Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight

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The Next Morning

At Spoby's House

"I'm assuming that our little princess is still asleep?" Toby said as Spencer walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island, he was making breakfast. "Yeah, she definitely wore herself out last night." Spencer said, and when Toby glanced over at her he could see that she was checking her phone, she sighed as she placed it on the island. "You're still waiting to hear from your dad." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I mean I know that he said that he would tell me what Jerry told him, I'm just… I'm just worried." She said as she sighed softly, Toby turned the stove off and walked over to her. "Hey, I know, I mean you just found out that your aunt who you thought was dead for almost thirteen years might actually still be alive, you worrying is completely understandable, but how about you try and take your mind off of it by eating the French toast that your husband just cooked for you." 
He said as he smiled softly at her. "You really know the way to my heart, don't you, making me breakfast." Spencer said as she smiled back at him. "I know that you need to eat something." Toby said and Spencer laughed softly. "Yes sir." She said smiling at him before kissing his cheek and he smiled back at her before handing her a plate, and then he fixed himself a plate and sat down next to her.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Okay, I talked with my mom, I told her that we have to go away for a bit to take care of some business." Jason said as he sat next to Sam on the couch. "And she bought that?" Sam asked. "Yeah, she didn't ask any more questions, I hated having to lie to her but it's better than getting her hopes up." Jason said. "Yeah, but hopefully it will be worth it because when we come back, Emily will hopefully be with us." Sam said and Jason nodded. "Here's hoping, there's one more thing I need to do." Jason said. "Tell Spence." Sam said and Jason nodded. "I promised her I would give her an update today." He said. "We'll go together, tell them together." Sam said and Jason nodded. "I was actually hoping you would say that." He said as he smiled softly at her. "We should probably get ready and head over there, the sooner we can get to Cassadine Island the better." Sam said. "You took the words right out of my mouth." Jason said and Sam grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. "It's going to be okay, we're going to get her back, we're going to bring Emily home." Sam said and Jason nodded. "I know." He said.

At Carly and Sonny's House

Carly was sitting on the couch holding Donna in her arms, she was feeding her a bottle, Sonny walked downstairs and smiled softly to himself as he watched his wife with their baby girl, he then walked over and sat down next to her, she looked over and smiled softly at him.

"Hey you." Carly said happily. "Hey gorgeous, there's something I need to tell you." Sonny said. "Okay, what's up?" Carly asked curiously.

"So Jason called me earlier and told me that he was going to be heading out of town for a bit with Sam, he didn't give me many details though." Sonny said. "Well that's a little strange, he didn't tell you where they were going?" Carly asked him. "No, all he told me was that there was something that he needed to take care of, and not to worry." Sonny said.

"Okay now he should know by now that when he says stuff like that it makes me want to worry." Carly said. "I'm sure that everything's fine." Sonny said. "Why don't you go with them?" Carly said. "Carly if Jason needed me to go with him for backup he would've asked me, You know that he can take care of himself." Sonny said. "Of course I know that Sonny, but don't you think it's a little strange that he all of a sudden says that he's going out of town with Sam for some reason?" Carly said. "I'm sure that whatever it is, if and when he's ready to tell me, he will. Stop worrying." Sonny said. "Yeah well that's easier said than done." Carly said.
"I know, but just try, I'm sure that everything's fine." Sonny said and Carly nodded. "I'll try." She said before looking down at Donna who smiled softly and Sonny couldn't help but smile at his wife and baby girl.

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