Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four

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The Next Day

At Spoby's House

"Marion where's Mommy?" Toby asked Marion who was sitting in his lap on the couch. "Momma!" Marion said happily as she pointed to Spencer who was sitting on the floor petting Maggie. "Hi baby girl." Spencer said smiling at her daughter. "She loves you." Toby said smiling at her. "I know she does, even though she definitely loves you more." Spencer said and he laughed. "Maybe just a little." He said before kissing Marion's forehead and she smiled at him as she put her little hand on his cheek and Spencer smiled watching them. 

"I wish I didn't have to get ready and leave." She said sadly. "Then don't, maybe you can just reschedule the meeting with Diane." Toby said before smiling at Marion. "I wish I could, but Brooklyn really needs to get this out of the way." Spencer said. "Yeah I know, you'll be back soon right?" Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I'll be back before you know it." Spencer said smiling softly at him. "Promise me that you'll be careful." Toby said and Maggie barked. "See Maggs agrees with me." Toby said and Spencer laughed softly. "Of course I'll be careful, this has nothing to do with the threats to Sonny's business, you know that. I'm just helping Brooklyn." She said and Toby nodded. "I know, I know. But you know that as your husband I'll never really stop worrying about you." He said and Spencer nodded. "I know, the same way I'll always worry about you too, because I don't want to lose you, but I'm okay." She said and Toby nodded. "Yeah I know, can you please come over here and sit with us for a few minutes, until you have to get ready and leave?" Toby asked her. "Of course, I wouldn't say no to that." Spencer said smiling softly as she walked over to the couch and sat next to Toby, she kissed Marion's forehead and Toby smiled at her. "I love you Spence, and I love this life that we have together." Toby said smiling softly at her. "I love you too Tobes." Spencer said smiling back at him before kissing him.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"You know you could just talk to your dad." Sam said but Brooklyn shook her head. "I don't want him to know that I screwed up." She said looking down at her hands. "I'm actually surprised that your mom hasn't called him and told him that you fired her." Jason said. "Well maybe that's because she figured that I would've told him, I don't know. But I do know that going to Spencer yesterday was the right decision." Brooklyn said and Sam nodded. "Well you aren't wrong, she is pretty special isn't she." She said smiling softly. "Yes she is, that's our girl." Jason said smiling softly. "She is, and our meeting with Diane is in a little bit so I'll have to go and get ready before too long." Brooklyn said and Jason and Sam nodded. "You know that Diane's going to do her best to help you." Jason said. "Yeah I do, and if there's nothing that she can do Spence and I have a backup plan." Brooklyn said. "That she's going to try and dig up some information for you on the guy you signed the contract with?" Sam asked and Brooklyn nodded. "That's the plan." She said smiling softly. "Well hopefully things work out the way you want then to." Jason said. "I hope so too." Brooklyn said.


"So I heard from your mom that you and Holden got the house, Congratulations." Amy said smiling softly at Aria. "Thanks Amy." Aria said smiling back at her. "I know you must be very excited." Amy said. "Yeah definitely, we're both really excited." Aria said smiling. "Yeah, you're finally going to be living on your own." Amy said and Aria laughed softly. "Yeah, and I know it's going to be an adjustment for my parents but I know that they're happy for us." She said smiling. "Yeah Elizabeth said that she was happy for you guys." Amy said smiling softly. "And we appreciate it, we're going to be moving into the house within the next couple days." Aria said smiling softly. "That's good." Amy said smiling. "Yeah, we were really happy to find out that we got the house." Aria said.

"I hope you two have a great moving day." Amy said. "Thanks, okay I should probably get back to work." Aria said laughing softly. "Yeah, I'll see you later." Amy said before giving her a quick hug and Aria smiled softly at her and then they both walked their separate ways. 

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