Back in the 1960s: The Strugg...

By jeffelyncosme

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Author: Ning Xiaobai Classification: Rebirth Status: Ongoing Source: ... More



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By jeffelyncosme

Chapter 0471 Leek Box 1
Talking and laughing all the way, they soon arrived at the Wanglou Brigade, but there were not many adults, only children were happy everywhere.
  When they got home, Father Lu and Guan Cheng were not there either. Lu Tianzhi, Guan Yu, Feng Qingyun and Song Gang were playing at the door. Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu played the willow flute, and Feng Qingyun made two garlands out of wicker and wore them on his own. and Song Gang's head.
  Song Gang smiled stupidly at her, "Auntie, you're so kind!"
  "Idiot, I'm your auntie! I'm not good to you, who's good to you?"
  After finishing speaking, the old-fashioned Feng Qingyun raised his head and gave him a full head. The wicker garland on the top, might as well see the figure of the elder sister, jump up at once, "Sister, elder sister, Xibao, Xibao! You are back!" He waved his hands and ran and jumped, and he was in front of him in an instant.
  "Yeah!" Xi Bao happily stretched out the upper body of his waistcoat and reached out to his aunt.
  "Xibao! Xibao!" Feng Qingyun shouted happily.
  Lu Tianjun carried Xi Bao out of the seat, the little guy leaned over and grabbed the garland on Feng Qingyun's head, babbled, slid down excitedly, and finally stood on the ground.
  Seeing Xi Bao walking towards him with short legs, Feng Qingyun said in surprise, "Xi Bao can walk, it's great!"
  Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu came to the front one after another. Under the introduction of Qingxue, she also politely said hello to Wang Cuilan and Chen Xueniang, and then scrambled around Xibao.
  "Xibao, Xibao, do you still know me? I'm brother Tianzhi."
  "I'm brother Guanyu, Xibao."
  "And me, and me!" Song Gang who walked slowly with short legs Finally came to the front, not to be outdone.
  Xibao was so happy that his fat face turned into a flower, look at this, look at that, no one in the world is busier than him.

 "Children like to play with children." Feng Qingxue explained to Wang Cuilan and Chen Xueniang, "Let's go home for a drink. We walked for three or four hours on the way, but we were all exhausted. After eating, let's go dig wild vegetables. ."
  Neither Wang Cuilan nor Chen Xueniang refused, they were indeed tired.
  Feng Qingxue said to Lu Tianjun again: "Tianjun, watch them bring Xibao, don't go to the river."
  "Aunt, I'll cook for you." Lu Tianjun said.
  Feng Qingxue patted him on the shoulder, "Our mothers are all here, we don't need you, let's go look at my brother. Xiaoyun, slow down, where are all the adults in the family? Are you coming back for lunch?"
  Feng Qingyun Holding Xibao with one hand, he waved behind his back, "We've all gone to the 2,000 mu site to grow peanuts and sweet potatoes. Isn't it time for spring plowing? If we don't come back at noon, Uncle Lu, Guan Cheng and Grandpa Xu and Grandma Xu will all be there. I've brought dry food, grandma Xu and Guan Cheng steamed wild vegetable nests yesterday, and they made a big pot!"
  Lu Tianjun wanted to work in the fields to earn work points, but he was afraid that his younger brother would not be able to take care of Xibao, so he had to hold back a little guilt in his heart. , followed behind his younger brother, watching Xi Bao rejoice, and he ripped off a lot of willow leaves from the garland.
  Lu Tianzhi blew the willow flute whose core had just been removed, and the clear voice made Xibao reach out to him.
  Chen Xueniang sighed, "How wonderful!"
  Such a scene would probably only exist in paintings or dreams.
  "It's because our Wanglou Brigade lives a little better that our children are carefree. I'm very fortunate that I am married to Wanglou Brigade and Lu Jiang. There are such lovely and sensible children." Feng Qingxue said After finishing, pushing the bicycle, he pushed open the half-open door, "Auntie, Sister Chen, please come inside."

