Chapter Ten

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A few days later

At Jason and Sam's penthouse

Spencer was sitting on the couch in the living room going over Zack's case file trying to find something, anything that would prove that Nelle was innocent.

“Spence, don't you think that you should take a break?” Toby asked walking over and wrapping his arms around her, she sighed.
“I would love to Tobes, but I can't I have to keep looking, plus I'm meeting Nelle at the Metro Court in like twenty minutes and I would like to give her some sort of good news.” Toby rubbed her shoulders comfortingly. “Babe don't beat yourself up about this okay? You'll find something, now why don't you take a break, for me, please?” Toby said gently kissing her neck. “Tobes you know I would….” “Please? For me? Spence you deserve a little break.” Spencer sighed and then turned around and looked at him and said “Okay fine I guess I can take a little break.” Toby smiled “Thank you. You said you have to meet Nelle in twenty minutes right?” She nodded. “Well I think I know what we can do in that amount of
time.” He said smirking at her and she smiled and then he gently picked her up and carried her downstairs to their bedroom. (And no they ain't playing Scrabble this time 😂😂😂😂)

Twenty minutes later

In Spoby's bedroom

“Do you have to leave right now?” Toby asked she he stroked Spencer's hair, they were lying in bed under the sheets. Spencer sighed. “Yes Tobes I have to get ready and go meet Nelle at the Metro Court.” Toby frowned and then Spencer kissed him. “But thank you for this, you were right I needed a break and this was perfect.” She said before kissing him again and Toby watched as she reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed and she kissed him one more time and then when she went to their bedroom door to go upstairs and leave she felt Toby's arms wrapped around her, she laughed. “What are you doing?” He buried his head in her neck “You didn't think I was going to let you leave without doing this did you?” He asked trailing kisses from her neck to her lips.
“Mmmm, well thank you for that but I really do have to go now, I'll see you at Perks in a little bit?” She asked and he nodded. “Of course, I love you Spence.” She smiled and kissed him again. “Love you too Tobes.”
And then she left for the Metro Court.

At the Metro Court

“So have you found anything yet Spence?” Nelle asked. Spencer shook her head. “No, but don't you worry, I will. You know Toby and I think that Sharon is acting pretty suspicious.” Spencer said. “Zack's sister? You think that maybe she-” “I don't know, but I am going to find out whatever happened. I promise.” Spencer said taking Nelle's hand comfortingly. “Thanks Spence, you are right though Sharon does seem pretty
suspicious.” Nelle said. “Yeah she does doesn't she? Well I'll figure something out don't worry about it you'll be cleared in no time.” Spencer said reassuringly. “So changing the subject a little, how are things with Toby?” Nelle asked. “Perfect. I'm actually meeting him at Perks in a little bit.” Spencer said blushing. “You two are so perfect for each other.” Nelle smiled. “Well thank you.” Spencer smiled back and the two ladies continued to chat with each other.

Back at Jason and Sam's penthouse

Jason and Sam were sitting on the couch in the living room and Danny was upstairs in his room and Emily Scout was in her Pack N Play in the living room, (I just wanna throw in here Toby's not home he's working on his and Spencer's house lol.) when they heard a knock on the door and Jason went to open the door and he looked through the peephole and then he opened it.

“Hey Drew.” (FINALLY I PUT DREW IN HERE! It'll be nice to write some Jason and Drew brother bonding moments in here cause we have yet to see it on the show lol.)

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