Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven

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Previously on Pretty Little Port Charles...

"Hello Jason, nice of you to respond to my request." Jerry said as Jason walked into the room. "Okay, I'm here. Now why don't you tell me why you wanted to see me." Jason said as he sat across from Jerry who was handcuffed to the table. "I wanted to see you because I have something important to tell you and I didn't want to do it over the phone." Jerry said and Jason scoffed. "Trust me, there is nothing important about anything that you would tell me." He said and Jerry laughed. "Oh but Jason you don't know what it is yet." He said as he smirked at him. "Why don't you just get this over with and say whatever it is that you're claiming is so important." Jason said. "As you wish, okay Jason… I want to make a deal with you." Jerry said. "I'm not interested in making any deals with you Jerry, you should know that by now." Jason said. "Well this is going to be different." Jerry said. "And what makes you say that?" Jason said. "Well for starters, you're going to drop the charges against me so that I can get out of here." Jerry said and Jason rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's not happening." He said. "You say that now, but I'm not finished. It'll be a trade, I will give you something that you want in exchange for my freedom." Jerry said as he smirked at him.

"Okay now you're really just wasting my time, there is nothing that you have that I would ever want." Jason said. "Oh but you're wrong about that." Jerry said. "I don't know why I'm going to say this, but what is it that you think I would have any interest in?" Jason said curiously. 

"It's your sister Jason….. Emily's alive and I know where she is." Jerry said and Jason's eyes widened in surprise and shock.


At Pentonville

"No, No. Jerry I don't know what game you're trying to play here, but this isn't funny." Jason said, he definitely isn't too thrilled right now that Jerry's bringing Emily into whatever game he's trying to play right now. "I'm not lying Jason, I'm telling you the truth, Emily is alive." 
Jerry said calmly. "You and I both know that Diego Alcazar strangled Emily to death because I killed his father." Jason said. "Yes, but she's not dead." Jerry said, and now Jason was really starting to get angry. "Jerry it's not possible! I saw her! She had no pulse! I-I held her body in my arms!" Jason exclaimed angrily, he was also trying really hard not to tear up, now was not the time, especially not in front of Jerry. "Well don't you remember that I was there too?" Jerry said as he smirked at him.

"You better make this make sense right now." Jason said as he glared at him and Jerry nodded in response. "Alright, well it's quite simple really. Helena kidnapped her, well she had some of her minions do the dirty work." He told him, but Jason still wasn't all the way convinced that he was telling the truth. "Not that that doesn't make sense, but she wasn't breathing, she had no pulse." Jason said.

"She wasn't all the way dead Jason, but she was injected with a drug that made her seem that way. I'm sure that you can figure out the rest." Jerry said, Jason shook his head. "So you're telling me that Helena had some of her minions inject Emily with some drug after she was strangled, and then they took her out of the casket somehow after everyone left her funeral, and put a dummy in the casket before it was buried?" Jason said as he raised his eyebrow.

"That is exactly what I'm telling you." Jerry said. "And why now? After all of these years?" Jason said. "That should be obvious, like I had any reason to stop your suffering before, but now I realized that telling you the truth would be a way for you to get me released from this place." Jerry said, smirking. "And if I don't drop the charges?" Jason asked.
"If you don't drop the charges against me then you'll never find her." Jerry said as she smirked again. "And how do I know that you're not just making this up as a get out of jail free card?" Jason asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. "If I really didn't know where she was and I was just making all of this up it would be absolutely pointless because then you would just throw me back in Pentonville, I am telling you the truth Jason. It's your choice on what you want to do, I'll be waiting to hear from you." Jerry said before calling for a guard to come and unhandcuff him from the table and escort him back to his cell leaving Jason in the room by himself, still trying to process everything that Jerry had just told him.

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