Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen

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Just to remind everyone that I skipped the month of July so we're in August now 😉

At Spoby's House

Spencer walked down the stairs form checking on Marion and she smiled softly when she saw Toby had fallen asleep on the couch and Maggie was sleeping in a ball on the floor, she quietly walked over to the couch and she bent down to gently kiss his forehead, but before she could Toby sat up abruptly and he was breathing heavily. "Tobes it's okay, it's me." Spencer said gently as she put her hand on his shoulder gently, he looked at her and sighed.

"Sorry, just a nightmare." He said and Spencer immediately knew what the nightmare was about. "I know, I've been thinking about it too." Spencer said looking down. It has been a year since Valentin and Ruby held Toby captive for six weeks. "I'm sorry." Toby said softly and she shook her head. "You don't have to apologize, you and I both know I've had my fair share of nightmares after being held captive." Spencer said and Toby motioned for her to sit down and she did and he wrapped his arm around her.

"I know, I'm just… I'm just worried for some reason, what if Ruby somehow escapes Pentonville and she comes after you?" Toby said and Spencer squeezed his hand comfortingly. "Hey, it's okay, what's important is that you are safe with me and our daughter, and of course Maggs, and Valentin and Ruby are rotting away in Pentonville and they will be there for a very long time, for the rest of their lives, we're safe baby you don't have to worry." Spencer said reassuringly as she ran her hand through his hair. "I know, I love you." Toby said smiling softly at her. "I love you more." Spencer said smiling back at him before kissing him and he kissed her back.

At Sonny's Warehouse

"So everything went according to plan with the shipment last night?" Sonny asked and Jason nodded. "Yeah everything went well." Jason said. "Good." Sonny said. "Okay good, how's Toby doing? That no good father of his still poking around?" Sonny asked. "Toby said he thinks he's still in town, he hasn't reached out to him again since he stopped by their house and Toby told him to leave." Jason said. "That's good, and I know that he's probably going through some things right now, being where he was this time last year." Sonny said. "Yeah, but Spence is with him." Jason said and Sonny nodded. "I'm glad to hear that." He said.

"Yeah me too, they've had enough pain for a lifetime." Jason said. "Let's just hope that they don't have anymore." Sonny said. "That's all I want, she's my baby girl." Jason said smiling softly. "I know, and I admire how close you are with Toby, I love him too but you've really become his father figure over the past Eight years." Sonny said and Jason nodded. "Yeah, he's a good man." He said and Sonny nodded.

"Uh boss, we've got a problem." Max said as he walked into the room and Sonny and Jason turned to him. "What kind of problem Max?" Sonny asked him. "Well it seems that the $15,000 that was supposed to go towards the next shipment of coffee beans is gone." Max said and Jason looked at Sonny. "What do you mean the money's gone?" He asked. "It's just gone." Max said and Sonny turned to Jason and they exchanged worried looks.

At Sonny and Carly's House

"Thanks for coming Sam." Carly said as she walked over the couch and sat down next to her. "Yeah no problem, what's up?" Sam asked her curiously. "Well with Sonny and Jason at the warehouse, Morgan and Emily are also working, Avery is with Kristina, Joss is at Lila's Kids and I just needed a friend to talk to." Carly said and Sam grabbed her hand comfortingly.

"What's on your mind?" She asked and Carly sighed. "It's just that lately my mind's kinda been going crazy waiting for the seven month ultrasound appointment, and I'm trying not to worry too much about it but all I can think about is the severity of the baby's condition." Carly said with worry in her voice. "Carly you can't do this to yourself, it's not good for you or the baby, I know that you're worried and that you won't know for sure how severe the Spina Bifida is until the next ultrasound appointment, but you can't stress yourself out." Sam said. "I know I know, and I've also been looking stuff up online." Carly said. "Okay you know that you're definitely not supposed to do that." Sam said. "But I can't help it though!" Carly said before sighing. "I know it's hard, but I am glad that you called me." Sam said. "I appreciate you for coming." Carly said. "Yeah of course, I'm always here for you." Sam said smiling softly at her and Sam smiled back. "Okay since I'm trying to keep myself distracted, how're things with you and Jason? How's the baby?" Carly asked. "Everything's good, thanks for asking." Sam said smiling. "That's good." Carly said smiling back at her.

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