Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One

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"Nathan, I told you that it's not a big deal. I'm fine." Maxie said as they walked through the main entrance of the hospital.

"I know. And you know that I just want to make sure that you're okay. So, thank you for agreeing to let me bring you here to get you checked out." Nathan said as Maxie sighed softly. "I know that, and I love you for being so protective. But really, I'm totally fine." Maxie said, but Nathan wasn't exactly convinced. "And I know that you keep insisting that. But Max, your wrist is a little bent. And don't say that it's not bothering you because I can see that you keep holding it." Nathan said as he motioned to her left wrist. "Okay, so maybe it does hurt a little bit, but it's no big deal. I mean, seriously though you can just take me home. Especially so I can see our kids." Maxie said as she looked at him, giving him puppy eyes.

"I love you, Max. But it could be worse than you think it is. You need to get it looked at, just to be safe." Nathan said and Maxie sighed in defeat, She knew that her husband had a point. "Okay, okay. Fine. I'll get it checked out. Then we can go home?" Maxie said and Nathan nodded. "Yes, then we can go home." He said and Maxie nodded, then they walked over to The Nurse's Station where Amy was working at the computer.

"Maxie! It's good to see you. I heard about what happened... I'm glad that you are safe." Amy said as she smiled softly at her. "Thanks Amy. It's nice to see you, too. I'm okay." Maxie said as she gave her a small smile. "Except for the fact that she needs to get her wrist checked out." Nathan said.

"Yeah, even though it's totally fine." Maxie said, even though she wasn't entirely sure about that.

"Well, you can never be too careful. Let me check and see who's available at the moment." Amy said as she started doing some typing on the computer. "Okay, it looks like Elizabeth will be able to take a look at your wrist in a few minutes, after she's done checking on a patient." Amy said as she looked back up at the couple after she had just paged Elizabeth. "Great. Thanks Amy." Nathan said. "Of course. I'm always happy to help, you know that. I hope your wrist isn't injured too badly, Maxie." Amy said as she smiled softly at her. "Thank you, Amy. I'm sure that everything's fine, though. But I still appreciate the concern nonetheless." Maxie said as she smiled softly back at her and Amy nodded. "Of course."

"Well, I guess that we should go over to the

and wait." Nathan said and Maxie nodded in agreement, they both said goodbye to Amy and then they walked over to the waiting area.

At Spoby's House

"Well, I think that saying that today has been a long day would be an understatement." Spencer said, looking at Toby as they walked through their front door and into their living room.

"Yeah, but everything worked out. You helped save Maxie, like I knew that you would. And now everything's okay." Toby said as he looked at her proudly. "Yeah, and it's such a relief. Not only because I'm glad that Maxie is safe and her whole nightmare is over and Declan can't threaten her anymore, but also because I finally get to have alone time with you. It feels like this morning was so long ago." Spencer said as she smiled softly at him. "Yeah, I'm definitely not going to argue with that." Toby said as he smiled at her. Spencer then turned her gaze to Marion, who was sound asleep in his arms. "You know, I'll never get over how at peace she looks when she's in your arms. And I know that feeling." She said as she smiled softly and Toby smiled at her. "Well I love being able to wrap both of you in my arms. I should probably get ready to take our little princess upstairs, then we can decide how we want to spend our alone time." He said and Spencer nodded, smiling softly at him. Just then, Maggie barked excitedly and ran into the living room.

"Hi Maggs, we missed you, too." Spencer said, laughing softly as she bent down to pet her. "Yes, we did. She must've been sleeping in the kitchen." Toby said as he smiled at their dog.

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