Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven

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A Week Later

At Spoby's House

"Are you trying to help Mommy with her work?" Spencer said smiling softly at Marion who was sitting in her lap on the couch, her laptop was sitting on the coffee table, Marion laughed. 

 "Momma." She said as she reached her little hand out to her and Spencer smiled softly at her before kissing her forehead making Marion laugh again. "Yeah Mommy's right here princess." She said as she continued to type on her laptop, and then her cell phone started to ring and she got it out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID, it was Emily.

"Hey Em, how's Hanna?" 

"Hey Spence, she's still the same. I just left the hospital, how're you doing?"

"I'm doing okay, just working on some background checks right now, Marion's helping me."

Emily laughed. "Oh is she? Where's Toby?"

"He went to meet Chase at the PCPD."

"To see if there's any update on Jerry's whereabouts?"


"How are you really holding up?"

"I'm fine Em, you don't need to worry about me."


"What? I said I'm fine."

"Okay, okay. Just remember that I am here if you need to talk."

"And I appreciate that, but really I'm okay."

"Okay, but I'm just a phone call away if you need me."

"I know, thanks Em."

"Anytime, well I'll let you get back to work."

"Alright, bye Em."

"Bye Spence." 

Spencer hung up her cell phone and then put it back in her pocket, she then kissed Marion's forehead. "You know that you definitely are helping Mommy, you're giving me the strength I need to finish getting my work done." She said as she smiled softly at her daughter who happily smiled back at her, she wants nothing more than to protect Toby and Marion from Jerry, no matter what, she won't lose them.


"Please tell me that you have at least somewhat of an idea as to where Jerry is right now." Toby said and Chase could hear the desperation in his voice, but he shook his head. "We're still going through every possible lead that we have right now." He said reassuringly. "Well no offense but you obviously don't have that many leads or we would have found him by now, it's been a week Chase." Toby said. "I know, and I understand your frustration, but I'm doing the best I can." Chase said and Toby nodded before letting out a sigh. "I know, I know that you are, and I apologize if it seems like I'm not grateful because you know that I am, you're my best friend and I know that you'll do whatever it takes to make sure that Jerry is found, and I know that you understand that I'm going to do whatever I need to do to make sure that he won't get near Spencer or Marion." He said and Chase nodded. "I know, and I would expect nothing less. I'd tell you to be careful but I know that you've dealt with him plenty of times before." He said and Toby nodded. "I would say that's a huge understatement, but yeah. I can handle him." He said. "Okay, why don't we just go over everything that the department has right now, together and see if we can find something, and you can tell me how Spence is doing." Chase said and Toby nodded. "Yeah okay, let's do it." He said.

At Sonny and Carly's House

"Okay thanks Dad. I'll call you later, I love you."

"I'm guessing that you called to ask Jax

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