Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

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The Next Morning

At The Hotel in Greece

In Spoby's Room

Spencer and Toby had just taken a shower together, they dried off and changed their clothes, they were getting ready to meet Jason, Sam, Emily and Chase for breakfast before they headed to the airport to catch their flight back to Port Charles.

"You okay?" Toby asked Spencer who was staring at her phone, she looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, it's just the time difference, I'm excited to get back to our girls." Spencer said, a small smile on her face. "Yeah I know what you mean." Toby said. "I am a little hesitant about meeting with the girls though." Spencer said nervously, Toby out his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Spence, it'll be fine. They'll understand why we dropped the charges against Jerry, you needed your aunt back." He said and Spencer nodded. "I know, 

I mean I'm sure that you're right, I don't know why I'm being so paranoid." She said. "Come here." Toby said as he wrapped his arms around her and she breathed a sigh of relief as she hugged him back and laid her head on his chest. 

"You ready to go?" He asked her a few minutes later and she nodded. "Yeah, we probably shouldn't keep them waiting anyway." She said and he nodded in agreement and then they made their way to Jason and Sam's room to meet the rest of their group. 

A Few Minutes Later

In Jasam's Room

Jason, Sam, Emily, Spencer, Toby and Chase were sitting around together eating the breakfast that Jason had cooked for them.

"Did you sleep okay?" Spencer asked Emily who nodded. "Yeah, as well as I could, it was actually the best night's sleep I've had in a long time." She said and Spencer nodded.

"That's understandable, and you deserve to feel safe again." Toby said as he smiled softly at her. "Thank you Toby, I appreciate that." Emily said as she gave him a soft smile. "Spence, you're meeting with the girls when we get back to Port Charles right?" Chase asked her and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm assuming that you're planning on meeting Ali after?" She asked him. "Yeah, I mean I'll think she'll understand, especially since Nikolas is her uncle and she knows that he's going to be happy when he finds out Emily is alive." Chase said. "So you're dating Ali?" Emily asked and Chase nodded. "Yeah, for about two years now." He said happily. "And he's been a pretty great friend." Spencer said as she smiled softly at him. "He's my best friend, besides Em." Toby said. "You seem like a good guy Chase." Emily said. "He is." Jason said. "Thanks." Chase said. "So, Emily how do you feel about going back to Port Charles?" Sam asked her. "I feel a lot of different emotions to be honest." Emily said as she smiled softly. "That's definitely understandable." Spencer said. "I'm excited though, to see everyone." Emily said. "They'll be happy to see you." Sam said. "Jason, did you tell Sonny?" Emily asked, Jason shook his head. "No I didn't tell him any details, just that Sam and I were going out of town." He said and Emily nodded in understanding. "I know that I already said this, but seriously I can't thank you all enough for coming to find me." She said as she smiled softly at them. "As I said before, you do not have to thank us, what was important was finding you and bringing you home." Jason said. "Well I'm grateful." Emily said. "We're grateful that we got you back." Spencer said as she smiled softly at her aunt. "I'm grateful to finally be free, and thankful that I'm going to get to go home, where I belong." Emily said happily. "Exactly, that's what's most important." Jason said.

After Their Flight

Back In Port Charles

At The Quartermaine Mansion

"Well that was a fast trip, welcome home." Monica said, smiling softly at Jason as she gave him a hug when she opened the door. 

"Yeah, it was very successful." Jason said. "Well that's good." Monica said. "How're the kids?" Jason asked. "Oh they're great, Danny and Emily Scout are upstairs playing with Maggie and Annabelle the second, and Phoenix and Marion are napping." Monica said. "Good, Mom, there's something that I have to tell you, why Sam and I had to go out of town, and why Spencer and Toby went with us." Jason said. "Alright, well come on in and you can tell me whatever it is that you want to tell me." Monica said as she moved out of the way to let him in the house, unbeknownst to Monica, Emily was standing outside with Spencer and Toby, they were going to come in when the time was right. 

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