Chapter 0472 Leek Box 2
Wang Cuilan was fine. It was extremely difficult to march and fight for many years. However, Chen Xueniang grew up in a brothel. After liberation, she lived and worked in the city. She was very curious about the Lu family inside and outside. Spring chives grow early, cut off in light wind and snow, and put them in the basket.
  "Let's eat a box of leeks at noon, and take the leftover leeks back to the city. Sister Chen, you can also get some when the time comes."
  Chen Xueniang thanked with a smile, and then pointed to the soil ridges on the ground, "Covered with straw mats and buried underneath. What is it?"
  Feng Qingxue glanced back and said, "Didouzi, that is, potatoes. Potato yields are high and people are hungry. Every household will plant most of the land on their private plots, and it's time to plant them at this time."
  "Hey . , why do you have a whole head of garlic planted in the ground?" Chen Xueniang noticed the garlic sprouts that Feng Qingxue was pulling.
  Compared with the thick, fat, tall and strong garlic sprouts around, the garlic sprouts in Feng Qingxue's hands are slender and long.
  "I just planned to eat it at this time, so I planted the whole head of garlic. The garlic sprouts that came out were relatively small. The ones that were planted by the cloves the first year were too old to eat, but you can see if the garlic sprouts have grown." Feng Qingxue explained.
  The garlic sprouts did grow, but not many, only twenty or thirty stalks were scattered.   Feng Qingxue pulled them out one by one and picked a bunch of lettuce leaves, "Sister Chen, let's go!"   

Feng Qingxue picked up a small handful of the selected leeks, and threw them again and again, to get rid of the water on them as much as possible. All the leeks were tossed like this, then chopped and prepared, and scrambled some broken eggs and mixed them. Stirring the leek stuffing, he said, "Choose the leeks to clean and wash them, and let them dry for a day. Now that I'm making a leek box, there must be a lot of water in the vegetables."   

Even so, the leek box she made was praised.

 The fried garlic sprouts and lettuce leaves on the table, no one took the chopsticks, and patronized the leek box.
  "Sister, don't you give it to Uncle Lu and the others?"
  Feng Qingxue touched the top of her sister's head, "Silly girl, everyone works the same, eats together, doesn't sending leek boxes make people gossip behind their backs? Leave it to them. Put a few in the cupboard and come back to eat at night. However, you can give one to my cousin."
  Wang Jiao must stay at home and not work on the grounds of bringing the dog eggs.
  It was said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao were coming, and Wang Jiao called the door outside. She knew that Feng Qingxue would come back every week, and she had brought her delicious food before as compensation for not being able to take her to a state-run restaurant for dinner.
  Lu Tianjun opened the door, and Wang Jiao came in holding the black dog egg, but Feng Qingxue almost didn't recognize her.
  Feng Qingxue exclaimed, "Cousin, you've lost a lot of weight!"
  Although she hasn't fully recovered to her married figure, her graceful curves have been revealed, she is very slender, at most 100 pounds, and she is also wearing old pre-marriage clothes. Outstanding appearance.
  "If you don't have meat to eat, of course you will be thin! I only started raising piglets in the spring, and there are no live pigs in the city. Yuejin kills one or two pigs every few days. Between his teeth, the leaders are staring at him, and the water can't be turned at all." Wang Jiao looked at the guests in the room, saw the leek box, and immediately swallowed her saliva, accusing: "Xiaoxue, if you have something delicious, don't tell me. Me, it's too bad, I work at home according to your words!"
  "Cousin, don't talk about A-sister, A-sister just asked me to give you a leek box!" Feng Qingyun interrupted. .
  When Wang Jiao heard this, she immediately smiled and apologized to Feng Qingxue very neatly, "I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, I wrongly blamed you, you really are the best person, you think of me when you make a leek box!"

Chapter 0473 Leek Box 3
Feng Qingxue is highly skilled, and is willing to put oil, salt and seasonings. It is very fragrant. Wang Jiao ate two in one go.
  The leek box made of white flour is round and six inches in diameter.
  With the corn porridge, Wang Cuilan, Chen Xueniang, and Feng Qingxue felt like they were holding on when they ate one. The children only ate half of it, and Lu Tianjun was growing up and ate one and a half.
  "It's delicious!" Wang Jiao patted her belly with satisfaction.
  Feng Qingxue and a few people went to dig wild vegetables, and she also joined in the fun with a dog egg and a bamboo basket on her back.
  After lunch, Lu Tianjun went to work on 2,000 acres of land, and Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu also followed. Although they are not very old, they can help put peanut seeds in the dug pit, or help plant sweet potato seedlings in the pit. . Other children their age had all gone to work, and they were worried that Feng Qingyun and Song would stay at home just now.
  So, Feng Qingyun and Song Gang took Xibao and followed Feng Qingxueniang to the wild.
  The mountains and fields are very empty, but the wind does not feel biting on the face, it is soft, which makes people clear-headed and broad-minded.
  It had just rained two days ago, the wild grass grew wildly, and the wild vegetables were sandwiched in between, lush and lush.
  All over the mountains and plains, there are sparsely small children digging wild vegetables, and there are hardly any adults in sight.
  "Mother-in-law and toadstool are anti-inflammatory, and they are relatively common." Feng Qingxue taught Chen Xueniang to identify wild vegetables, and only taught her to recognize these two types. It's a bit bitter to get up. Now it's April in the solar calendar, and the shepherd's purse is already full of flowers, and it's too old to eat."
  However, some people still dig old wild shepherd's purse because of lack of food.
  Even if the living standard of the Wanglou Brigade is higher than the surrounding area, the hungry people still try their best to save grain and dig wild vegetables.

Chen Xueniang's heart moved, and she accelerated the speed of digging wild vegetables, only digging the mother-in-law and toad grass she knew.
  Seeing how beautiful she was, Wang Jiao couldn't help but leaned close to her, "Don't you all eat commercial grains and vegetables from non-staple food stores? Wild vegetables are so rare, they are very bitter."
  Chen Xueniang smiled . Dao: "The grain and vegetables we eat are all grown by you. The state buys and sells them. In winter, it is radish and cabbage. In spring, it is spinach and green vegetables. After all, there are very few people in the countryside who sell to city people for early adopters, and food is more important.
  Wang Jiao snorted, "There are two toon trees in the private plot behind my house. When you leave, pinch some toon buds. My mother-in-law didn't have time to pinch when she went to work in the morning. She went back to mix tofu, and it was delicious! Tofu is not cheap. It's a penny!"
  Chen Xueniang was stunned, and then thanked.
  Toon sprouts had a strong smell, but Wang Cuilan and Chen Xueniang liked to eat them. They dug up a basket of wild vegetables and went to her house with Wang Jiao to pinch a lot of toon sprouts. Yard on the wild vegetables in the basket.
  Although everyone only pinched two bundles, they were very grateful for Wang Jiao's generosity.
  "Qingxue, your cousin is not bad!" On the way back in the afternoon, Wang Cuilan said, and Chen Xueniang followed.
  Feng Qingxue was very funny, but she didn't tell them that it was Wang Jiao who didn't like toon sprouts and couldn't stand the smell of toon sprouts. It was estimated that her mother-in-law mixed with toon sprouts every day to make her dizzy, so she was generous to them.

Chapter 0474 Leek Box 4
This time I brought a lot of things back, half a bag of dried sweet potatoes, a few pounds of refined grains, and various wild vegetables, green vegetables, and spring sprouts. 
  She sent Lu Tianjun to the school first, and the others waited for her to return to the compound. The afterglow was over, and the night was beginning to fall. Chen Xuenian broke up with them at the back door and walked into her own house, ignoring Wang Erniu when she heard the news. 
  Cheng's mother left some meals for their mothers, and cooked egg noodles for Xibao. While feeding Xibao, she said: "I smell the smell of toon sprouts, and I haven't eaten them in a long time. I'll buy a tofu tomorrow. Eat it with tofu at night. Oh, I also smelled the smell of acacia buds. I relied on this thing to save my life for the first two years! It's just that everyone's body is swollen, alas!"
  "The swelling is not eaten by acacia buds." Feng Qing Xue swallowed the food in her mouth, "The edema is due to extreme lack of nutrition due to hunger, lack of protein and vitamins, so I got edema."
  Mother Cheng sighed, "This year is finally stronger than previous years."
  Feng Qingxue felt the same way. .
  Although hunger is still the biggest difficulty at present, it is really much better than those three years.
  After eating, she and Wang Cuilan cleaned up the dishes together, locked the food they brought back into the cabinet, and put the fresh vegetables in the kitchen. She was busy when she heard a knock on the door outside.
  "Who is this?" Wang Cuilan went to open the door, but it was Zhang Yi's parents.
  Secretary Zhang's name is Zhang Tiezhu, and his wife's name is Hong Damei. Both of them are straightforward people. When the latter saw Wang Cuilan, he took her hand and said, "Cuilan, you need my family's Xiaoyi to testify! You can't let him be given to someone with ulterior motives. Damn it! Why are we Xiaoyi so unlucky? Don't we just meet? The young men and women have met each other and haven't written anything, it's normal, how could he be involved?!"
  Hong Damei was crying, but her voice was loud, Feng Qingxue could hear clearly in the kitchen.

