Chapter Twenty Six

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Okay everyone here is the official start of the 2018 NURSE'S BALL! 💖✨💖✨💖✨💖

“Hello everyone and welcome to the 2018 Nurse's Ball!” Lucy said happily and everyone cheered. “As always we are here tonight to not only have a great time but to raise money and awareness for HIV and Aids to hopefully one day find a cure, which is why if you haven't already please make a donation. Now one of the important parts of the Nurse's Ball has always been of course, the GH nurses so without further ado, here are your General Hospital nurses!” Lucy exclaimed and then the GH nurses started to perform and everyone cheered.

(Start video at 43 seconds and just pretend that Elizabeth, Kiki, and Alison are in there okay and pretend that Nathan is next to Maxie okay lol.)

“Your General Hospital nurses everyone let's give them a big hand!” Lucy said and everyone clapped and cheered. “That was a terrific job everyone! Okay now we're going to take just a small break to set up for the next act so just sit back and relax and while you're at it you can also go check out the goodie bags which this bring me to my next thing I want to say a special thank you to Play for helping us sponsor this year's Nurse's Ball and they've added a little something special to your goodie bags so be sure to check that out and we will resume with the fun in just a few minutes.” Lucy said and then she walked off the stage and the lights came back on and everyone
started walking around and socializing
with each other. “So Chase you're up next, you nervous?” Toby asked Chase as him and Ali walked over to their table. “I’m feeling pretty good right now, the one thing that's helping me is knowing that my girl will be right there in the audience watch me.” Chase said smiling at Alison and she smiled back at him. “Well thank you baby, you're going to be fantastic.” She said giving him a quick kiss. “Ali isn't wrong Chase I'm sure you'll do great.” Spencer said. “Thanks guys, I guess I better go backstage and get ready.” Chase said and Spencer, Toby, Jason, and Sam all wished him good luck and Ali gave him another kiss before he went backstage and she went back over to their table.

