Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three

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It's now Thanksgiving!

Enjoy! 🦃

"There's my baby girl, Happy Thanksgiving." Sam said as she gave Spencer a hug. "Happy Thanksgiving Mom." Spencer said as she hugged her back. "Hi!" Marion said happily as she waved at her grandparents from Toby's arms, Sam and Jason smiled softly at their granddaughter. "Come here you little princess." Sam said as she took Marion into her arms and Spencer smiled softly before hugging her dad.

"Happy Thanksgiving." Toby said as he smiled softly at them. "Happy Thanksgiving, come on in." Jason said and Spencer and Toby smiled softly at him before walking inside with Maggie next to them, Sam sat on the couch with Marion. "Where's Aunt Em?" Spencer asked curiously. "She's running a little late, the launch is taking a little longer than they hoped, so she texted me saying that they'd just meet us at the Quartermaines." Jason said and Spencer nodded. "So where are my wonderful siblings?" Spencer asked curiously. "Well Phoenix is still sleeping but she should be waking up any minute now, and Danny and Emily are upstairs playing." Sam said and Spencer nodded. "I know they'll be excited to see their big sister." 
Jason said. "I'm excited to see them, and I
can't believe that Phoenix is over a year old now." Spencer said. "Oh we know, it's crazy how fast the time went, we want to thank you both again for being there for her Birthday party." Sam said. "You don't need to thank us for that, she's my baby sister of course we wouldn't have missed it." Spencer said. 

"Maggs, you wanna go see Danny?" Toby asked her and she barked happily and Spencer laughed. "I think that's a yes." She said. "I'll go tell Danny and Emily that you guys are here." Jason said, he kissed Sam's forehead gently before heading upstairs, Sam smiled softly to herself before turning her attention back to Spencer and Toby. "So, how have you too been doing since the hearing? I mean Spence I know when we were working the other day you said that things were good, but still I thought I'd ask." Sam said and Spencer nodded. "I can answer that. It's been great not having to worry about you know who." Toby said and Spencer couldn't help but smile softly at him. "So I assume that she hasn't tried contacting you again?" Sam asked and Toby shook his head. "Nope, thank God." He said. "And if she knows what's good for her, she won't." Spencer said.
"Exactly." Toby said. "Yeah, one less thing we have to worry about… have Dad and Uncle Sonny found any leads as to where Jerry's hiding?" Spencer asked. "No, not yet. But I don't want you to worry about that today, it's Thanksgiving. Let's just focus on family time." Sam said and Toby nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me." He said before looking at Spencer who also nodded. "Yeah, me too." She said smiling softly at her wonderful husband.

A Few Minutes Later

"Emily, look who's here." Jason said as he walked downstairs with Emily Scout in his arms, she got excited as soon as she saw Spencer and reached for her big sister and Danny ran to give Maggie a hug. "Hey, wait a second, what are we, chopped liver?" Spencer asked him jokingly and they all laughed. "Of course not! But I had to say hi to Maggie first." Danny said and Spencer laughed. "Of course you did." She said smiling softly at her little brother. "Come here buddy." Toby said and Danny ran to give him a hug and Spencer couldn't help but smile at them. "Scout and I made some Thanksgiving cards for you guys."
Danny said as he smiled softly. "Well thank you, we can't wait to see them." Spencer said as she smiled at her little brother, Just then they heard the sound of Phoenix crying from upstairs. "I'll go get her." Sam said before handing Marion back to Toby and then going upstairs to get Phoenix, and she came back down a few minutes later, Spencer set Emily Scout down on the floor to play with Maggie and Danny, then she took her baby sister into her arms. "Hey Phoenix, I've missed you." Spencer said as she kissed her forehead and Phoenix babbled happily and Toby, Jason and Sam couldn't help but smile softly at them.

At Sonny and Carly's House

"Wow Avery, that is a fantastic turkey drawing." Josslyn said smiling softly at her little sister and Carly stood by the fireplace as she watched them, and then there was a knock on the door so she went to open it, and on the other side was Michael and Abby. "Happy Thanksgiving Mom." Michael said as he smiled softly at her before giving her a hug. "Happy Thanksgiving, you too Abby. Come here." Carly said smiling at Abby before giving her a hug as well. "Happy Thanksgiving." Abby said happily. "We're assuming that everyone else is already here?" Michael asked and Carly nodded. "Yes they are, well except for Dante, Lulu and the kids and Sam and Jason and the kids, but they'll be here in a little bit like usual." Carly said and Michael and Abby both nodded. "Come on in." Carly said and they both walked in and followed Carly into the living room where they saw Sonny, Avery, Kristina, Aaron, Morgan, Darby, Emily, Josslyn and Oscar. "There you two are. Happy Thanksgiving." Sonny said, smiling softly at them. "Happy Thanksgiving Dad." Michael said as he smiled back at him.
"Michael!" Avery said happily before running over and giving him a hug, then she gave one to Abby, too. "We were wondering when you two would show up. Happy Thanksgiving." Emily said as she hugged her brother. "Happy Thanksgiving Em." Michael said. "Now we know things have been pretty busy at ELQ, but we're glad that you're here." Carly said. "Of course we are, one it's Thanksgiving. And two, we'll always make time for family, you know that." Michael said before hugging his mom.

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