It must be Zhao Mingfang who came back to cause trouble. The biggest possibility is that she said everywhere that Zhang Yi was playing a hooligan to her.
  Wang Cuilan knew what to do, and hurriedly invited them to speak in the room.
  When Hong Damei saw Cheng Baoguo and Cheng's father and mother, she couldn't help pouring out her full of grievances.
  "Uncle Cheng, Aunt Cheng, Secretary Cheng, Mayor Cheng, do you think Xiaoyi have been wronged?" Hong Damei wiped her tears, "Zhao Mingfang told her parents that Xiaoyi was playing a hooligan to her and gave her clothes. The buttons are all off! Zhao Yide and Wang Fengmei came to us to settle accounts, and they insisted for Xiaoyi to marry Zhao Mingfang. How could it be possible? Our family is not stupid to marry such a wife? There are good people and Xiaoyi's unit. Reported Xiaoyi, saying that Xiaoyi had a problem with his life style and that he played hooligans to lesbians. He was probably the one who saw them arguing at the time. Xiaoyi really couldn't argue, and now he was arrested! Fortunately, he said that Cuilan and Chen Xueniang, and others A lesbian seems to be Zhao Mingfang's cousin, she can testify for him, and I will come to you!"
  Wang Cuilan immediately said, "Don't cry, Damei, I have seen this before and after, don't worry, I will go to testify for Zhang Yi early tomorrow morning, also call Shang Xueniang and my family Qingxue, and promise to let Zhang Yi come out safely and innocently."
  Hong Damei immediately expressed her gratitude, "I will trouble you then, Cuilan."
  "Thank you . Comrade Cuilan and this lesbian, we will go back first, we have to go to Secretary Huang, and ask him to testify to Xiaoyi, proving that there is no more after meeting at that time." Zhang Tiezhu is also very angry now, Zhao Mingfang was introduced by Secretary Huang, but the two failed. Secretary Huang then introduced Zhou Yulan to Zhang Yi.

Chapter 0475 Undead disaster 1
The next day, just after breakfast, before Wang Cuilan and Feng Qingxue went out, Zhang Yi's unit came to investigate.
   Zhang Yi studied mechanical design and manufacturing, so he worked in the Municipal Machinery Factory.
   He only graduated last year. After graduation, he was assigned to the factory. Now he is paid 27 yuan per month. What level does he belong to? Feng Qingxue has no work experience and does not understand the situation.
   The machinery factory attaches great importance to this matter, and the people who came are Wu Minxian, deputy director of the factory, and Ruan Zhenghong, director of the Women's Federation.
   There is another named Zou Chengfeng, who does not know what his position is in the machinery factory.
   Wu Minxian and Zou Chengfeng questioned Wang Cuilan, while Ruan Zhenghong pulled Feng Qingxue outside, "I'm sorry, comrade, this matter has been so noisy and has a great impact, we have to investigate carefully, in order to show the authenticity and fairness of the investigation. , so you several witnesses have to be questioned separately."
   Separated, there is no need to worry about agreeing with each other, and it can be judged whether Zhang Yi is innocent based on the separate testimony of the three.
   The testimonies of the three are highly similar, which means that Zhang Yi is innocent and framed by Zhao Mingfang.
   "It doesn't matter, Comrade Ruan, if you have any questions, feel free to ask." Feng Qingxue understood what they were doing and would not feel uncomfortable. Besides, the other party did not behave inappropriately.
   Ruan Zhenghong took out his notebook, "Comrade, what's your name, where are you from, what are you doing in the city, you're not from the city, I know, I've never met you, and I basically recognize all the cadres and workers of government agencies. What is the relationship with Zhao Mingfang, Zhang Yi, and Zhou Yulan, do you recognize them? Why did you pass by at that time?"

Feng Qingxue replied earnestly: "My name is Feng Qingxue. I live in the Wanglou Brigade of Shuguang Commune. I am a poor peasant and a family member of a soldier. My mother Wang Fengmei and my mother Wang Fengying are compatriots and sisters, but they have not had any contact before, so they have met twice. It has nothing to do with Comrade Zhang Yi, only once, Comrade Zhou Yulan is completely unfamiliar. Before yesterday, I had never met her at all. I don't know her."

"Have you met Zhang Yi? Where? When?" Ruan Zhenghong asked immediately, not giving her any chance to think.
   Feng Qingxue thought for a while, "I can't remember exactly, it was more than a month ago, it was less than two months anyway, and I hadn't come to participate in the doctor's training at that time. My uncle's cousin Wang Jiao and I were eating at a state-run restaurant. Zhao Mingfang and Comrade Zhang Yi, Zhao Mingfang insisted that Comrade Zhang Yi take her to the department store to buy a plum watch, Comrade Zhang Yi said that the report was not completed, and then left the hotel. The waiter of the state-run hotel can testify, because at that time Zhao Mingfang was rude, and was scolded by my cousin."
   Ruan Zhenghong took it down seriously, and asked about the details of the hooligan incident yesterday morning.
   Feng Qingxue took herself, Wang Cuilan, Chen Xueniang, and her nephew Lu Tianjun to the Wanglou Brigade to dig wild vegetables. She took her son Lu Xibao, and met Zhang Yi and Zhou Yulan when they went shopping together. They stopped and said a few words. Then Zhao Mingfang suddenly Everything that happened to be beaten and scolded at Zhang Yi was described one by one.
   "Zhao Mingfang also scolded Comrade Zhou Yulan. Comrade Zhou Yulan was angry and ashamed, and ran away crying."
   After adding this sentence, Feng Qingxue carefully told Ruan Zhenghong how Zhao Mingfang framed Zhang Yi. .

