa Lu told him that we are here to pick you up and your younger siblings, Xi Bao stopped crying immediately, wiped away her tears and told us to take you home, if we don't come back, we won't be here. ."

Feng Qingxue smiled, "Go home, we must go home, we will leave in early April."

"Great, it's been a long time since the house was so lively." Guan Yu clapped his hands, missing the days when Feng Qingxue was at home.

Just as he was talking, Guan Cheng felt his legs tighten.

Looking down, I don't know if it was Dun Dun or Xiong Xiong hugging his leg, and his little finger pointed out the door.

"That's Er Xiong, I want to go out to play." Feng Qingxue said.

Guan Cheng reacted, "Okay, my brother will take you out to play."

He stretched out a finger, which Bear immediately grasped.

Dun Dun was sitting on the kang playing, when he saw this, he rushed to Guan Yu and said, "Ah!"

Guan Yu understood and took him down.

Dun Dun is better, more honest, Xiong Xiong can be considered to have the opportunity to be happy, and Guan Cheng has to stare at him in person everywhere.

In the front, the three brothers from Guan Cheng were holding Fu Bao, Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong, and in the back was Feng Qingxue holding Zhuang Zhuang, which was spectacular.

The spring sun is very warm, especially in the middle of the afternoon.

Feng Qingxue often took the children to sunbathe in the yard, but they came out very rarely, so when they reached the vast grassland, the triplets screamed, and Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong instantly fell on the grass.

Anyway, it didn't hurt to fall, so Feng Qingxue didn't see it.

"Dun Dun and Xiong Xiong run really smoothly, can Zhuang Zhuang still not walk?" On the way, she met Wang Sanbao who was out for a walk today after a break from work. She gave Zhuang Zhuang a worried look, her little face was crystal clear, and she was not as beautiful as a real person. , "Zhuangzhuang really looks better as he grows."

"It's also very sticky." Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled.

Wang Sanbao clapped his hands to Zhuangzhuang, "Will Zhuangzhuang come down and walk? You see that brother is walking in front, oh, brother Xiongxiong is rolling on the grass, you still let mother hold it, are you ashamed?"

Zhuangzhuang's response was to bury his face in Feng Qingxue's arms and turn his back to Wang Sanbao.

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