Chapter One Hundred and Forty

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Three Weeks Later

At Spoby's House

In Their Bedroom

Toby was sleeping, and he started to wake up when he felt someone was on his chest, and when he opened his eyes he saw Marion smiling at him and he looked over at Spencer who was sitting up next to him and he knew that she must've just brought Marion into the room and laid her on his chest, not that he minded at all. 

"Hi baby girl." Toby said as he sat up and he lifted her into his arms and she laughed softly. "Dada." she exclaimed happily as he kissed her forehead and Spencer couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. "Someone wanted to come and tell you Happy Birthday." She said. "Did she know?" Toby said smiling at her. "Happy 28 Tobes." Spencer said happily. "Thank you baby girl, come here." Toby said as he shifted Marion to his other arm and he motioned for Spencer to come closer to him and she did and he wrapped his other arm around her and then kissed her forehead again. "Best Birthday wake up ever." Toby said before kissing her and Spencer kissed him back, and then Maggie barked happily and they both laughed. "Thank you Maggs I appreciate that." Toby said smiling at their Labrador Retriever.

"So, it's your day, what do you want to do?" Spencer asked him. "I think you know." Toby said as Marion babbled softly and reached up to touch his cheek. "Yeah I think I do too, you want to just stay home like we did last year." Spencer said as she smiled at him and he nodded. "Exactly." He said smiling back at her. "Consider it done, you know what's crazy is last year I was coming up on my due date for Marion, and now pretty soon she's going to be a year old." Spencer said. "Yeah I know, and you know that's what makes this an even better Birthday because now I have all three of my girls to celebrate with." Toby said before kissing Spencer's forehead and she smiled at him and Maggie barked happily. "Maggs agrees with you." Spencer said and they both laugh. "Well good." Toby said. "Okay, since it's your Birthday, and unlike last year when I was still very much pregnant and you wanted me to rest, I am making breakfast." Spencer said. "Okay that's fair." Toby said. "Any special request?" Spencer asked him. "French toast?" Toby said. "You got it." Spencer said smiling softly at him before kissing his cheek and then they all got off the bed and went downstairs.

Fifteen Minutes Later

"Babe I don't know how you did it, but literally this is better than my French toast." Toby said and Spencer laughed. "Well thank you I appreciate that, anything to make you happy." She said smiling at him. "Well you know that you don't have to try too hard to do that." Toby said smiling at her. "Yeah I do, and you know that I say this all the time, but I do love you, so much, and I couldn't be more thankful for you and the way that you changed my life for the better. Marion and I are very lucky to have you." Spencer said smiling at him and Maggie barked and Spencer laughed. "You too Maggs." She said. "I love you more Spence, and I couldn't be happier to have you in my life, all three of you." Toby said smiling at her. "I'm glad to hear you say that because I don't know where I'd be without you but I know that I wouldn't like it, okay so after we finish breakfast, I'll take care of the dishes." Spencer said before looking at Marion who was reaching her arms towards her because she wanted out of her high chair, she had finished the little pieces of French toast that she had given to her. "Come here baby girl." Spencer said as she walked over and lifted her out of the high chair and Toby couldn't help but smile as he watched his girls, Maggie was of course sitting on the floor by his feet watching him eat.

"Okay I'm going to go and put our little princess upstairs in her crib and then I'll come back down and do the dishes." Spencer said as she started to walk out of the kitchen with Marion in her arms, but Marion wasn't exactly happy about that, she started reaching for Toby . "Dada." She said and Toby stood up. "It's okay Spence, I just finished eating anyway, I'll take our little princess and we can play in the living room while you do the dishes." He said as he walked over to her and took Marion into his arms. "Sounds like a plan." Spencer said smiling at him before kissing him and he kissed her back. "Okay Marion, let's go play, come on Maggs." Toby said and Maggie barked happily in response before getting up and following them into the living room, Spencer smiled softly to herself before she gathered up the dishes and then she took them into the sink to wash them.

Pretty Little Port CharlesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora