Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Eight

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(I made this Morgan family photo a little while ago, and I figured that this chapter was the perfect time to post it. It's just missing Phoenix. Well and Marion, of course. Lol.) 

The Next Day

At Spoby's House

"Alright Princess, are you ready to go to your grandparents house?" Toby asked Marion who was sitting on the floor next to him, chewing on one of her teething toys. "Yes!" Marion answered excitedly and he smiled softly at her. "That's exactly the answer I expected to hear." Spencer said as she walked back into the living room, followed by Maggie who was excitedly wagging her tail, she didn't want them to leave without her.

"Yes Maggs, you're coming with us." Spencer said as she set Marion's diaper bag on the couch. "Well she just wants to make sure." Toby said. "Of course we wouldn't leave without her. Also, we would've never heard the end of it from Danny if we didn't bring her." Spencer said. "That's very true." Toby said as he laughed softly. "One hundred percent." Spencer said. "So, you got everything ready to go?" Toby said. "Yup, all ready." Spencer said as she picked up Marion's diaper bag back up over her shoulder. "Alright, then let's go." Toby said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, we should probably get going." She said, then Toby picked up Marion and they all headed outside and got into the car, and then they headed to the Penthouse.

At Jason and Sam's Penthouse

"There's the rest of our family." Sam said as she smiled at Spencer and Toby who were standing in the doorway, Toby was of course holding Marion, and Spencer was holding Maggie's leash.

"Hi Mom." Spencer said, smiling softly at her.

"Hi baby girl. We're glad that you guys could come over." Sam said as she smiled at her.

"We're glad to be here." Spencer said before unclipping Maggie from her leash and the lab happily ran over to Danny and then she happily licked him and he laughed. "That's one thing I was definitely waiting for. I love how close they are." Spencer said as she and Toby walked inside, and Sam shut the door behind them. "He has certainly been waiting for you guys to get here. He's missed getting to spend time with all of you at the same time." Sam said. "Yes he has." Jason said as he walked into the room with Phoenix in his arms, they had just come from the kitchen.

"Hi Dad." Spencer said, smiling as she walked over to him and she gave him a hug. "Hi Spence. It's good to see you, baby girl." Jason said as he hugged her back. "It's good to see you too, Dad." Spencer smiled at him. "It's good to see you, Dad. There's someone else who's happy to see you, too." Toby said as he smiled at Marion. "I've missed you both, too." Jason said as he smiled softly at them.

"Okay, I have to ask. Can I please hold my granddaughter?" Sam said as she laughed softly. "Yeah, of course you can." Toby said, laughing softly as well. He then handed Marion over to her. "Hi Gramma!" Marion said happily as she smiled at her. "Hi baby girl. I missed you." Sam said as she smiled at her before kissing her forehead and Spencer smiled as she watched the two of them.

"Toby!" Danny said happily as he looked over at him, he finally tore his focus away from Maggie for a second. "Hey buddy." Toby said as he smiled softly at him, and Danny stood up and ran over to give him a hug. "Thank you for that." Toby said as he hugged him back.

"You're welcome. I've missed you guys." Danny said. "We've missed you too." Toby said. "Absolutely." Spencer said. "We need to set up another sleepover soon, how about that?" Toby said and Danny nodded happily. "That would be great!" He said. "We'll set it up soon. We promise." Spencer said, smiling at her little brother. "Now, can your big sister get a hug too,

Danny Boy?" She asked him. "You know that I could never forget about you, Spence." Danny said before giving her a hug and she smiled as she hugged him back. "Now, you know that you're growing up way too fast for me." She said and Danny laughed. "I know! For us too. I mean, can you believe that he's going to be ten next year?" Sam said. "No, no I can't." Spencer said. "Me neither." Toby said.

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