Chapter 0476 Undead disaster 2
Even though Feng Qingxue answered very detailedly, Ruan Zhenghong still asked three times, each time the questions were similar, but the order was different, or when Feng Qingxue answered the question, he suddenly threw another question.
   Finally, seeing that the answer was flawless, Ruan Zhenghong put away the notebook and pen with satisfaction.
   At the same time, Wang Cuilan also sent Wu Minxian and Zou Chengfeng out.
   "Excuse me, Comrade Wang Cuilan." Wu Minxian said, "Before we came, we sent someone to say hello to your place of work. You don't have to go to work today, and you won't have to deduct your salary." The implication is to go to the unit to confirm their status. identity.
   Wang Cuilan smiled and said: "This is what it should be, and the investigation is clear, so that the parties can be innocent!"
   "Definitely, definitely!" Wu Minxian didn't want to offend Secretary Zhang of the Standing Committee.
   Among the people in the municipal party committee, which one is a simple person?
   Even if the cadres endure hardships and stand hard work before others, and usually do not show off the mountains and waters, they will not allow others to wrong their sons.
   After Wu Minxian, Ruan Zhenghong, Zou Chengfeng and others left, Wang Cuilan immediately closed the door, pulled Feng Qingxue into the room, and asked her how she answered.
   When Feng Qingxue heard it, the questions were almost the same, and the answers were all in line with the truth.
   "Don't worry, Auntie, they have asked Sister Chen, or went to school to ask Tian Jun, to prove that none of us lied, and Zhang Yi will definitely be innocent." Feng Qingxue comforted.

    Wang Cuilan sighed: "Regardless of Zhang Yi's innocence, he can't take off this hat."
   "What do you mean?"
   Looking at Feng Qingxue's puzzled face, Wang Cuilan explained softly, "Although life style is very important, But people like to talk about these romantic rumors. Zhang Yi and Zhao Mingfang are also the children of cadres. Even if it is not true, the investigation is clear, but the previous views have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is difficult to change. Perhaps, there are still people who will Said, the Zhang family must have relied on their own power to get Zhang Yi out. Zhao Mingfang is a girl, and she is a young and beautiful girl. How can a girl joke about her innocence? The most important thing is that they have met before. Face. This Zhao Mingfang, although he has no brains, this one is really good for Zhang Yi. Zhou Yulan, it's a pity Zhou Yulan, this is a good girl!" Feng  Qingxue didn't understand why Wang Cuilan was sorry for Zhou Yulan at first, but finally she finally Know why.
   Zhao Mingfang is really vicious and poisonous. When she was investigating and collecting evidence about Zhang Yi's hooliganism in the machinery factory, she spread Zhou Yulan shameless, knowing that Zhang Yi was her object, she also met Zhang Yi and went shopping, etc., which made Zhou Yulan ashamed and couldn't go to work. She didn't want to face her colleagues' pointing, and she washed her face in tears at home all day long.
   Zhou's father and Zhou's mother are both ordinary workers, they have no power or power, and their temperament is soft. They only have such a daughter. They have loved them like treasures since they were young. Now that the daughter has suffered such grievances, they have no place to vent their anger for her. They are angry and hateful. .
   He was angry at himself for his incompetence, and hated Zhao Mingfang for being vicious.
   Not long after, Zhang Yi came out, and accompanied by his parents, he visited the door to make amends. Zhou's father and Zhou's mother directly turned them away. Secretary Huang said hello, and we agreed to meet you. Now, we don't want our daughter to live in such a shadow all her life, and she will face all kinds of frame-ups in the future."

Chapter 0477 Innocent Disaster 3
In a word, it means that no matter whether Zhang Yi is innocent or not, they will not agree to Zhou Yulan marrying Zhang Yi.
   It's not Zhang Yi's fault that Zhao Mingfang's matter was not resolved properly, but it shouldn't involve the innocent Zhou Yulan. It's only been a few days since the incident happened? Zhou Yulan lost a lot of weight.
   I wasn't fat before, but now I've become a piece of paper blown away by the wind.
   Listening to the negotiation between her father and Zhang's family outside the door, Zhou Yulan and her mother sat in tears, describing them as extremely haggard.
   "Child, I've suffered for you." Mother Zhou hugged her daughter, secretly hating herself for agreeing to Secretary Huang's proposal to introduce a partner to Zhou Yulan, but she didn't expect to harm her daughter's life!
   Zhou Yulan snuggled up to her mother and whimpered.
   Zhang Tiezhu, Hong Damei, his wife, and Zhang Yi couldn't get Zhou's father's forgiveness, and they couldn't get Zhou Yulan's response.
   The trouble was still behind, the family of three had just returned to the compound when they were blocked by Wang Fengmei and Zhao Mingfang.
   Obviously, the mother and daughter have been waiting for them for a long time.
   "Zhang Yi, you really have no conscience. I told the people who came to investigate from the machinery factory that there was no such thing. You and I were in a normal relationship. You didn't say thank you that I spoke for you, but you went to that vixen Zhou Yulan! Zhao Mingfang charged, "You are my target, what are you doing with Zhou Yulan? Do you want to be accused of being a hooligan again?"
   Zhang Tiezhu, Hong Damei and his wife Zhang Yi were full of disgust and hatred.
   If it wasn't for Zhao Mingfang's entanglement, pulling open the collar of his clothes in the alley to frame him, would such a thing happen?

 Even if you come out, you can't take off the hat of being a hooligan. Now a good marriage has come to nothing.
   Zhang Yi likes Zhou Yulan, Zhang Tiezhu and Hong Damei are also very satisfied with Zhou Yulan.
   Compared with Zhao Mingfang, who is arrogant, shameless and vicious, Zhou Yulan, who has a gentle and quiet temperament, is like a fairy who fell from the sky and is flawless.
   Although the person who reported Zhang Yi was not Zhao Mingfang, after investigation, it was the person who witnessed everything in the alley and heard Zhao Mingfang shouting that Zhang Yi was a hooligan, and was a colleague of Zhang Yi. Zhao Mingfang just asked his parents to come to Zhang's house to force the marriage. Without going out to complain, their family obviously understands that it is not good for them to destroy Zhang Yi, but the person Zhang family hates most is Zhao Mingfang, she is the culprit!
   "Zhao Mingfang, in front of your parents and mine, let me repeat it again, even if I can't marry a wife in my life, I won't marry a despicable and shameless woman like you!" Zhang Yi yelled at her and rushed in. door.
   Hong Damei snorted and took her husband away, ignoring Wang Fengmei and Zhao Mingfang.
   It is estimated that this kind of thing would be shameful to come forward, Zhao Yide did not appear, but Zhang Tiezhu and Hong Damei still hated Zhao Yide and secretly stumbled him.
   Secretary Huang also felt sorry for Zhang Yi, but he didn't know that Zhao Mingfang was such a person. He wanted to say good things for him after the situation calmed down and let the Zhou family change their minds. How could he know that Zhao Mingfang was still persevering to entangle Zhang Yi. Yi, no matter how coldly Zhang Yi scolded her and drove her away, she always regarded herself as Zhang Yi's object.
   In this case, let alone the Zhou family changed their minds, even other families would not dare to marry their daughter to Zhang Yi.

Chapter 0478 Innocent Disaster 4
When Feng Qingxue knew that there was no possibility between Zhang Yi and Zhou Yulan, many days had passed.
   "The old couple of the Zhou family are wise." Mother Cheng sighed, "Although Zhang Yi came out, although Zhang Tiezhu and Hong Damei would not let Zhao Mingfang in, and Zhang Yi also indicated that he would not marry Zhao Mingfang, but Zhao Mingfang has no brains. People are just a piece of cowhide candy, and they can't be thrown away. If Zhou Yulan and Zhang Yi continue, they must often face Zhao Mingfang's various entanglements after marriage. A strong girl is afraid of entanglement with her husband, and vice versa. Zhao Mingfang has no reputation now. It can be said that the Zhao family will definitely try their best to get Zhang Yi to marry her."
   Zhao Mingfang is now pestering Zhang Yi, isn't that what her parents meant?
   If Zhao Yide and Wang Fengmei did not agree, then Zhao Mingfang would not be so blatant, and no one saw Zhao Yide and Wang Fengmei come out and say a word from beginning to end.
   Since ancient times, marriage is a good thing to have two surnames. They both have an enemy. Even if Zhao Mingfang marries Zhang Yi as she wishes, the marriage will not be happy. I really don't know what their family thinks. Is it because of Zhao Mingfang? They lost their reputation, so their family was determined to drag Zhang Yi into the water? Or is Zhao Mingfang really infatuated with Zhang Yi?
   Feng Qingxue frowned slightly, disgusting what Zhao Mingfang did, and in her opinion, forcing it would have no good results, "I think Zhang Yi and Zhou Yulan have a good impression of each other, no wonder Aunt Cuilan that day It's a pity Zhou Yulan."
   Isn't it a pity? what a shame.
   Zhang Yi is a man, everyone will take this as a romantic affair, and talk about it, after all, the investigation results of the machinery factory show that he is innocent. But Zhou Yulan is a woman, and there are too many rumors that women need to face. If the marriage with Zhang Yi fails, and there are swear words spread by Zhao Mingfang, it is difficult to talk about a good family.

