Chapter One Hundred and Five

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I hope you all enjoy! It's gonna be fun!

Here we go!

"Hello everyone and welcome to the 2019 General Hospital Nurse's Ball!" Lucy said happily as everyone clapped. "It's so wonderful to see you all here tonight and I hope you're all ready to have a good time because I promise you that tonight's going to be an unforgettable night." Lucy said and everyone clapped again.

"As you all know besides a night to showcase talent and have fun, tonight is also about raising awareness to the fight against HIV and Aids and to raise money to hopefully find a cure and tonight we're hoping to break last year's donation record so if you haven't already done so please get out your check books and make your donation now or whenever you can throughout the night.

Now to start us off here, we can't have the Nurse's Ball without our GH nurses so without further ado with our opening number, the General Hospital Nurses!" Lucy said as everyone clapped and cheered.

(Just pretend that Kiki, Liz, and Ali are
In there, and pretend that Jason is next to Sam NOT Slimo, Maxie is with Nathan not Peter, and so forth with the other couples 😂😂😂)

"Give it up for our General Hospital Nurses!"

Lucy said as everyone clapped and cheered.

"That was a fabulous way to start the night off wasn't it? Okay now we're going to take a short break to set up for the next act and then we'll be back so take this time to talk amongst yourselves and take a look at the goodie bags that are available at all of your tables and we'll resume with the fun in just a few minutes." Lucy said before walking off the stage and then the lights came back on and everyone walked around and made conversation with each other.

"Well we're off to a good start." Emily said and Spencer nodded. "Definitely." She said. "You're up next aren't you?" Toby asked Chase and he nodded. "Yup, I guess I should head backstage." Chase said. "Good luck." Ali said before kissing his cheek gently and he smiled at her. "Thank you I needed that, but just one more thing." Chase said before kissing her passionately and Spencer smiled at them and then Chase walked backstage to get ready for his performance and Spencer turned her head back to her husband. "You okay?" Toby asked her and she nodded. "Yeah I'm okay, just thinking about how lucky I am to have you here with me right now." She said smiling softly at him. "Spence you know I'm not going anywhere, right?" Toby said. "Yeah I know, I love you." She said smiling softly at him. "I love you more." Toby said before kissing her forehead and Emily and Alison smiled at them.

"You two are adorable." Emily said happily.

"Yeah they are aren't they." Sam said happily.

"Thanks Mom." Spencer said. "We're all just glad that the two of you are both here right now, together." Jason said. "I don't think anyone is happier about that than I am right now." Toby said smiling at his wife and she smiled back at him and at that moment the lights turned back off and everyone went back to their seats and Lucy came back on the stage.

"I want you to help me welcome back our next performer, who everyone has really been anticipating because last year he brought down the house, this is the detective whose moves are so arresting he makes you want to write bad checks." Lucy said and everyone laughed. "Okay ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the one, the only, Harrison Chase!" Lucy said and everyone clapped and cheered as Chase's performance started.

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