Chapter Twenty

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The next day

In Hawaii

At Jason's safe house

“What do you think you're doing?” Toby asked raising his eyebrow as he walked over to Spencer who was sitting on the couch typing on her laptop with her one good hand. “I'm not going to lie to you, I'm looking for Jerry.” Spencer said turning to look at him. “Spence no okay I am not letting you put yourself in the line of fire again okay there is no way in heck I'm going to let that happen, you need to let your Dad, Sonny, the PCPD, and me handle Jerry okay babe, I'm not going to let him hurt you ever again.” Toby pleaded sitting next to her and cupping her face with his hands.
“I appreciate that Tobes, I do, but it's not just me I'm worried about, I need to look for him too okay Tobes please understand this.” Spencer begged. “Spence you let me worry about Jerry okay I promise you that I will be fine and I will always protect you, you're supposed to be focusing on getting some rest and relaxing okay don't worry about him okay, we're safe here Spence.” Toby said stroking her hair with his hand and she looked at him for a minute and then looked back at her laptop and closed it and then looked back at Toby. “Okay fine I'll stop, I know I'm supposed to be not focusing on him but Tobes-” “Baby he can't hurt us anymore okay I won't let him I promise.” Toby soothed stroking her cheek with his hand and she gave him a sad smile and a tear rolled down her cheek but he quickly wiped it away with his thumb.
“Everything is going to be okay Spence I promise, remember what I said, right now we just need to focus on you getting better and us okay that's all that matters.” He said smiling at her and she smiled back. “I agree, fiancé.” She said smiling at him. “God you don't know how much I missed hearing you saying that.” “I've only said it one other time Tobes.” Spencer said. “Yeah and that was right before-” Toby said looking down and Spencer put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly. “And I didn't know if I would ever get to hear you say it again and-”
She immediately caressed his cheek with her hand. “Hey I'm okay I'm right here babe.” She soothed to him and he gave her a small smile. “Now what so you say we go back to trying to distract ourselves okay?” She asked and he nodded. “What did you have in mind?” He asked and she playfully smirked at him. “Scrabble?” She said and he nodded. “Like we could do anything better.” He said smiling at her and she smiled back at him and they went into the bedroom and Toby pulled out the Scrabble board and they
started a game.

A little bit later

They were laying on the bed still playing Scrabble, and Toby was winning again of course.

“Seriously how do you always win?!” Spencer exclaimed and Toby laughed.
“I will never reveal my secret.” He smirked at her and she rolled her eyes. “Yeah whatever you say Cavanaugh.” and Toby laughed again. “Oh you know you love me.” He said smiling at her and she smiled back.
“Of course I love you.” She said placing another word on the board. “Nice try babe but I'm still winning.” Toby smirked at her.
“Yeah well one day I will beat you, fiancé.” She smirked at him. “We'll just have to see about that, fiancé.” Toby said smiling and she smiled back.

After the game

“I still don't get how you always beat me.” Spencer frowned. They were currently laying in bed cuddling and Toby was playing with her hair. “As I said before I'm not telling you my secret.” Toby said and Spencer playfully rolled her eyes. “I do like this though, the two of us, here in Hawaii, alone.” Spencer said looking up at him and he nodded. “Told you it would be good to get away from everything babe.” He said stroking her hair. “Yes and you were right I needed this, we needed this.” She said giving him a small smile and he smiled back before giving her a kiss. “So how's your shoulder feeling?” Toby asked with concern in his voice. “It feels okay right now, but I am feeling kinda tired.” Spencer said. “Why don't you try and take a nap okay? Just get some rest baby girl I'll be right here.” Toby promised kissing her forehead. “Okay I'll try Tobes.” She gave him a small smile and he smiled back at her and gave her another kiss and then she closed her eyes and a few minutes later she was asleep and Toby just watched over her protectively as he gently stroked her hair.

About an hour later

Spencer was still sleeping peacefully, until she started shifting around a little bit and Toby immediately knew she was having a nightmare. “Spence baby you're okay wake up baby girl you're okay I'm right here.” He said trying to sooth her but she wouldn't stop shaking in his arms. “J-Jerry p-please don't do this.” She cried tears running down her face and Toby's heart broke, she had a couple nightmares while she was at GH but he was able to get her to wake her up much quicker then, now she just wouldn't snap out of it and it was killing him to see his precious fiancé like this and he couldn't wait to get his hands on Jerry and make him pay for doing this to her, but his focus right now was getting her to wake up. “Spence baby it's me I'm right here okay you're safe baby I won't let Jerry hurt you ever again I promise okay just open your eyes baby girl.” He pleaded gently trying to get through to her , he hated seeing her like this and feeling helpless himself. “Jerry stop please.” Spencer cried. “Spence baby he can't hurt you again okay I won't let him I promise, wake up baby girl please I'm right here.” He said trying to calm her down. “T-Toby.” She whimpered in her sleep and he gently started to stroke her hair again. “I'm right here baby I'm right here just open your eyes Spence you're safe I promise.” He said pleading gently and then finally her eyes snapped open and she sat up abruptly, breathing heavily and Toby immediately took her into his arms hugging her gently not to bother her shoulder and she buried her head in his chest sobbing and wrapped her left arm around him tightly.
“T-t-t-t-obes.” She cried. “Shhhh I'm right here baby I've got you Spence you're okay.” He soothed to her as he gently kissed her hair. “I-i’m s-sorry.” She cried into his chest and he immediately shook his head. “No no don't do that Spence you can't control nightmares but it's alright you're safe babe I've got you.” He said rubbing her back comfortingly until she finally started to calm down but he still held her in his arms not wanting to let her go.

“I love you so much.” Spencer was the one to break the silence. “Hey I wanted to say that first.” Toby said laughing a little before kissing the top of her head. “You feeling better?” He asked her and she finally looked up at him and nodded. “Because of you, thank you for always being my safe place to land Tobes.” She said smiling at him and he smiled back at her. “There's nothing I wouldn't do to protect you Spence.”
He said looking into her coffee colored orbs
and she smiled at him again. “Do you want me to get you anything?” Toby asked but Spencer shook her head. “Just you.” She said and he nodded. “Let's lay back down okay? We can watch a movie on Netflix or something.” He said giving her a small smile and she smiled back and nodded. “That would be perfect.” She said and he smiled giving her a small kiss and then he laid back down and reached this arms out for her and she laid down into them and put her head on his chest and Toby turned the TV on and put it on Netflix and they laid there watching a movie wrapped in each
others arms.



Anyway I really enjoyed making this chapter for y'all and the next ones things are gonna get good and juicy 😂 the only thing is Spoby is barely in it which sucks lol but that's cause they're still not back home yet, don't worry though it'll still be a good chapter 😉 I already have most of it done, it's kinda short just a warning lol. So that should be up soon and then I'll start on chapter 22 which y'all are really gonna love and you'll know why soon hehe.

Til Chapter 21!


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