  Zhou Yulan's parents are dual-earners, and she is also a female worker in a textile factory. There are still many people who come to propose marriage. They probably think that Zhou Yulan's reputation is now broken, and any kind of family has the courage to ask someone to agree.
   "Comrade Cuilan, listen to me, who are they? It's not a poor boy who has to take care of a family's food and drink with a salary, a poor bachelor who is lazy, or a widower with a dead wife and a large group of children. What kind of person does this take our family Yulan?" Zhou's mother pulled Wang Cuilan and cried, "Yulan doesn't dare to go out now, because she is afraid that the local ruffians will whistle at her, and she is afraid that her colleagues will talk about her behind her back and say she is shameless. I wanted to post Zhang Yi all the time, but I was caught by the master!" Wang Cuilan patted her hand with a heavy face, "The Zhao family is too much!"

Mother Zhou hated Zhang Yi again when she was looking for Wang Cuilan, even if Zhang Yi humbly apologized and laughed, Mother Zhou still hated him, "If it wasn't for him, how could Yulan's innocent and innocent girl fall into this place? Such a situation?"
   "Oh, it's useless to talk too much, we have to think about how to solve it, and we can't continue."
   Mother Zhou wiped away tears after hearing Wang Cuilan's words, "This is why I came to Comrade Cuilan and Comrade Qingxue. Now, I want to ask the two of you to talk to Yulan and see if there are suitable young people with aspirations in the countryside, so that she can stay away from this place of right and wrong.

Chapter 0479 The Heart of Love 1
Zhou's father and Zhou's mother would not have made such a decision if they were not forced to. Urban and rural life, the difference between cloud and mud!
   But living in the midst of everyone's gossip for a long time, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother were afraid that their daughter would go crazy and then go to a dead end. She was an extremely gentle girl and didn't like to compete with others since she was a child.
   When Mother Zhou started, she had the courage to continue, "We didn't hide our intentions from the man. Before we met, we had to tell people clearly what happened to Yulan. If they agreed, Yulan would marry and her household registration would be moved. The job will naturally be gone, but the salary of our husband and wife will all belong to Yulan."
   Although Zhou Yulan can still work in the city without moving her household registration, Zhou's father and Zhou's mother do not want her to continue living Under the strange eyes of colleagues, it is better to walk away and participate in rural construction to earn food rations.
   Before Wang Cuilan could speak, Feng Qingxue suddenly interjected: "Zhou Yulan is right, she is the most innocent girl in this matter, why did she leave her home? The culprit can stay in the city at ease, why should she suffer? One has to stay away in order to get a clean? You let her marry into the countryside, wouldn't you just sit back and listen to the gossip of outsiders?"
   Mother Zhou couldn't help crying: "I don't want to! Our pampered daughter has an education. Work, why would she want to go to the country to live with her back to the loess? How many people starved to death in the country in the past three years, his father is an accountant, can he not know the doorway? But what can we do? We were born as a couple It's useless, I've been conscientious all my life, I'm afraid that it will have a worse impact on Yulan, and I don't dare to go to Zhao political commissar's family to settle accounts, worrying that they will become angry and rectify our family of three!"
   Wang Cuilan scolded her teeth through gritted teeth.
   In this world, there is really no way to say it. Good people have to be conscientious and conscientious, and villains show their power everywhere.

   "That's it, Mother Yulan," Wang Cuilan thought for a while, and finally said, "You tell Yulan to relax, rest at home, and leave work for the time being. I'll keep your attention secretly, and find a good boy for you Yulan, let's call Yulan and make her life prosperous and let those people watch it, even if she is framed by the wicked, God has eyes, and after all, she will not make the good people suffer."
   "Yes!" Feng Qingxue agreed that the best revenge is to live by herself. Better than the enemy!
   Zhao Mingfang is notorious. If Zhang Yi doesn't marry her, others may not want her. Even if she ends up marrying someone who has ulterior motives and is willing to marry her, her future marriage life will definitely not be too good.
   The country is easy to change and the nature is difficult to change.
   However, doesn't it say that Zhao Yide loves face? Love face and condone her daughter to do so many things? Thinking that Chen Xueniang said that he was her guest of honor, and finally pissed off the original partner, it seems that he is really not a thing!
   When Mother Zhou heard Wang Cuilan's mother's words, a hint of joy flashed on her face, and she hesitated: "I'm afraid that people will dislike our Yulan."
   For girls, fame is life.
   "Our magnolias are thin-skinned, not those thick-skinned ones." Mother Zhou wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "The two of us took turns asking for leave to guard her at home every day, just because we were afraid of her. Looking for a short-term view, because when I came out, many people chewed maggots behind their backs, saying that Magnolia is shameless, which is what we both are used to."
   "Zhao Mingfang's shamelessness is what her parents are used to!" Feng Qingxue continued.

Chapter 0480 Love Heart 2
Compared to Zhao Mingfang, Wang Jiao, who was coddled by Wang Zhengguo and Miao Fengqin, is a hundred times better!
   Although Wang Jiao was a little out of place before her memory loss, clamoring to marry Lu Jiang, and threatening her parents by running away from home, but after her memory loss, it was completely different. She is lazy, but she was not as brazen as Zhao Mingfang. Ruthless, not to mention that under the temptation of delicious food, Wang Jiao has gradually corrected some of her bad habits.
  Laziness, in an era of scarcity, it is human nature, and it is not a bad problem.
   Wang Jiao, who came to Feng Qingxue to ask for credit in the name of delivering food, saw Feng Qingxue's smiling face, and her attitude towards herself was more enthusiastic than before, so she couldn't help but wonder, "What am I doing?"
   Seeing Wang Jiao, Feng Qingxue was also surprised, "Cousin, did you come here specifically to find me?"
   "Yeah! Tian Jun said that you won't come home this week, so I'll come to you." Wang Jiao raised the basket that she had brought. "Don't you really like to eat fried wolfberry sprouts with oil and salt? I pinch a lot, but they are tender. I cut two bundles of leeks and garlic sprouts, so that you can buy vegetables every day in the city and eat them for a penny a pound. , enough to buy a box of foreign fire."
   Wang Cuilan had a good impression of Wang Jiao, "Your name is Jiaojiao, right? Thank you for thinking of us and staying for lunch at noon."
   Wang Jiao listened and glanced at Feng Qingxue , glanced at it again and again.
   The latter knew her better, and said with a smile: "Auntie, my cousin must have something to help me with. We will go out for a walk, and we won't come back for dinner. Xibao, please take care of you and Grandma Cheng."
   Wang Cuilan just wanted to say that in Eating out is not as affordable as eating at home, but I think Feng Qingxue said that she must have her own intentions, so she didn't stop her, "You don't have to worry about Xi Bao at home, it will be the eighth day of April in a few days. Xibao's one-year-old birthday happens to be May 1st Labor Day, so let's celebrate him properly."

   "There are still ten days left, don't worry!"
   Feng Qingxue finished speaking, and while Xi Bao didn't notice, she dragged Wang Jiao and quickly slipped out of the door and went straight to the state-run hotel.
   Wang Jiao immediately smiled and waited obediently for the waiter to come up to serve them, just to deliver the menu, "Xiaoxue, you are really a roundworm in my stomach, why are you so good?"
   Zhang Yuejin was thinking about buying milk powder for Goudan this month, but he did not give She buys delicious food, hum!
   "Cousin, you are here to eat, don't say it so disgusting, roundworms are not a good thing!" Feng Qingxue said, and asked the waiter what dishes are today, "The main food is still ten steamed buns, vegetables, bean sprouts. Noodle soup, stir-fried pork with bean sprouts, and steamed eggs with minced meat, are there any other dishes? There are only three of them."
   Today, the main course of the state-run restaurant is soybean sprouts, and there is a little pork that I managed to get my hands on. Half and the other half have been given in advance by others.
   Feng Qingxue and Wang Jiao arrived early, before it was time for dinner, so they caught up with the last pound of pork.
   The waiter said with a smile: "There is another pig's trotter, sauce pig's trotter, a dime."
   "Then bring it to us!" Feng Qingxue said without hesitation.
   So Wang Jiao grabbed the pig's trotters with both hands, her mouth full of oil, "Xiaoxue, don't you eat it? It's strange, you often don't eat meat, but you're not thin at all, and your skin is white and red."
   Feng Qingxue She won't tell her that she often eats cooked food in the space, so outsiders see her food intake as small.

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