Chapter Sixty Seven

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A Few Days Later

At Spoby's House

(Spencer is now 4 months pregnant)

“This is all my fault.” Spencer said worriedly as she walked into the house with Toby. “Spence you heard Kim, our baby is perfectly healthy.” Toby said trying to reassure her but she rapidly shook her head. “If that were true I would've been feeling some kicks by now Toby!” Spencer exclaimed with frustration in her voice as she sat down on the couch and Toby sat down next to her and grabbed her hand comfortingly. “Look at me, it's not your fault okay? Kim said that the baby is perfectly healthy and we saw the ultrasound Spence everything is fine, Kim said this is perfectly normal for some babies to start kicking later than others.” Toby said but Spencer shook her head again. “You're wrong Tobes. This is all my fault, the baby definitely should've been kicking by now, if I had just taken better care of myself and the baby while you were gone then this wouldn't be happening right now.” Spencer said before burying her face in her hands and Toby sighed, he hated seeing her do this to herself.

“Spence,” He said softly as he put his hand on her back comfortingly, she still wouldn't look at him though. “You’ve got to stop blaming yourself, you did the best you could while I was gone, of course you were stressed out I was taken from you, but it's over and I'm home where I belong.” Toby said trying to comfort her and Spencer sighed heavily before lifting her head up to look at him. “I should've just forced myself to eat better sooner, for the baby. I-I should've just focused on trying to keep our baby healthy instead of doing the complete opposite and letting myself fall apart!” Spencer said with frustration in her voice as tears fell down her cheeks and Toby immediately wiped them away with his thumb. “Look at me, please don't blame yourself this isn't your fault, everything is okay I promise you.” Toby said gently and Spencer nodded before sniffling and Toby gently pressed his forehead against hers.

At Sonny's Office

“Alright, thanks Spinelli.” Jason said before hanging up and putting his phone back in his pocket. “What favor did the Jackal do for you this time?” Sonny asked and Jason looked at him. “I just had him double check the security at Pentonville, you know, just in case, just making sure that certain people are still locked up tight.” Jason said and Sonny nodded. “Yeah of course I understand that, how are Spencer and Toby doing?” Sonny asked. “They're doing alright which is good because we need all the good news we can get right now.” Jason said and Sonny nodded. “Yeah, I'm sorry about Oscar, I wish there was some way I could help.” He said and Jason nodded. “Yeah you and me both.” He said. “Alright changing the subject back to business, last night's shipments went according to plan.” Sonny said and Jason nodded. “That's some more good news I like that.” He said and Sonny nodded. “Yeah, things are going good, hopefully not too good.” Sonny said. “Well if something changes, we'll be ready, I'll handle it.” Jason said and Sonny nodded. “Yeah I know you will, which is exactly why you're my right hand man.” Sonny said and Jason nodded. “Wouldn't want it any other way.”

Back at Spoby's House

“You feeling better now?” Toby asked Spencer as they cuddled on the couch and he rubbed her back comfortingly. “Well I'd say that this is definitely a step in the right direction.” Spencer said smiling up at him. “Good, now just remember what I said, everything is fine, our baby is perfectly healthy and there's nothing to worry about.” Toby said and Spencer nodded.

“I-I know, I think. But I just can't stop thinking about-” Spencer said but Toby stopped her.

“Listen to me, you did absolutely nothing wrong okay? You were worried about me which is why you weren't being yourself which is completely understandable but it's all okay now, I'm here and our baby is fine.” Toby said and Spencer nodded but before she could say anything else there was a knock at the door. “I'll get it.” Toby said before kissing her forehead and Spencer nodded and then Toby got up from the couch and went to answer the door.

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