Chapter One Hunred and Ten

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Several Days Later

At The Park

"I know that he's only seven now just it definitely feels like he's growing up way too fast." Spencer said to Toby as they walked back to the spot in the park where they were having Danny's Birthday party, they had taken a break from helping Jason and Sam set up and went for a walk together. "Yeah I know, but you know that no matter what happens he's always going to love you because you are his big sister." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah I know, but still." She said and he squeezed her hand comfortingly as they made their way back to where Jason and Sam were finishing up with the decorating, Sam was sitting on one of the benches holding Marion in her arms, Spencer smiled at them. 

"How's my baby girl doing?" Spencer asked as she walked over to her mom and gently kissed Marion's forehead. "She's good, how's my girl doing?" Sam asked her. "I'm okay, are you okay?" Spencer asked her. "I told you I'm fine, but I appreciate the concern, although it's unnecessary." Sam said before looking down at Marion in her arms. "What time is Krissy bringing Danny and Emily?" Toby asked. 

"I think they'll be here in ten minutes." Jason said and Toby nodded as Spencer walked over to her father. "So he's still locked up right?" She asked and Jason nodded. "Absolutely, but he hasn't been transferred to Pentonville yet, and also Spinelli is working on getting evidence to make sure it stays that way." He said and Spencer nodded. "Okay good because I want to make sure that he never sees the light of day again after what he's done." She said. "I know, and so do I." Jason said. "We've all been through a lot, and then it seems once everything calms down something else happens... but I guess it's never boring in Port Charles, but I don't want me anymore pain." Spencer said. "I know, and neither do I, it'll be okay I promise." Jason said and Spencer nodded before giving him a hug and Toby smiled softly watching them.

Ten Minutes Later

"The Birthday boy has arrived." Kristina said as she walked over carrying Emily Scout in her arms and Danny happily ran over and hugged Toby and Spencer smiled softly, she loved how well Danny bonded with Toby, and vice versa. 

"Thanks for bringing them." Sam said. "It's no problem, you know that I love spending time with them." Krissy said smiling. "And they love spending time with you, you're a great Aunt." Sam said. "And I can attest to that." Spencer said smiling softly at her and Krissy smiled back. "Is Molly coming?" Jason asked and Krissy nodded. "Yeah she should be here soon." She said and Jason nodded.  "Speaking of which I think that's her now." Toby said as Molly made her way over to them. "Molly! It's so good to see you." Spencer said as she walked over to hug her. "I missed you too." Molly said hugging her back. "I figured you would've brought TJ." Sam said. "He wanted to come but he's busy at GH." Molly said and Sam nodded. "That's understandable, but still we're glad you're here." Sam said smiling softly at her sister. "Of course, I wouldn't have missed this for anything, is Mom coming?" Molly asked and Sam nodded. "Yeah she said she was." She said and Molly nodded. "Okay good." She said. "You're okay right?" Krissy asked her. "You guys don't have to worry about me, as I said before I am fine." Sam said. "She's a strong woman." Spencer said smiling softly. "I can see where you get it from." Toby said as he walked over to her and she smiled at him. "Spence is pretty great." Sam said. "Yes she is." Jason said. "They're not wrong babe." Toby said smiling softly at Spencer and she blushed. "Well thank you I appreciate that, but let's not forget that today we're celebrating Danny's Birthday." Spencer said smiling softly as she looked at her little brother. "Of course, and the party will officially start as soon as everyone else gets here." Sam said smiling.

"Happy Birthday Danny." Drew said as he gave Danny a hug. "Thanks Uncle Drew." Danny said as he hugged him back. "Are you having a good Birthday so far?" Kim asked and Danny nodded. "Yeah, it's always nice to have everyone together." He said smiling at her.

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