"You okay Spence?" Toby asked with concern and he touched her shoulder comfortingly. “Yeah I'm alright I'm just thinking.” She gave him a small smile.
“You sure?” He asked and she nodded.
“I'm fine Tobes I promise, I'm going to go say hi to Kiki and Griffin, you want to come with me?” She asked smiling at him and he nodded and they both stood up and walked over to Kiki and Griffin's table. “Hey you guys.” Spencer said smiling and Kiki and Griffin smiled back. “Hey you two, you having a good time?” Kiki asked and they nodded. “Yeah a really good time.” Spencer said smiling at Toby. “How about you guys?” Toby asked and they nodded. “Yeah we're having a great time, looking forward to seeing you two up on that stage.” Kiki said smiling. “Well thank you, we're pretty excited too.” Spencer said laughing a little and Toby just smiled at his beautiful fiancé.
“Hello Kiki, Dr. Munroe.” A voice said walking over to them and Kiki immediately was very nervous and Spencer and Toby were in shock and Griffin was just angry and he gently grabbed Kiki's hand under the table and squeezed it comfortingly.
“Dr. Bensch.” Kiki said trying to be as civil as possible. “What are you doing here?” Spencer said not afraid to get in his face and Toby stood next to her ready to pounce on him if needed. (😂😂😂😂😂😂) “Well this is a public event so here I am.” He said. “You have no right to be here.” Griffin growled at him. “Griffin this is the Nurse's Ball half of the town is here.” Dr. Bensch said. “You have NO right to be here after what you did.” Kiki said. “Kiki that was just a misunderstanding.” Dr. Bensch said. “Bull. You know exactly what you did and don't you dare say it was mutual because you know darn well she asked you to stop making passes at her, now if you don't leave her alone I'll just have to throw you out myself.” Spencer said angrily and most likely spitting in his face.” (😂😂😂😂😂😂😂) “Oh Spencer like you could do anything to me, not like what I could do to you.” Dr Bensch said and Toby had had enough and he stood in front of her protectively. “Don't you EVER come anywhere near her, are we clear?” He growled and Dr. Bensch laughed. “Oh Toby it's sweet how protective you are, but maybe you should tell your fiancé to stay out of my personal business.” Dr. Bensch said and Before Toby or Spencer could say anything Griffin stood up. “Okay Dr. Bensch if you don't get the heck out of here right now and stay away from my girlfriend I will just have to have Spencer's father or as you may know him  Jason Morgan throw you out the hard way.” Griffin threatened and then Dr. Bensch gave up and left and Griffin sat back down next to Kiki and kissed her cheek comfortingly. “Hey he's gone Kiki don't let him ruin this night okay?” He said sweetly and Kiki gave him a small smile and nodded.
“Just relax Spence it's okay.” Toby comforted her while he rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. “I want to rip his head off.” Spencer said and Toby kissed the top of her head gently. “Believe me so do I, but luckily he's gone now or I probably would have thrown him into a table.” Griffin said. “Oh believe me I would have helped you with that.” Toby said and everyone laughed.
(Y'ALL HAVE NO IDEA HOW BADLY I WANTED TO DO THAT I SERIOUSLY ALMOST DID.) “You okay Kiki?” Spencer asked walking closer to her and putting a hand on her shoulder and Kiki nodded. “Yeah I'm alright, thanks for standing up for me though Spence.” Kiki said and Spencer gave her a hug. “Of course, what're friends for right?” She said and Kiki nodded. “Okay well we should probably get back to our table right babe?” Spencer asked Toby and he nodded and she walked back over to him and he wrapped his arms around her and they walked back to their table. “What was Dr. Bensch doing here?” Sam asked curiously and with a hint of worry in her voice. “Trying to make trouble for Kiki but I told him off.” Spencer said proudly. “Yeah she was pretty great, I also told the piece of trash off once he tried to threaten Spencer.” Toby said. “He's lucky I wasn't over there.” Jason said. “Oh believe me that's how we got him to leave Griffin threatened to have you throw him out.” Spencer said and they all laughed. And soon after that the lights went back off and everyone was back in their seats and Lucy came back onto the stage. “Hello again everybody I hope you all are having a great time and now it is time for our next act, he is fairly new to Port Charles so this is his very first Nurse's Ball and once I heard him singing I knew he just had to perform at this year's Nurse's Ball and luckily he said yes and so without further introduction here is the PCPD'S own Detective Harrison Chase!” Lucy said before walking off the stage and everyone cheered.

(Start video at one minute.)

“Detective Harrison Chase everyone!” Lucy said as everyone cheered and Chase smiled at Ali who blew him a kiss and winked at him. “Chase that was fantastic!” Lucy said. “Well thank you Lucy it was a lot of fun.” Chase said smiling. “Okay Spence I guess we better get backstage and get ready for our performance.” Sam said and Spencer nodded“Yeah I guess we should, I'll be right back baby.” Spencer said whispering to Toby before kissing him passionately and he quickly kissed her back. “I'll be right here, go be fantastic baby girl.” He smiled at her and Jason wished Sam luck as well and then Sam and Spencer walked backstage to get ready with Lulu, Hanna and Valerie.
“Okay everyone we have plenty more where that just came from and next we have a very special group of ladies who never cease to amaze me and so I give to you, The Haunted Starlets!” Lucy said happily before walking back off the stage and everyone cheered and then the performance started.

 “Okay everyone we have plenty more where that just came from and next we have a very special group of ladies who never cease to amaze me and so I give to you, The Haunted Starlets!” Lucy said happily before walking back off the stage and everyone...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

“Give it up for the Haunted Starlets everybody!” Lucy said as everyone cheered

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

“Give it up for the Haunted Starlets everybody!” Lucy said as everyone cheered.

To be continued….

And there you have it the Nurse's Ball is OFFICIALLY UNDERWAY! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Til Chapter 27!


Pretty Little Port Charlesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें