Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two

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A Few Days Later

At Spoby's House

Spencer and Toby were cuddling together on the couch and Marion was sitting in Toby's lap and playing with her coffee cup toy.

"This is perfect." Spencer said as she smiled softly at him. "I couldn't agree more." Toby said as he smiled back at her. "I wish that we could stay here all day." Spencer said and Toby laughed softly. "I wouldn't mind that either." He said and Spencer smiled at him as she stroked his cheek gently. "So, are you excited about the Nurse's Ball? Okay I don't know why I just said that, of course you are." Toby said and Spencer laughed. "You're right about that." She said as he smiled softly at him, her smile slowly faded as she ran her hand through his hair. "Do you have to go to work?" She asked him. "Yes, but you know that I always come back to you, and our little princess." Toby said before kissing Marion's forehead and Maggie barked. "You too Maggs." Toby said as he laughed softly. "We love you." Spencer said as she stroked his cheek gently. "I love you too, I have a proposition for you, when I get home from work, you can shower with me." Toby said as he smirked softly at her. "I would love to." Spencer said as she smiled softly at him before wrapping her arm around him and kissed him and Toby happily kissed her back.

A few minutes later, Toby sighed softly.

"I should probably get to work." He said before kissing her forehead, but Marion wasn't exactly happy. "No, Dada stay." She said as she snuggled closer to his chest, Spencer gave her husband a sympathetic smile. "I figured this would happen." She said and Toby nodded. "Yeah me too." He said before looking back down at Marion. "Hey baby girl, you know that I would stay here with you and your Mommy all day if I could, but right now I've got to go to work, you be good for Mommy okay? I promise I'll be back later." Toby soothed to her before kissing her forehead and Spencer smiled softly at them. "Okay Dada." Marion said as she looked up at him. "That's my girl." Toby said smiling softly at her before handing her over to Spencer, he gave his wife a quick kiss, and then he kissed Marion's forehead and petted Maggie before leaving the house, Spencer smiled softly to herself as she watched him leave, and then she turned her attention back to Marion to had distracted herself from missing her daddy by going back to playing with her coffee cup toy. "Daddy will be back baby girl, you know that he always comes back." Spencer said as she kissed her daughter's forehead, although she always misses him when he leaves too, but she's looking forward to their shower together when he gets home from work, she smirked softly to herself before turning her attention back to Marion in her arms, she loved her so much.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

Jason and Sam were cuddling on the couch.

"So, do you have to get ready and leave?" Sam asked him. "No, why?" Jason said curiously.

"I figured you'd be meeting with Sonny to talk about the shipment going out tonight." Sam said, Jason shook his head. "No I won't need to do that until later, I told him I would go to the pier and oversee things." Jason said as he ran his hand through her hair and she smiled softly at him. "Okay good, because I don't want to get up from this spot." Sam said as she kissed his cheek. "Well we don't have to." Jason said.

"Hey you two." Brooklyn said smiling softly at them as she came downstairs. "Hey, we were wondering when you'd finally come down." Sam said. "I bet you've been hard at work writing music again, and preparing for the song that you're going to sing at the Nurse's Ball." Jason said and Brooklyn nodded. "Yeah I guess you can say that I've been a little busy, but I checked on Phoenix before I came down here, she's still sleeping happily." Brooklyn said as she smiled softly. "Thanks." Sam said. "No problem, you know she's adorable." Brooklyn said. "Just like her mother." Jason said before kissing Sam's forehead, she smiled at him.

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