Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight

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At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"Well I would say that was a pretty successful trip to see Santa." Sam said as they walked through the door. "Yeah, and this one behaved pretty well even though she doesn't really understand too much of what's going on yet." Jason said smiling softly as he looked down at Phoenix who was fast asleep in his arms. "Yeah, and just think about next year she'll be a year old and hopefully enjoy it even more." Sam said smiling softly at Jason and he smiled back at her. "You have a good time Danny?" Jason asked and Danny nodded. "Yeah I had a great time, I have a question though." He said and Sam and Jason looked at him. "What's up buddy?" Sam asked him. "Can we build a gingerbread house? You did promise Mom." Danny said. "I did promise you that didn't I, yes of course, I'm sure that Scout will want to help, right baby girl?" Sam asked looking at Emily who was in her arms. "Yeah!" She said happily and Sam smiled at her. "I'll be right down after I take Phoenix upstairs." Jason said and Sam nodded. "Okay sounds good, see you in a few minutes." She said. "Yeah." Jason said smiling softly at her before kissing her and then he kissed Emily's forehead and then he took Phoenix upstairs and Sam turned her attention back to Danny. "Okay buddy, let's go in the kitchen." She said walking towards the kitchen and Danny happily follows behind her.

At Spoby's House

Spencer and Toby were sitting on the couch together and his arm was wrapped around her and she was holding Marion and Maggie was lying on the floor by their feet. 

"You know we were right." Spencer said looking at him. "About what?" Toby asked her. "Oh come on you know exactly what I'm talking about, last year when we said that it was our favorite Christmas Eve because it was the first one with just us in this house, and then you agreed with me but said that this year would top it." Spencer said. "Because we'd officially be a family of four, of course I remember." Toby said smiling at her. "And then I agreed with you, and this is definitely pretty perfect." Spencer said looking down at Marion who was staring at the Christmas tree. "Yeah, it's cute how much she likes the lights." Toby said smiling. "Yeah she does,and you know that I wish that we could stay like this all day but we do still have to bake the cookies for my parents house tomorrow." Spencer said. "Don't worry we will, but first let's just stay like this a little bit longer." Toby said. "Okay I can't say no to that." Spencer said before resting her head on his shoulder and he gently kissed the top of her head.


"I would say that this year's Christmas party for the kids was a success." Elizabeth said smiling as she and Aria walked back to the Nurse's Station. "Yeah it definitely is going pretty well isn't it? The looks on the kids' faces' as Monica was reading "The Night Before Christmas" was absolutely precious." Aria said smiling back at her mom. "You know that I really appreciate you helping out today, I know you had the day off like I was supposed to, but when your dad told me that he got called into the station and he'll be working late, I figured that I would just come into work, and Jake and Aiden wanted to come." Elizabeth said and Aria nodded. "Oh it's no problem, you know that I love helping out with the kids, I mean it is my job as an art therapy teacher, I'm also glad that Cameron decided to come and help out." Aria said. "Well it might've been because Trina's with her family and Joss and Oscar are with theirs, but it is nice having him here." Elizabeth said smiling softly. "Yeah I know, and I'm happy to be here too." Aria said. "Again I really do appreciate that, but what about Holden?" Elizabeth asked. "He understands, I told him I'd meet with him later." Aria said and Elizabeth nodded. "So, I guess you two haven't heard anything about the house yet?" She asked and Aria shook her head. "No not yet, and Lucy said that we probably won't hear anything until after the holidays." Aria said. "Well, as I said before, I'm sure that you'll get it." Elizabeth said. "Well I am hoping so, right now I'm just trying to focus on the holidays and then hopefully we'll get the good news." Aria said smiling softly. ""Hopefully, you wanna go check on your brothers?" Elizabeth asked and she nodded. "Yeah, let's get back to the party." She said smiling at her and Elizabeth smiled back and then they walked back down the hall.

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