Chapter Seventy Two

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The Next Day

At Elizabeth and Lucky's House

“I can't believe that my little girl is getting married tomorrow!” Elizabeth said happily and Aria laughed. “Well thank you for that Mom I appreciate it.” She said smiling. “You're very welcome, so how are you feeling? Excited, nervous?” Elizabeth asked. “A little bit of both.” Aria said laughing. “But mostly just excited and ready to get married to the man of my dreams tomorrow.” She said happily. “Well I couldn't be happier for you and Holden, it feels like just yesterday when he proposed to you at The Nurse's Ball.” Elizabeth said happily. “Yeah it does, the year went by pretty fast though.” Aria said laughing. “It did didn't it? Well tomorrow you're going to be a beautiful bride.” Elizabeth said smiling at her daughter. “Thanks Mom.” Aria said smiling back at her before giving her a hug.

At Spoby's House

In Their Bedroom

Toby was laying in bed looking at Spencer who was still peacefully sleeping with her head on his chest with her hand resting on her baby bump, he loved seeing her look so peaceful.

Before too long Spencer started to wake up and she looked up at him and smiled. “Hey you.” Toby said before gently kissing her forehead. “Hey handsome.” Spencer said smiling at him. “How'd you sleep?” Toby asked as he gently brushed the hair out of her face. “Pretty good, mostly because I knew that you were holding me, keeping me and our baby safe.” Spencer said and Toby smiled softly. “Spencer, you know that I'll always keep you safe no matter what, both of you.” He said before placing his hand on her stomach resulting in a soft kick from the baby and Spencer laughed. “Yeah I think we both know that.” She said happily. “Good because you're stuck with me.” Toby said and she nodded. “How long was I asleep?” Spencer asked curiously. “Well it's almost noon right now.” Toby said and Spencer's eyes widened and she sat up a little. “It's almost noon? Tobes you shouldn't have let me sleep so late you know that I have to be at The Metro Court this afternoon to meet with Carly to make sure everything is ready for Aria's Bachelorette Party tonight! Oh my gosh I can't believe that I overslept-” Toby interrupted her by putting his hands on her shoulders gently. “Spence listen to me.” He said gently and Spencer nodded waiting for him to continue. “Everything is going to be okay, I knew you needed the extra sleep because you were so exhausted last night and you needed your rest. I already talked to Carly and she said changed the meeting time to 4:30, everything is fine, just take a deep breath and relax for me okay?” Toby said and Spencer nodded and took a deep breath and then pressed her forehead against his. “Thank you.” She said softly. “Anything for you.” Toby said smiling at her. “I'm sorry I rambled on like that.” Spencer said and Toby shook his head. “Don't be sorry Spence, I completely understand, you're Aria's Maid of Honor and you want everything to be perfect for her and I get that, and I also know that Aria would completely understand that you needed the extra rest for you and the baby.” Toby said and Spencer nodded. “Yeah I know, you're right, I just got carried away for a second there.” Spencer said. “You know I think you're even cuter when you do that.” Toby said and Spencer playfully hit his arm. “Yeah right.” She said laughing. “What I do! Not my fault you're amazing.” Toby said admiring his beautiful wife and Spencer playfully rolled her eyes. “Yeah whatever you say Tobias.” She said before rubbing her forehead. “Hey you okay?” Toby asked with concern in his voice. “Yeah I'm fine, just a little headache, I'll be fine.” Spencer said and Toby rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. “You know if you're not feeling up to it later I know Aria would understand.” Toby said and Spencer shook her head. “I have to be there Tobes, I'll be fine, and besides you have to be at The Floating Rib for Holden's Bachelor Party.” She said. “I would stay home in a heartbeat if you needed me to, Holden would understand that.” Toby said and Spencer smiled. “You're adorable, but I'll be fine I promise.” She said and Toby nodded. “Okay if you say so, just let me know and we can just skip the parties and stay in and watch movies all night.” He said smiling. “That would be perfect, but we have to go to the parties.” Spencer said. “Okay if you insist, now I can make you some French Toast if you want.” Toby said and Spencer smiled. “How did you know that the baby and I were craving French Toast?” She asked. “Because I know you, and I love you.” Toby said smiling at her. “I love you too.” Spencer said. “Okay I'll be right back.” Toby said before gently kissing her forehead and then he kissed her stomach before getting off the bed and going downstairs to the kitchen leaving Spencer to lay back down and wait for him to come back.

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