Chapter Ninety Two

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The Next Day

At Lulu and Dante's House

Jason, Sam, Lulu, Dante, and Alison were all in the living room.

“So you're saying that Stavros is alive?” Jason asked and Lulu nodded before looking down and Dante grabbed this wife's hand comfortingly and she smiled at him softly.

“This doesn't make any sense though, Stavros is dead, he's been dead for four years.” Sam said. “Believe me I'm as confused as you, I mean I'm the one that shot him and then the clinic blew up so it doesn't make any sense how he could've survived that.” Dante said.

“I think we all know what happened.” Ali finally spoke up from across the room and they all looked over at her. “Someone must've helped him.” Jason said and Ali nodded. “Well that has to be the only explanation for how his body could've gotten out of Crichton Clark before it blew up.” She said. “But who?” Sam asked.

“That's what we're all afraid of…” Lulu said and Sam's eyes widened and she shook her head.

“You don't possibly think that Helena has something to do with this.” She said desperately. “Well I think we all learned that nothing is impossible in this town.” Dante said.

“Plus she had to have saved him before she died, if she's even really dead either.” Ali said.

“Well yeah you have a point, but just the possibility of Helena still being out there is not pretty.” Sam said. “Yeah I know… and I know that's exactly where Spencer's mind is going to go with this.” Ali said. “That's why we're not going to tell her right now, I'll talk to Toby and he can tell her himself, it'll be better that way if she hears it from him that Stavros is alive because the possibility of Helena being alive too is exactly where her mind is going to go.” Jason said and they all nodded in agreement.

“Okay, so Ali have you told Chase what's going on?” Sam asked and she shook her head. “I haven't had the conversation with him yet, trying to find the right words.” She said and Sam nodded. “That's understandable.” Jason said. “I'm going to go to the station to talk to him though.” Ali said and Dante looked at her.

“I can drive you.” He said. “Dad I appreciate that but I am an adult.” She said. “I know that sweetheart but we all know how dangerous Stavros is, I don't want you or your Mom getting hurt again, I won't let him hurt this family again.” Dante said and Ali nodded.

“Okay fine you can drive me.” She said. “Thank you.” Dante said. “We're going to get through this, as a family.” Lulu said. “And I'll help with anything you need.” Jason said and Dante nodded. “I appreciate that.” He said. “Have you told Sonny yet?” Jason asked. “No, I was hoping maybe you could fill him in?” Dante asked and Jason nodded. “Yeah I'll do that.” He said. “Okay so do you know exactly where Stavros sent the message from?” Sam asked.

“No, but that's where Spinelli comes in.” Ali said and Sam nodded. “Forward it to me and I'll send it to him.” She said and Ali nodded and Lulu got her laptop and forwarded Sam the video to her phone. “Alright, we're going to get him, ai promise.” Jason said. “He's right, we won't let him hurt you guys again.” Sam said.

“We really appreciate the help.” Lulu said.

“Absolutely, we're practically family, it's our job.” Jason said and Ali smiled softly at him.

A Little Bit Later


“So what did you want to talk to me about?” Chase asked curiously as Ali stood in front of him at his desk. “There's something that you need to know.” She said nervously and he could sense this was hard for her to talk about so he grabbed her hand comfortingly. “Go ahead Ali, I'm right here.” He said and she nodded. “Okay, so there's this guy that's came after me and my Mom before, he's pretty obsessed with us, and we thought he was dead because my Dad shot him four years ago and then the clinic blew up…. But yesterday he sent my Mom and I a video message and he said he's alive and that he's coming for us, to make us his again.” Ali said nervously and Chase's eyes widened. “I promise you that I will protect you, but I need a name.” Chase said and Ali nodded. “Stavros Cassadine, Helena's son.” Ali said. “I promise you that I will not let him get anywhere near you, now why didn't you tell me about him before?” Chase asked as he rubbed his thumb across her hand protectively.  “I wasn't sure how to, he's done a lot of stuff to us and plus we thought he was dead so we thought we were safe.” Ali said. “I understand that, but don't you ever be afraid to talk to me okay?” Chase said and Ali nodded. “I will tell you everything I promise.” She said. “Just take your time, and know that I will do whatever I can to keep you safe.” Chase said and Ali nodded. “I know, and I love you for that.” She said. “I love you.” Chase said before kissing her forehead and Ali wrapped her arms around him and he hugged her back comfortingly and rubbed her back in soothing circles. “He won't hurt you again, I won't let him.” Chase said with determination in his voice and Ali nodded against his chest.

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