Chapter Fifty Four

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A few days later

At Jason and Sam's penthouse

Spencer was sitting on the couch holding her phone in her hands and looking at her lockscreen, which was a photo of her and Toby on their wedding day, God she missed him so much. Just then there was a knock at the door and Spencer sighed and put her phone on the coffee table and then she got up off the couch and walked over to the door and when she opened it Chase was standing there. “Chase, hi do you have any new leads?” Spencer asked curiously and trying to hide the fact that she'd been crying again. “I do actually, can I come in?” Chase asked and Spencer nodded as she stepped out of the way to let him in and then she shut the door and turned back to him.

“So what's going on with the investigation?” Spencer asked curiously and desperately.

“Okay so we know that someone ran Toby's motorcycle off the road and then took him after he crashed right?” Chase asked and Spencer nodded trying to blink away tears. “Well I was just with another search party out in the woods and uh, Spence we found something.” Chase said finally revealing what was behind his back, an evidence bag.

“We found his cracked cell phone but we had to keep it in evidence at the station, but I knew you would want this.” Chase said opening the bag and pulling out a black leather jacket, Toby's leather jacket. Spencer let out a small gasp and let a tear roll down her face and she nodded. “It's his.” She said crying. “We tested it for other DNA but we got nothing and then I knew I had to bring it to you.” Chase said walking over to her and handing her the jacket and Spencer immediately held it tightly to her chest as tears ran down her face. “Thank you for bringing this by.” She said and he nodded.

“I just wish I had more to tell you.” He said.

“I just hate this Chase, I mean I'm a PI and I can't even find my own husband when he gets kidnapped?” Spencer said crying and Chase put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. “Spence none of this is your fault okay? Whoever did this did a pretty good job of covering their tracks, and we're all doing everything we can to make sure Toby is found and brought home safely, and you need to be focused on getting rest for you and the baby, all this stress isn't good Spence.” Chase said but Spencer shook her head. “I'm fine Chase, besides I'm only two months along okay I don't need to be laying around doing nothing I need to be out there looking for my husband.” Spencer said and Chase just simply wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug. “I promise you that I will find him, I should get back to the
station.” Chase said and Spencer nodded and walked him over to the door. “Thanks for bringing this back, you don't know how much I needed this piece of him right now.” Spencer said, her voice cracking at the end and Chase nodded. “I think I do. I'll keep you updated I promise, I'll bring him home Spence.” He said with determination in his voice and Spencer nodded and then Chase left and Spencer shut the door behind him and she stood with her back against the door and she looked down at the leather jacket in her arms and then she immediately broke down crying again and she slid down against the door sobbing uncontrollably, the leather jacket still in her arms as she held it to her body tightly breathing in his scent that she missed so much.

A few minutes later

“Spence.” Sam said walking over and sitting down next to her and she wrapped her arm around her oldest daughter. “C-chase was just here, h-he found t-this in the w-woods.”
Spencer cried. “Oh honey.” Sam said as she rubbed her back comfortingly. “W-where is he Mommy?” Spencer cried into her shoulder. “I wish I knew baby girl, but I promise you that we're going to find him, Sonny, your Father and the entire PCPD is out looking for him and I'm doing what I can from here, we're going to bring him home Spence.” Sam said trying to comfort her.
“I n-need h-him, t-this b-b-baby n-needs h-him.” Spencer cried unable to stop breathing uncontrollably. “I know baby I know, but Spence this isn't good for you or the baby you need to try and get some rest, why don't you go downstairs and try and take a nap?” Sam asked but Spencer shook her head rapidly. “I can't Mom I can't sleep because the minute I close my eyes I picture the love of my life being torchered wherever he is! And do you know how hard it is to even be in that room, that bed that we shared so many moments in? I mean that's why I can't even stay in our house because it hurts too much to be there with the thought that he may never come home! I-I c-can't do this Mom I can't lose him!” Spencer cried and Sam just held her tighter and continued to rub her back, she didn't know what else to do but she knows that she would feel the same if Jason were missing. “I know baby I know, but I promise you that we're going to find him okay? Your Dad is not going to rest until he brings Toby home.” Sam said and Spencer nodded. “Okay honey let's at least get you off the floor okay? How about we go sit on the couch?” Sam asked and Spencer nodded and Sam gently helped Spencer get up off the floor and then they walked over to the couch and Sam sat down and Spencer sat down next to her and then she laid down so her head was on Sam's lap and Sam continued to rub her back comfortingly.
“Everything's going to be okay Spence just try to relax okay? I know it's hard but Toby would want you to take care of yourself and the baby.” Sam said and Spencer nodded but didn't say anything, she just kept her eyes focused on Toby's leather jacket that was still in her arms.

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