Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Three🎃

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Costume List

Spoby- Wonder Woman & Superman 

Marion- Baby Wonder Woman costume

(Maggie is also wearing a Wonder Woman costume, and remember she's a Labrador but I couldn't find a pic of lab so just pretend that pic is not a golden retriever, okay just needed to clear that up lol.)

Haleb- Bo Peep and Woody

ChAli- Batman and BatGirl

Haria- Snow White and her Prince charming

Kriffin- Elvis and Marilyn Monroe

Aaron- Kristoff from Frozen 2

Kristina- Anna from Frozen 2

Serena- Elsa from Frozen 2

Nelle- Blood thirsty Vampire

Brooklyn- Purple Witch

Emily- Jasmine

Michael and Abby- Warlock and Witch

Morgan and Darby- Zack and Kelly from Saved by The Bell 

Lante- Dragon dress and warrior cloak

Charlotte- Cheerleader

Rocco- Baseball player

Naxie- Cinderella and Prince charming

Meghan- baby Cinderella costume

Georgie- Child Cinderella costume

Elizabeth and Lucky- Ariel and Prince Eric

Josslyn, Oscar, Cameron, Trina- Mal, Ben, Harry & Uma from Descendants 3

Danny- Buzz Lightyear

Emily Scout- Rapunzel from Tangled

A Week Later

At Spoby's House

In Their Bedroom

"Yup I was right, we make a pretty good looking family of superheroes." Spencer said smiling at Toby who was holding Marion in his arms. "We do, our little princess it's the cutest little Wonder Woman, but you are definitely the hottest Wonder Woman." Toby said smirking at her and she laughed softly. "Well you're looking pretty hot yourself Superman." She said smirking back at him before walking over to him and kissing him and he smiled into the kiss and kissed her back and then she kissed Marion's forehead. "You like your costume baby girl?" Spencer asked her and she babbled in response. "I think that's a yes." Toby said smiling and Spencer laughed softly. "Yeah I think so too." Spencer said smiling back at him and then Maggie barked happily and Spencer and Toby laughed. "No we didn't forget about you our little Wonder Dog." Spencer said smiling as she bent down to pet Maggie and Toby smiled at them. "Well I think that we're ready to head to your parents house." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah I think so too, let's go." She said and Toby nodded and they all went downstairs to the car.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Are you sure that you're going to be okay here by yourself?" Jason asked Sam and she nodded. "I'll be fine Jason, what's important to me is that the kids have a good time trick or treating and I know that they will because they will be with you, you don't need to worry about me and Phoenix." Sam said smiling softly at him. "I know that, and I know that you can take care of yourself, but the thought of you going into labor and I'm not here…" Jason said looking down and Sam grabbed his hand comfortingly. "Hey it's okay, that's not going to happen Jason Phoenix isn't due for another few days, and if something were to happen I can call you, just don't worry about me and focus on our kids okay?" Sam said and Jason nodded. "Yeah okay I'll try, I love you so much." He said before kissing her forehead and she smiled at him. "I love you too Jason, and so does our little girl right here." She said smiling as she felt a kick from Phoenix and Jason put his hand on her stomach and smiled at her. "Well I love both of you very much." He said and Sam smiled softly at him.

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